The Dragon's Dilemma (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 1) Read online

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  “His whole life.” Fraser’s dragon roared and then roared some more. Fraser clutched the sheets even tighter in his hand and managed to say, “We can talk about his obsession with human-dragon mythology later. I don’t know how much longer I can control my beast.”

  “Aye, I can see that. Stand up. Grant and I will escort you to Holly.”

  Fraser rolled to his side and placed his feet on the floor. The second he stood, Finn grabbed his bicep and moved his face closer until it was a few inches from Fraser’s. “The second the frenzy is over, you call me. We have much to discuss.”

  “You’re starting to sound a lot like my mum.”

  Finn growled. “Now is not the time for flippant comments.” He tugged Fraser’s bicep and they started walking. “Come. The sooner you’re with Holly, the sooner I can focus on the half-dozen other problems newly landed on my plate.”

  “I would say I’m sorry, but would you apologize for Arabella?”

  His cousin grunted. “I don’t care about an apology. I just want you to bloody well confide in me from now on.”


  Holly sat on the bed for a few seconds before standing again. Pacing to the window and back to the bed, she tried to focus on anything else but that Fraser was coming to claim her.

  Her stomach both fluttered and flipped. The anticipation was killing her.

  Since Holly was alone in the cottage, all she could think about was Fraser ripping off her clothes and covering her soft body with his hard one. Fraser the man would be playful and somewhat patient. Fraser the dragon half, however, she had no idea what to expect.

  She would be a fool to deny it scared her a little.

  Her nerves had been made worse by Faye muttering something about not wanting to be there when Fraser arrived. The fact a strong dragon-shifter was afraid of her own brother didn’t speak well of what would happen.

  Buck up, Holly. Maybe Faye didn’t want to see her brother half naked and kissing Holly. Given the option, most siblings didn’t like to see their brothers or sisters fondling someone else.

  Holly moved back to the window. It was mid-morning and the light drizzle sprinkled against the glass. Born and raised in Scotland, Holly hadn’t even bothered to ask for an umbrella on the short walk to the cottage. As a result, her hair was damp and frizzy.

  Maybe under normal circumstances, she’d care more about her appearance. But as her stomach flipped again and her heart pounded, Holly wanted to be ready the second Fraser arrived. She didn’t have time for a shower or to find some new clothes.

  A part of her was sorry for causing Lochguard so much trouble, but another part of her wouldn’t apologize. After laying on Fraser’s chest and being surrounded by his heat, she wanted Fraser and only Fraser. It was selfish and she knew it. But for at least a short period in her life, Holly wanted to experience passion. Once she left Lochguard, she might never experience it again; human men often held prejudices against women who had sacrificed themselves to the dragons.

  Not to mention Holly would want to visit her child at times. It would take a very understanding human man to accept she’d not only sacrificed herself, but also to accept the fact she would have a half-dragon-shifter child.

  No, the only passion she would ever have would be her brief time with Fraser.

  Rubbing her arms, three shapes appeared in the distance and Holly stopped thinking about what would happen to her after she left. It was time to face the path she’d chosen.

  She leaned closer toward the window. But because of the drizzle, all she could make out was two men holding a third man between them. One of them could be Fraser.

  She hugged her upper body and held her breath. Two seconds later, the man in the middle looked up at the window. Even from a distance, the intensity of Fraser’s gaze made her heart skip a beat.

  Holly shivered at imagining that gaze on her body when she was naked. She’d had her fair share of boyfriends, but none had looked at her with half the hunger of Fraser MacKenzie.

  She only hoped it was entirely because of his dragon.

  Blinking, Holly pushed that thought aside. It wasn’t as if she could keep Fraser, not even if she survived the birth. She would have to give up everything she knew—her career, her father, her friends—if she stayed. Could she really manage that and still remain who she was?

  Maybe there was some way everything could work out in the end. But as the figures disappeared through the door below, all she could think about was the immediate future and seeing Fraser again.

  Holly turned away from the window. Each second that passed made her heart beat faster. As the sound of steps on the stairs and then in the hall grew nearer, she clenched and unclenched her fingers. The wait was going to kill her.

  Someone knocked and Finn’s voice drifted through the door. “Are you ready, Holly? I’m not sure I can pull Fraser back once he sees you.”

  This was it. For a split second, Holly’s confidence faltered. Could she really handle a dragonman in the throes of a frenzy? Not only that, but would Fraser’s human-half disappear completely for the next week or more?

  Finn’s voice boomed again. “Holly? Are you all right, lass?”

  Taking a deep breath, Holly nodded to herself. There was no point in delaying the inevitable. It was time to fulfill her contract. “I’m ready. Let him in.”

  The doorknob turned and then Fraser was standing opposite her, restrained between Finn and a man she’d seen only once before, when Faye had escorted her out of the surgery. Grant-something-or-other.

  Fraser growled as his pupils flashed to slits and back. “Mine. Let me have her. She’s my mate.”

  Holly nodded at Finn and the two men released Fraser, pushed him into the room, and shut the door.

  For a split second, neither she nor Fraser moved. But then the spell broke and Fraser stood right in front of her. Looping his arm around her waist, he drew Holly flush against his body. “Are you ready, honey?”

  Her heart pounded harder. Holly placed a hand on Fraser’s chest and lifted her face. “Yes, now hurry up and kiss me.”

  With a growl, Fraser’s mouth descended on hers.


  Fraser’s dragon roared as their lips touched. Let me take her until she carries our young.

  Holding out a few seconds longer, Fraser focused on exploring Holly’s sweet mouth. His human hesitated at first, but then leaned against him and met him stroke for stroke. With a growl, he moved his hands to her backside and rocked her against his hard cock.

  Holly gasped and broke the kiss. Fraser leaned forward and took her lips again.

  His dragon snarled. I need to fuck her. Stop stalling. Give her to me.

  You’re going to share.

  No. You will stop before she carries our child. Only I can last long enough to brand her with our scent. Only then will the other males stay away.

  I need to ensure she’s ready. You don’t want to hurt her, do you?

  His beast snarled. Never.

  Then give me five minutes.

  No more. At the end of five minutes, I won’t ask. I will take.

  Aware he didn’t have much time, Fraser broke their kiss. Holly’s breath was hot and fast against his lips as he murmured, “I only have a few minutes with you, Holly, before my dragon takes over. I know I have yet to earn your trust, but will you allow me to undress you? I want to make sure you’re ready so my dragon won’t hurt you.”

  Holly’s fingers danced against the back of his neck. “If either one of you starts hurting me, I will find a way to stop you.”


  She placed a finger over his lips. “I can scold you about your lack of confidence in me later.”

  She ran her finger up and down his lip. Each stroke shot straight to his cock. Fraser nipped her finger and whispered, “Then it’s time to get you naked.”

  Fraser scooped Holly up and tossed her onto the bed. As she blinked in confusion, Fraser ripped her shirt down the middle before extending a tal
on and slicing open her bra. With a flick of his hands, her breasts were visible. At the sight of her plump, creamy skin, he licked his lips.

  He traced her dark pink nipple as he said, “So hard and pretty.” He then cupped her full breast. “And slightly larger than my hand. I need to taste them.”

  Fraser leaned down and flicked his tongue over her other nipple. Holly drew in a breath and he sucked her tight bud between his teeth. As he bit gently, Holly moaned and unconsciously opened her legs in invitation.

  His dragon snarled. She is offering herself to us. Rip off her clothes and devour her pussy. I want to taste her now.

  Humans like patience.

  You have just under four minutes.

  Silently cursing his dragon, he promised himself to tease Holly into frustration later. In the moment, he needed to make sure she was nice and wet because once his dragon started, he wouldn’t stop fucking Holly for who the hell knew how long.

  Releasing her nipple with a pop, he moved to kiss the skin between her breasts. He couldn’t resist blowing on her skin.

  Holly threaded her fingers through his hair and met his eyes. Her pupils were dilated and her cheeks already flushed. “Fraser.”

  Rubbing the skin of her abdomen in a slow back-and-forth motion, he whispered, “I wish I could spend an hour memorizing every curve and tender spot of your upper body.” He kissed between her breasts again. “But my dragon is impatient for more.”

  Holly’s breathing was faster than before and her voice husky as she asked, “Just your dragon?”

  He growled as he took a possessive hold of her breasts. “I’ve been imagining you naked and at my mercy since I first met you, Holly Anderson. Say the word and I’ll show you a fraction of what I want to do to your beautiful body.”

  His human wiggled her hips. “Then you’d better hurry up and show me before your dragon breaks loose.”

  His beast growled. I like her. I bet she is already wet. Let me have her.

  No. It’s not your turn.

  Fraser ran a hand down her ribs and over her round, soft belly.

  A belly that might soon hold his child.

  Longing surged through his body at the thought of a child with Holly. But he pushed it aside for the moment. He didn’t have much time.

  He extended a talon again and sliced through her trousers and her underwear. With a quick tug, the fabric ripped and Fraser tossed it onto the floor. The next second, her shoes and socks were gone, too.

  Holly closed her legs and then moved her hand to cover the patch of dark hair between her legs, but he grabbed her hands and pinned them to her side. Looking up, he licked his lips. “I need to taste you. Open your legs and show me your beautiful pussy.” Holly’s cheeks flushed pink, but she opened her legs. When she looked away, he squeezed her hands. “I want you to watch me.”

  His human frowned and looked back at him. “I never agreed you could order me around.”

  His dragon spoke up again. Two minutes.

  Moving her hands so he could keep a grip on them with one hand, he rubbed slow circles on her inner thigh. Holly moaned and he removed his hand.

  She growled. “Don’t you dare tease me like that.”

  “Then watch me.”

  “We’re going to talk about this later, Fraser MacKenzie.”

  He lightly traced the lips of her pussy with a finger and Holly drew in a breath. Taking the sound as encouragement, he ran his finger back and forth through her slit. “Trust me. Watching me will make it hotter.”

  As soon as he said it, Holly’s frown deepened. But as his eyes flashed, she merely nodded. “For now. But this isn’t over, Fraser Moore. I very much believe in payback.”

  He tried not to laugh at the sternness of her voice. “I can live with that.”

  Not wanting to waste another second, Fraser moved back and leaned between her thighs.

  Holly was swollen and glistening already. Just for him.

  It would always be for him.

  Fraser took a long, slow lick and savored the sweet taste of his female. “You’re fucking perfect.” Holly averted her gaze and he growled before taking another quick taste. “I will never get enough of you.”

  Holly refused to look back at him, so Fraser blew up and down her folds. A moan escaped Holly’s lips and Fraser murmured, “Watch me devour you.”

  She obeyed at the same time as his beast spoke up. Your time’s nearly up.

  Wanting a few more minutes with his true mate, Fraser seeded every bit of dominance he possessed in his reply. I want and will take a few more minutes. Hush.

  Shocked, his beast merely blinked. Taking advantage of the distraction, Fraser leaned back down and lapped a few more times before swirling up and around Holly’s clit but never touching it.


  The unspoken order in her voice made both man and beast happy. She wanted to be claimed.

  Caressing her hips, he finally flicked his tongue over her sensitive bud. Swirling faster, Holly moaned his name. She was close.

  He might just be able to make his human come before his dragon took over.

  Fraser was just about to nibble her sensitive bud when his dragon snarled. Time’s up.

  No. I want more time with her.

  You took too long. It’s my turn.

  In the next second, Fraser was trapped in the back of his mind. He shoved against the invisible wall, but his bloody dragon was strong. The frenzy was about to start.

  Fraser tried one last-ditched effort. Holly is ours. At least share her.

  No. The only way to keep the other males away is to fuck her and impregnate her. She is at my mercy now.

  As much as his dragon wanted to brand and claim Holly, Fraser wanted to do it first. His human deserved a little tenderness.

  Fraser searched for a way to break free, but his dragon wasted no time in speaking aloud. “You’re mine, Holly. I need to claim you now.”


  One second Holly had been enjoying Fraser’s tongue and the next her hands were pinned over her head with Fraser’s hard body lying on top of her. Looking at his eyes, the pupils were slitted and didn’t flash.

  She was currently dealing with Fraser’s dragon.

  Her heart rate kicked up. As much as she understood Fraser and his dragon were one and the same, the dragon’s gaze lacked Fraser’s humor. In its place was hunger and desire.

  Holly shivered. The action felt like a betrayal to Fraser; she wanted her first time to be with his human half.

  The dragon spoke in Fraser’s voice, which made the situation even more surreal. “Are you ready? I’m going to brand you now. You’re my female.” He leaned downed and nipped her neck. “Fraser wants to make sure you’re ready.” The dragon eyes looked back at her. “Are you?”

  As Fraser-slash-dragon continued to nip and lick her neck, Holly nearly gave in. But remembering Fraser’s grin and teasing, she pushed down her desire and answered, “Not with you. Give me Fraser the first time. You can have me as many times as you wish after that.”

  He frowned. “We are one and the same.”

  “No, I want the other half.”

  Anger flashed in his eyes. “You are mine. I need to fuck you.”

  He leaned down and took her nipple into his mouth. Holly cried out in pleasure and realized talking with him wasn’t going to work.

  While Holly would fulfill her contract, she was going to do it on her own terms.

  Moving her head to the side, she opened her mouth and bit down on the dragonman’s arm with all of her might.

  With a roar, Fraser’s dragon half released his grip on her arm and her breast. Using the split-second advantage, Holly reached down between them and swung a punch toward Fraser’s cock and bollocks.

  She made contact with a smack.

  Not even the dragon half was strong enough to withstand the pain of being punched in the dick and he grabbed himself and rolled over. Holly jumped out of the bed, picked up the lamp on the nightstand, and held
it up over her shoulder. She debated hitting him on the head without a warning, but then Fraser turned over. His pupils were round and his voice was strangled as he said, “I should thank you, honey. But seriously, what the fuck?”

  While she relaxed her grip on the lamp slightly, Holly didn’t put it down. “Your dragon wasn’t behaving, so I taught him a lesson.”

  “Aye, I’d say you did.” Fraser groaned again before adding, “Put the bloody lamp down. You’ve scared him and he’s not coming out again until you say it’s okay.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “How do I know your dragon’s telling the truth? From what little experience I have with him, he doesn’t take suggestions or bother to discuss something first.”

  “You have no reason to trust me, but my dragon’s sulking in the back of my mind. He’s never been bested by a human female before.”


  Fraser took a deep breath before sitting upright. “Come, lass. At least let me hold you. The contact will calm you, me, and my dragon.”

  Holly’s heart thundered inside her chest as she scrutinized Fraser’s face. His pupils were still round and the lightheartedness had returned to his gaze. “I have a compromise. I can sit with you, but the lamp’s coming with me.”

  The corner of Fraser’s mouth ticked up. “As long as you don’t try to shove it up my arse, then aye, bring the bloody lamp if it makes you feel safer.”

  Holly smiled. “Thanks for the idea. Tell your dragon to mind his manners or I might just have to try it.”

  Shaking his head, Fraser murmured, “You have gumption, I’ll give you that.”

  “I’m just glad my idea worked. Angering a dragon is risky, but he needs to learn some manners.”

  “I may have spoiled him a bit.”

  “So not all dragon halves act that way?”

  Fraser motioned toward the bed. “Come sit with me and I’ll answer your questions.” She raised her brows and he added, “It’s not like I’m going to ravish you, lass. Not even a dragon-shifter can sustain a punch to the dick without needing a little time to recover.”


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