The Dragon's Need (Tahoe Dragon Mates Book 2) Read online

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  And just like that, he said screw keeping his feelings to himself until he was better. "I love you so much, Gabriela Santos. Don't ever change."

  She smiled. "I won't, but we're still having that date, even if Cris and Wes have to stand guard ten feet away, to ensure we're protected, we're doing it."

  What he wouldn't give to lift her hand to his mouth and kiss it. "We can have as many dates as you like. But I'll let you know now that at the end of the first one, I'm a sure thing. So there's no need to wear any underwear."

  She snorted. "Good to know. Make sure you do the same."

  As visions of him tossing up her skirt and claiming her while they were both mostly still clothed rushed through his mind, his cock started to stir. "Don't tempt me so early."

  Leaning down, she kissed him. "Let's call it an incentive for you to get better faster."

  "Maybe some more dragon's blood will help? Your flashing eyes tell me you're eager for me to get the all-clear, too."

  She laughed. "We'll see, my human. We'll see."

  As he tried to memorize every inch of his woman's face, his eyes started to droop. He didn't want to go back to sleep, but his body was reaching its limit.

  Gaby kissed him again and murmured, "Sleep, Ryan. I'll be here to watch over you. And then you can dream about whether I'll still be wearing panties or not when you wake up."

  He tried to groan, but it died quickly when pain shot through his body. "Tease."

  "And you love it. Now, sleep."

  Even though rationally he knew Gaby didn't possess any special magic to make him follow orders, his eyelids slid closed. The last thing he heard was her humming an unfamiliar tune before he passed out.

  Chapter Eleven

  Wes Dalton leaned against his desk and crossed his arms over his chest, readying himself for what he needed to do, no matter how much he didn't want to do it.

  He was about to ask Ashley Swift for another fucking favor.

  His dragon grunted. Don't be so surly. She grows closer to PineRock and our people with each visit. She'll help us out.

  I hope you know that just because she likes the clan doesn't mean she'll ever be ours.

  Wes and his dragon had known for over three years that Ashley was their true mate. However, she'd have to give up her position in ADDA and everything she'd ever worked toward to be his mate.

  Not to mention Wes would face backlash from ADDA not only for himself, but possibly his clan as well. Which he could never risk.

  It was a no-win situation.

  His inner beast huffed. I know you won't try to claim her, even though I don't understand why you hold back—surely two smart people could put their heads together and figure out a solution.

  There isn't one.

  I would say you're wrong, but you won't listen to me on this. However, I won't stop looking at her or commenting on how much I want her. It's not my fault if you give up too easily.

  He resisted growling at the insult, knowing his dragon did it on purpose.

  Even a year ago, Wes would've tried to convince his inner dragon to forget about Ashley. Sometimes a dragon-shifter could move on and the true mate pull would fade with time.

  However, three years apart had done nothing. The first time he'd seen her again a couple months ago, the pounding need to kiss and fuck her had reappeared, just like with their original meeting. And it'd taken every iota of strength he'd possessed not to pull her close and claim her.

  Wes was fairly sure the pull would never fade for him. Which meant he'd never get his own mate-claim frenzy or to enjoy the female fate had thought his best chance at happiness.

  Stop it, he reminded himself. He had a lot of work left to do for PineRock. The needs of over a thousand people were more important than his own.

  His beast harrumphed at that thought, no doubt thinking it merely an excuse. Wes was about to warn his beast to be quiet when the female in question strode through the door.

  Ashley wore her usual black trouser pants and button-up shirt, this time a dark blue. He tried his best not to glance to her round hips, or to lust after the breasts he ached to palm. But in the end, he couldn't resist a peek.

  She was so fucking perfect. No other female would ever compare to her.

  And his dragon promptly sent an image of them sucking one of her hard nipples into their mouth, and Wes said, Do that again and I'll put you in a mental prison.

  Fine. But it's all your own fault, not mine.

  His beast settled down just as her voice filled the room and he focused solely on her face. "You summoned?" she drawled.

  The fact she didn't comment on his eyes only bespoke how accustomed she was to being around dragon-shifters. One of the first rules of politeness was to not ask about what an inner dragon said, unless you knew the person well enough. He gestured to the chair in front of him. "Yes, I did. So take a seat."

  She crossed her arms and remained standing. "I don't have a lot of time right now, Wes, what with ADDA coming to collect their new prisoners. What do you want?"

  "I need another favor." She raised her dark brows, but he pushed on before she could say anything. "Given what happened to Ryan, I'm not sure if ADDA will let him stay. But I need you to find a way to make it happen so he can mate Gaby."

  She searched his gaze a second before answering, "That's going to require me calling in a lot of favors. Which means I'm upping my request from the last time you asked me to work my magic."

  He resisted a sigh. "I already said one of the males will participate in the charity auction for orphans, and spend the evening with whomever bids the most. What else do you want now?"

  She bobbed her head. "Yes, you gave me that. But now, if I do this, I want you to be the volunteer up for auction."

  He blinked. "Me? You're joking, right?"

  She shrugged one shoulder. "Why would I? Just think how much more money would come in for not just a night out with a dragonman, but a clan leader. And since the cause is to help orphaned dragon-shifter children, I don't see why you'd say no."

  His dragon spoke up. She seems eager for you to say yes. Maybe she wants to bid on us.

  Dream on, dragon. Wes focused back on Ashley. "Will ADDA even allow it?"

  "It's not against the rules. It's also only for one evening, one which won't take place for quite a few months down the line. Your clan should be secure enough for you to leave for a few hours by then, especially if I'm helping you."

  Some might think her arrogant, but Wes had seen Ashley work a miracle or two over the years with ADDA. She had more connections than anyone else he knew or ever met.

  His dragon chimed in again. Not only will it help the charity raise funds, we could spend a night in Reno. I can't remember the last time you left PineRock.

  Wes remembered—it'd been almost four years ago, before he'd become clan leader.

  And if he were honest with himself, he missed the occasional trip to the busy city, full of lights and noise he'd never hear here in the isolated wilderness. Not to mention watching the humans in the city was always amusing to him since they were similar to dragon-shifters in many ways, but different in others.

  Wes made his decision and grunted. "Provided PineRock is safe and I can establish adequate security, I'll do it. But if another major incident or emergency crops up, then you'll let me send one of my other clan members in my stead."

  Ashley smiled and put out a hand. "I'll take that deal."

  Wes wanted to avoid touching her skin since it'd stir up his dragon, but he couldn't afford to upset the human right now. So he reached out and took her hand. The instant her warm, soft skin touched his, electricity raced up his arm and down to between his legs.

  He could also hear Ashley's heart rate skip up at the same time her pupils dilated a fraction.

  Fuck, she felt the connection, too, which made resisting her all the harder.

  Before his dragon could suggest something ridiculous, like kissing her, he let go and retreated to behind his desk. "Thank y
ou. If there's anything else I can do, let me know."

  She searched his gaze a second before replying, "I'll keep that in mind."

  With that, Ashley turned and walked out of his office.

  Once the door clicked closed, he leaned back in his chair and sighed. While he was grateful that Gaby might get to keep her human for good, Wes wasn't looking forward to the auction.

  Because a small part of him wanted Ashley to be there bidding on him. And he knew that could only spell disaster. If he had one night with her, he might never be able to walk away again. And not just because of the frenzy, either.

  He'd wanted her sassy smile and quips every day for the rest of his life.

  Wes would just have to hope Ashley didn't show up at the event. After all, she worked with dragon-shifters almost every day. Why would she want to spend a night out with one?

  His dragon huffed. Taking care of humans and dragons is one thing, but spending a night out and having fun with a dragon-shifter is a different thing entirely.

  It doesn't matter. I'm the last person she'd want to spend money on just to be in my company.

  If you say so.

  Done arguing with his beast, Wes sat up and focused on his never-ending mountain of paperwork. His clan was all that mattered. He needed to remember that.

  Chapter Twelve

  Gaby was tempted to take out the note in her pocket again, to double-check that Ryan had asked her to meet him at the lakeside glass observation building. But she'd read it fifty times already and knew this was the right time and place.

  And even though her human had survived wearing a back brace for six weeks and another three grueling weeks of physical therapy, she was anxious. He could trip and get hurt again. Or, maybe someone would accidentally bump him and hurt him that way.

  Her inner dragon growled. Just stop it. Dr. Carter cleared him. And thanks to regular shots of our blood, he healed much faster than a regular human. He's as good as new.

  I want to believe that, but…

  Keep hovering, and it'll drive him crazy. You can only use your pregnancy hormones as an excuse so many times.

  Gaby instinctively placed her hand over the tiniest bump of her belly. She was about three months pregnant, and in perfect health.

  Well, apart from morning sickness and the ups and downs of her emotions. It was bad enough that she'd been regulated to desk work for her job, at the order of her human boss, without a dragon-shifter interfering at all.

  She hated desk work. But Gaby knew she could put people's lives in danger with any decision she made out in the field. Besides, she'd be back after the baby was born.

  Before she could count how many long months that was, she saw Ryan walking toward her, no cane in sight. She smiled and rushed over to him but stopped short of jumping into his arms.

  Ryan raised his brows, patted his chest, and she leaned against him. He kissed her head and murmured, "I won't break, Gaby."

  "Logically I know that. But it's still instinctive to be gentle with you."

  He moved his lips to her ear, his hot breath against her skin. "Later tonight, I'm going to prove to you I want more than gentle."

  Her breath hitched. While they'd been creative over the last three months, Ryan hadn't been cleared for sex until earlier this morning.

  And Gaby desperately wanted to strip him right then and there to claim her male.

  However, Ryan had asked for that real date she'd wanted and she'd somehow survive it before jumping him. After all, they were having dinner inside a glass structure, for crying out loud. She wasn't about to give the clan a free show.

  Her dragon turned smug. It wouldn't bother me.

  Don't even try to convince me of doing it.

  Then hurry up with dinner, or I may just try to take control.

  Ryan leaned back and smiled down at her. "I would ask about your flashing eyes, but I have a feeling I know what your dragon wants. So just let her know that she'll get it soon enough."

  Her beast hummed. There's a reason I like him.

  Gaby raised her brows. "Great. With that comment, you're all but asking her to take control."

  He kissed her gently. "Not yet, but maybe later."

  Yes, her dragon hissed.

  Ryan turned so that she was at his side. "Come on or our dinner will get cold."

  They started walking the short distance to the glass building. "We could've had a romantic dinner at home, you know."

  "No way. After standing by my side for the past excruciating few months, you deserve something more than dinner at home."

  She laid her head on his shoulder. "I have you, and that's enough."

  He hugged her tighter against her side. "I don't think I can tell you enough how much I love you, Gaby. And since we're finally on that real date, maybe you'll believe me? I'm far from dying, after all."

  She lightly slapped his side. "I've believed you since the first time you said it, but I just needed to give you a reason to fight."

  He placed his free hand over her lower abdomen. "I would've done anything for you and the baby. Never think I need more than you two."

  "Ryan," she breathed.

  "It's true. Gaby, you're my whole world. And if me surviving a dragon dropping me from the sky and a broken back isn't enough to convince you, then I'll just have to think of how else I can prove it to you."

  Gaby stopped and turned to face her male. "You don't need to try and convince me. I love you, Ryan Ford. Just try not to get yourself killed anytime soon. That's all I need."

  The corner of his mouth ticked up. "I'll do my best."

  "See that you do." She lifted her face to kiss him, but she pulled away before he could deepen it. "I can smell the pasta and garlic bread from here, and little junior approves. So let's hurry up and eat."

  He brushed her hair over her shoulder. "I hope so because vomiting isn't really my type of foreplay, darling."

  She punched his arm this time. "Don't even mention it, or you'll jinx it."

  "Okay, okay. We're going to have a perfect dinner."

  He held open the door to the glass building, and she remembered their first day together, when he'd pulled out the chair for her, and smiled. "At least now I know it's manners and not you trying to pull some sort of power play on me."

  Ryan snorted. "That was an interesting first meeting, for sure." Once they were inside, he added, "Add in me free-falling through the sky, and we have quite the story to tell our kid, don't we?"

  She smiled. "Yes, but let's hope it doesn't get any more complicated."

  Ryan must have reserved the large room for them since no one else was there, just a table with some candles and dishes. With the sun setting, highlighting the peaks surrounding the clan, and the glow from the candles, it was the most romantic thing she'd ever seen.

  He pulled out the chair and as she slid into it, she said, "Did you plan this yourself or did you get a little help?"

  He grinned. "I did it myself."

  Then he went down on one knee—a huge feat he wouldn't have been able to do even three weeks ago—and Gaby's heart skipped a beat. Ryan then took out a small wooden box, the type used to hold dragon mating rings, and opened it. Inside were two silver bands, engraved with words in the old dragon language.

  Blinking back tears, she murmured, "Ryan."

  "Gaby, you are the bravest, smartest, most beautiful woman I've ever met. While I'll admit I was a bit skeptical at first that anything could work between us, it just clicked. And even when faced with me possibly being paralyzed, you stood by my side. I couldn't ask for a more loyal or loving person to be my wife or mate. So I ask you—will you accept my mate claim?"

  "Of course I will, but there aren't any witnesses. So it won't be official."

  He held up the ring meant for her. "I can do this again later, the proper way. But for now, will you answer my question?"

  She put out her hand, her fingers spread. "Of course I will."

  He slid the cool metal over her finger and
kissed the band. When he looked up and met her gaze, love burning in his eyes, tears threatened to fall.

  Not yet, little one. Let me get through this.

  Taking a deep breath, she plucked the other ring from the box and said, "While I had looked forward to the lottery for years, I never imagined it'd bring me the love of my life. You're brave, loving, sweet, and even funny on occasion. Add in how you seem to understand me in a way no one else does, and I've hit the jackpot with my true mate. I love you, Ryan Ford, with everything I have. Will you accept my mate claim?"

  Smiling, he put his hand up, spread his fingers, and gave an exaggerated wave of them. She snorted, loving how he could make her laugh even during their fake ceremony, and slid the ring on his finger.

  She interwove her fingers with his and leaned forward, until her lips were an inch away from his. "Even if it's not quite legally binding yet, you will always be the mate of my heart. So kiss me already."

  His lips quirked before he closed the distance between them and kissed her.

  She opened immediately, loving how her male stroked against her tongue, letting her know how much he wanted her. Even though they'd probably kissed thousands of times by now, Ryan had a way of making it feel like it was the first each and every time.

  She sighed and he took the kiss deeper as he cupped the side of her face.

  Just as she was about to move to the floor, he broke it, their breaths mingling for a second before shades descended on the windows.

  Gaby blinked. "When were those put in?"

  Ryan raised a small remote in his free hand. "In the last couple weeks. I'm sure we're not the only ones who'll take advantage of the privacy."

  She bit her lip to keep from laughing. "Everyone will know what's going on now."

  He shrugged. "It doesn't bother me if it doesn't you."

  She kneeled in front of him before looping her hands behind his neck. "No. So kiss me and claim me in all ways, Ryan. I'm more than ready."

  He growled. "You don't have to ask me twice."

  With that, he kissed her and slowly lowered her to the ground. And as he both claimed her and then let her dragon do the same with him, Gaby forgot all about the food or anything else but the man she loved with her whole heart above her.


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