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Resisting the Cougar (Cascade Shifters #2) Page 10
Resisting the Cougar (Cascade Shifters #2) Read online
Page 10
Since Claire had worked with politicians for nearly a decade, she’d become pretty good at sorting out lies and platitudes from truth. Her gut said Aidan was telling the truth. Although, she wondered why he believed her so easily. Maybe it had to do with his inner cougar.
Her anger eased, replaced with a small amount of nervousness. She tried to pull away, but Aidan kept his grip firm. “Let me go, Aidan. There’s a lot of shit to do and not much time to do it.”
“Not until I do this.” He gave her a gentle kiss and released her chin. “I consider that our engagement kiss.”
“Don’t be silly, no such thing exists, not even in shifter culture.”
“Well, there isn’t exactly a handbook on engagement procedures for scandal correction and damage control.”
She smiled at that. “You seem to be taking this better than I thought. I expected some stammering and pacing, to be honest. Maybe even a snarl or two.”
Releasing her, he stood up and offered a hand. When she took it, he pulled her up against his body to whisper in her ear. “The way I see it, by going along with your idea, you’re mine and I get to keep you.”
The words sent a thrill through her body. “Well, ‘keep’ may be the wrong word, but I must admit I like the fact I get to keep you, too.” She leaned back to look into his eyes. “My only concerns are how this might hurt the clan and Chloe.”
“Let’s talk to Kian first and then I’ll figure out how to handle Chloe.”
Sensing her shifter’s worry, she touched his cheek. “You never know, Aidan, it may all work out. It doesn’t have to be a complete farce. Besides, keeping the photo and our story from her will hurt her. The other kids are bound to talk tomorrow.”
“I know, but Chloe has already had one mother ripped from her side. I don’t want to think of her losing another.”
The image of Chloe crying because of Claire leaving squeezed her heart. “Whatever happens, loving Chloe won’t be a chore. She doesn’t take after you in the charm department, which makes her hard to resist.”
He harrumphed. “And she knows it, too. The charm comes from her mother.”
Realizing this was the first time Aidan had referred to his dead mate so casually, Claire tried to keep the conversation light so as to not attract notice to it. “Well, charm or not, she’s still your daughter, which means she’s stubborn and stronger than you think.”
“You’re too clever by half, you know that, right?”
Claire grinned. “But of course.”
For a second, Claire forgot about the photo and her pending fake engagement. All she saw was Aidan, tall, strong, and with mischief twinkling in his eyes.
He looked nothing like the man she first met a little less than forty-eight hours before.
His cell phone rang, breaking the spell of the moment. Picking it up off the table, Aidan answered it, “Hello?”
Claire didn’t have super-sensitive hearing, so she stood not so patiently until her shifter spoke again. “We’ll be there in a few.”
Clicking the phone off, she raised her brows. Aidan answered, “Chloe’s all squared away. The meeting with Kian is on. We need to go.”
She nodded. Playfulness forgotten, Claire and Aidan made their way out the door and down the hall.
While she believed her idea of a fake engagement would work, it would mean nothing if Kian said no and kicked her off DarkStalker’s land. Her future was about to be decided by a near stranger, and she hated it.
Chapter Eleven
As soon as Claire sat down across from Kian Murray, DarkStalker’s leader spoke up. “Dani filled me in on what’s happened and that you both know about it. She mentioned Claire possibly having a plan, but didn’t know what it was. So, tell us.”
Careful to keep her posture tall, Claire explained, “No amount of protesting over the photo will change anything. While you and I know nakedness is nothing to a shifter, it’s not the same for humans. Me being with a naked Aidan means we’re together or he’s a sexual predator. I’m just glad they didn’t play the sexual predator card.”
Kian switched his gaze to Aidan. “What the hell were you doing naked in the first place? I’m surprised Claire agreed to follow you at all.”
Aidan shrugged. “I didn’t have any clothes and I needed to shift to explain things.”
Kian’s voice was dry. “Next time, bring a fucking bundle of clothes. Human Purity capturing that shot means they’re on our lands unnoticed. We need to be more cautious from now on.”
Claire jumped in. “So, you don’t think I set it up myself?”
DarkStalker’s leader shook his head. “No. With what’s at stake with your aunt, you wouldn’t jeopardize winning the vote. Shock and awe photos haven’t been part of SEA’s tactics, either.” Kian leaned forward. “Now, tell me your plan.”
The dominance in his voice urged her to follow his orders. It wasn’t like she had a choice, anyway. “The photo claimed we were lovers. The best—and probably only—way to use this scandal to our advantage is to spin it as a love story. Provided, of course, you can keep the authorities from raiding DarkStalker’s land and carting us away.”
Sitting at Kian’s side, Trinity spoke up for the first time. “When we’re on high alert, keeping humans off our lands is fairly easy. Soon, not even Human Purity will stand a chance.” Trinity looked to Aidan and back. “But Aidan agreed to your love story plan?”
Trinity’s words stung. Is it really such a stretch that he wants me? Resisting the urge to kiss Aidan right then and there to show how much the shifter male desired her, she merely replied, “Yes. Why do you sound so surprised?”
Trinity smiled. “Oh, just checking. Considering how Aidan’s eyes flashed when I asked the question, the story is already halfway to being true.”
Before Claire could even look at Aidan, her shifter growled. “This isn’t a time to tease, Trinity. Claire is mine, so leave her alone.”
She felt Kian’s gaze on her. Rather than chicken out, Claire met his curious gaze. After a second, Kian continued as if Trinity hadn’t spoken up. “I can protect you, that’s not a problem. We have a few hundred years of experience keeping the police and federal government away when we put effort into it. But before I risk my clan, I need a guarantee you can make this work. Can you?”
Claire hesitated. “I don’t know. My gut says it will work, but if you want proof, I don’t have any.” She looked to Trinity and back. “If that’s too much of a risk, then I can run and hide somewhere. I’m sure my aunt and her partner can eventually take me in.”
Aidan placed a hand on her thigh and squeezed. The contact helped slow the churning in her stomach. Even if Kian said no, Aidan might find a way to help her escape and stay safe.
Of course, because of his daughter, she’d have to make sure to run away if he decided to stay with her.
Kian shared a glance with Trinity before looking back to Claire. This was it. “We’ll protect you for a month.” Aidan made a sound of protest but Kian pushed on. “If the media and press look to be leaning to our side, you can stay longer. Consider it an incentive to use every trick you have to make it a success.”
Hope warmed her heart and she nodded. “I’ll do whatever it takes. Thank you.”
Kian raised his brows. “Oh, don’t thank me just yet. In order to stay, you’re going to do things my way.”
Even though Claire hated not being in charge, she forced herself to say, “And what does your way entail?”
“You’re going to hand over control of the Shifter Equality Alliance to your second-in-command,” Kian stated.
Claire felt as if she had been kicked in the stomach. Frowning at the shifter sitting across from her, she demanded, “You want me to do what? The SEA is my baby.”
Kian’s face remained neutral. “Handing over the SEA to your second-in-command means you’ll be off the grid and is the only way I can guarantee your safety. I also think it’s the best chance at the vote still passing in November. You need to focus yo
ur energies on crafting this love story and sharing it with the press, as well as learning to defend yourself in case Human Purity tries to nab you at some point in the future. Believe me, I know how much time and effort it takes to be in charge. You won’t be able to handle both.”
The thought of losing control of the SEA tugged at her heart. It had been her entire life for over five years.
Giving it up would mean giving up a piece of who she was.
Aidan squeezed her thigh again under the table. Meeting his gaze, she saw support and understanding. He’d also lost a piece of himself when he’d lost his mate and unborn children.
Kian’s voice broke the spell and she looked back to DarkStalker’s leader. “I hate to be a bastard, but I need your answer now, Claire. Either give up the SEA and work on crafting the love story narrative, or you’ll have to leave my land and deal with the backlash yourself. Each second we don’t address the press is another second people will listen to the scandal and Human Purity’s bullshit. We can’t afford to lose many voters, but given the chance, Human Purity will spew more lies to seal the initiative’s fate.”
Pushing aside the feeling she was about to tear out a piece of her heart, Claire knew her best chance at surviving and helping the shifters meant sacrificing the biggest part of her life. As much as she didn’t want to do it, living was more important than being in control.
She answered quietly, “I’ll give up the SEA. The price of not doing so is too great.”
Rubbing Claire’s leg, Aidan tried to ease some of her tension. She’d just agreed to give up the center of her life. Nothing he said would help, but he would support her in any way he could. He was determined to make Claire happy again.
Rather than think about how Claire’s happiness had come to mean so much to him in a short span of time, he asked Kian, “Will you allow Dani and I to plan the security for keeping Claire safe?”
Kian tapped his fingers against the table. “You can help, but I’m putting Dani in charge of this.” Aidan opened his mouth but Kian cut him off. “No, you’re too close to it all and your emotions will get in the way. I want you to help Claire craft her story and teach her defense moves. Once the public starts to believe the story, you’ll need to make secret appearances and I want you both prepared.”
Aidan frowned. “Public appearances? How in the hell can we do that? The police will have their suspicions about Claire staying with me, and they could arrest her. Living with a shifter is illegal.”
Kian answered, “Did you miss the ‘secret’ part? With enough planning, we can get you two to speak to crowds of humans without the authorities’ knowledge.”
Aidan gave Kian a skeptical look. “It’s still risky. I don’t like it.”
Claire spoke up. “Kian’s right. Leaking pictures and videos will help, but without us talking with the public, there will always be rumors about it being untrue. The worth-of-mouth will help us more than you can imagine.”
He squeezed Claire’s thigh. “Not only will it make you an easy target, secrets leak out all the time. There’s no guarantee you won’t be arrested.”
Kian interjected, “I’m working on that. I’m going to have to ask the bears for a favor. I was putting it off, but I need to find a way to keep other humans on my land.”
Claire’s brows drew together. “What other humans? And the bears? What can they do?”
Aidan answered, “He’s talking about Lauren, who you met the other day. Once she gives birth, she’ll be here illegally.”
Trinity jumped in. “As for the rest, the ShadowClaw bears are mostly lawyers. If there’s any sort of loophole in the law to protect us once we step off DarkStalker’s lands, they’ll either know it or will find one.”
Looking to Aidan, Claire asked, “Why will Lauren’s status change once she has her baby? I don’t understand.”
Aidan answered, “Lauren is already using a loophole. Since she’s carrying a half-shifter child, she has shifter DNA in her body.”
Claire finished the thought, “And any person with even a trace amount of shifter DNA can choose to live with the shifters. But what about after she births the baby? What happens then if you can’t find a loophole?”
Kian’s voice was firm. “I’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. I think we’re done for now, unless you have any questions that can’t wait?”
Claire shook her head. “I need to process all of this first. I’m sure we’ll have another meeting soon.”
Kian replied, “As soon as you hand over the SEA, we’ll talk again. Not before.” Since Claire didn’t really have a choice, she nodded and he looked over to Aidan. “Take Claire back to her quarters.” Kian looked over to Claire. “Contact your second-in-command straightaway. Once you’re done, Hector will cut off your internet access. I don’t want you logging on to any of your accounts.”
“Without the internet or email, how am I supposed to do anything?” Claire demanded.
“You’ll find a way. I’m sure others can find information for you if you request it. I will also be keeping in touch with the SEA and can pass along information.” Kian stood up. “Now, I think we should all get to work. I’ll touch base soon. Take the evening to settle your affairs, Claire, and then move into Aidan’s apartments.”
Aidan realized Kian was forgetting one important point. “What about the clan? Will they be in on the love story idea, or do we keep it secret?”
Trinity melted against Kian’s side. “We’ll have a claiming ceremony tomorrow evening. They’ll know you’re together, but not that it’s a cover story. To them, it will be a whirlwind romance.”
Claire looked at each person in the room. “What’s a claiming ceremony? I’ve only heard rumors of a mating ceremony.”
Trinity waved a hand at Aidan. “Aidan can explain it later. From now on, your job is to play the part of a couple madly in love. It’s the only way for us to possibly have a happy ending.”
Aidan’s inner cougar purred at the idea of a claiming ceremony. That would be one-step closer to making Claire theirs for good.
However, his human half was a little unsure. The fact Claire was human meant he couldn’t foresee the reaction of his clan. Sean Fisher mating Lauren was one thing, but their head sentry marrying a political organizer was another. Human politics had done little to help Clan DarkStalker over the years. A few of the more stubborn might take out their hatred and frustration on Claire.
He only hoped the bears could help them. There was no way in hell he would allow the human police to steal Claire away from his side. If ShadowClaw didn’t have a way out, Aidan would have to dissuade both Claire and his clan leader about the public appearances.
Wrapping an arm around Claire’s waist, he looked to Trinity. “Don’t meddle and it will make our act easier.”
Rather than wait for a reply, Aidan nodded to Kian and guided Claire out of the room.
Powering down her computer, Claire let out a sigh and covered her eyes with her forearm. Her eyes prickled, and if she wasn’t careful, she would cry.
Effective immediately, she was no longer in charge of the Shifter Equality Alliance.
While she’d always figured in failure, she never in a million years expected to be forced out due to scandal. For five years, she had dedicated her life to the SEA. She could help from the outside to pass human-shifter marriage equality, but no longer could she turn tactics on their head and give orders to her team of thousands of volunteers.
While she was in shock, once everything had time to set in, she was going to need a lot of coffee and cookies to keep herself going.
Strong hands massaged her shoulders. Each rub and squeeze helped to release some tension. When Claire was sure she had her emotions mostly under control, she lowered her arms to look up into Aidan’s handsome face. “Thank you.”
“Well, you just had to willingly give up the most important thing in your life. That has to be worse than having it stolen from you. Either w
ay, I more than anyone else understand a little of what you’re going through.”
After enjoying a few more seconds of Aidan’s massage, Claire stood and turned to face him. Gently, she laid her hands on his chest and he wrapped his arms around her. Looking him in the eye, she asked, “How did you move past it? I know I’m still digesting it all, but there will soon be a giant, empty hole in my heart.”
He squeezed her against him. “I had Chloe to think about. Since she was only a toddler, I went through the motions for about six months. Eventually, though, Chloe was talking and asking me why I was sad. At that point, I knew I needed to pull myself together for her.”
Not wanting to pass up the rare chance, Claire risked pushing further. “How did it happen, Aidan?”
He glanced away, but she was patient. If their love story were to work, she needed to know the details of his past. Of course, she wanted to know about it for more than a cover story; Claire wanted to know everything about the man in front of her.
Aidan kept his gaze averted when he finally spoke. “Well, I guess I should start by saying shifter males are quite protective of their pregnant mates.”
Claire smiled. “You don’t say.”
He met her gaze then, but at her smile, he smiled himself. “If you think I’m alpha now, then it would be twenty times worse if you were pregnant.”
Rather than frighten her, the thought of having Aidan’s child warmed her heart. Strange, considering Claire had never really thought about having children before. It must be because of Chloe. “Okay, so you were protective. Tell me the rest.”
Shaking his head, Aidan continued. “Well, by Emily’s sixth month of being pregnant with twins, she was stir-crazy. She wanted to shift, run, and play in the forest.”
“Why couldn’t she?”