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The Dragon's Dilemma (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 1) Page 12
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Unlike before, when his dragon had tried to take her, the thought of Fraser’s beast being unleashed and fucking her didn’t frighten her. The light, gentle caresses of Fraser the man had eased her fears and anxieties.
Besides, her entire reason for being here was to try to get pregnant. Even though Finn and Fraser were both patient with her, she couldn’t expect for it to last forever. The DDA might take back what money she had left from the sale of the dragon’s blood and then her father’s treatments would stop.
No, it was time to do what she’d come to Lochguard to do.
Decision made, Holly laid a hand on Fraser’s shoulder. He hunched further into himself. His voice was strangled as he said, “If you’re thinking of leaving, then don’t touch me. It makes my dragon want you all the more.”
Taking a deep breath, Holly scooted over until her breasts touched his back. “I’m not leaving, Fraser.”
In the blink of an eye, Fraser turned over and pinned her to the bed. His pupils were slitted. “Last time I’m going to ask. Are you ready for all of me?”
Holly nodded. “Yes.”
With a growl, Fraser kissed her and plunged his cock into her pussy. As he wrapped her leg around his waist, he moved faster than before, each movement reaching deep inside of her. She cried out into his mouth.
Fraser pulled away and his pupils were round again. “I don’t want to hurt you, Holly.”
Smiling, she answered, “Don’t stop, Fraser. Kiss me and take me hard. I won’t break.”
With a growl, he took her lips again as he increased his pace. The bed shook, but Holly could barely concentrate on anything but the tall, muscled dragonman on top and inside her.
Fraser roared and his semen caused a wave of blinding pleasure to rush through her body. Each spasm felt as if it was going to shatter her.
She’d barely come down when Fraser pulled out, flipped her over, and raised her hips. He smacked her bum and then his cock was inside her to the hilt again.
As he guided her hips, she clutched the sheets. She was going to be sore when this was over, but Holly didn’t care. She was so sensitive that each long, deep stroke helped to create a fog of euphoria.
Then Fraser smacked her arse and the light sting made her pussy pulse. In the next second, he held her in place as he came again.
As Holly spiraled into her next orgasm, she wondered if it was possible to die from too much sex.
But then Fraser was moving again and she lost all train of thought.
Chapter Ten
Fergus MacKenzie kept his wings pressed to his back as he moved his fore and hind legs to swim toward the surface of Loch Shin. His lungs burned when his head finally cleared the water.
He drew in a few deep lungfuls of air and shook the water from his ears. The water might be bloody freezing, but the cold helped to clear his mind.
Still, it had taken Fergus all night and a wee bit of the morning to control his temper. He would no longer kill his younger brother when he saw him.
And yet, his anger toward Fraser remained. His twin was his best friend in the world. It still didn’t make any sense as to why his brother hadn’t talked with him. More than losing Holly and his last chance at finding a mate in the Highlands, Fraser’s silence had wrenched him in two.
Taking a deep breath, Fergus closed his eyes to enjoy the quiet of early morning. However, his dragon used the opportunity to speak up. Why have you not accepted it? Would you really want another male’s true mate for your own?
That’s not the point. Fraser should’ve talked with me.
Would you have done the same in his situation?
Fergus didn’t hesitate. Of course. I don’t keep secrets.
Let me clarify—I don’t keep secrets that could hurt my family.
His beast grunted. Well, Fraser is not as careful as you. His impulses always land him in trouble. You always prevent us from having fun.
Don’t start, dragon. Someone in the MacKenzie family needs to accept their responsibilities.
I’m done arguing. You can sulk by yourself. I’m taking a nap.
As his beast faded into the back of his mind, Fergus dove back down into the depths of the loch. He knew Finn and his mother would start to worry if he didn’t return to the clan soon. But he could spare another twenty minutes of solitude before dealing with his zoo of a family.
Twirling in the water, Fergus kicked up and broke free of the surface again. This time he came up about twenty feet from the shore. Blinking the water out of his eyes, he spotted a figure in the distance.
It wasn’t unusual for people around the loch or from the village to watch him. According to a tale handed down through the centuries, a dragon had once saved their people from death and disease. To this day, they thought a dragon was good luck.
But after focusing a wee bit longer, he realized the shape was a female and she had her arms crossed over her chest. Her posture signaled she was angry.
Curious, he moved closer until he could see the frown on her face.
She was bonny enough with long, red hair blowing behind her and fair skin with freckles across her nose. Her swollen belly also told him she was quite pregnant and shouldn’t be standing in the wee hours of the morning next to a freezing loch. Did she not have any sense?
He couldn’t see her eyes, but as the female narrowed them further, he decided to find out why she was glaring at him. He might even convince her to go back inside, out of the cold.
Kicking his rear legs, he arrived in water shallow enough to stand within a minute. He resisted shaking the water from his body. Instead, he peered down at the lass.
Uncrossing her arms, she waggled a finger. “You’re not only scaring the fish away, the sheep and cows are having freaking heart attacks. Why do you keep coming back here?”
Her accent told him she was American. Tilting his head, Fraser battled the urge to talk with the female. But to do that would require shifting, and if she was angry with him already, then appearing naked in front of her probably wasn’t a good idea. Especially if the father of her child spotted him.
Fergus could take care of himself, but getting into a fight with a human was the last thing his clan needed at the moment.
He let out a low roar and the female answered, “Well, if you can’t answer me in English, then you should just go.” She took a step toward him and he finally noticed her dark chocolate brown eyes. “And if you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay away. Otherwise, I’ll find ways to keep you away.”
Unable to stop it, a chuckle rumbled deep in his chest. The locals living around the lake would never allow the human to report him to the DDA.
But she’d find that out soon enough.
His dragon’s voice was sleepy as he murmured, Stop irritating the pregnant female. Let’s just go home. You’ve pouted long enough.
For a few minutes, Fergus had forgotten all about Fraser, Holly, and the mess back home. But his dragon’s words brought it all back. In just a moment.
Fergus leaned down until his head was even with the human’s. If he expected fear in her eyes, he was sadly mistaken; she merely shook her head and sighed. “The dragon stare isn’t going to work with me. I grew up near Clan BroadBay in the US. I know your tricks of intimidation.” She poked his snout. “Just go or I’ll use my secret weapon.”
The female reached into the pocket of her coat, but didn’t pull anything out. He was tempted to see what a wee female could use against a dragon and win. Her pocket was too small to carry any type of illegal weaponry.
His beast growled. Leave her alone. I don’t like her standing in the cold.
Since when do you care about random humans?
Since she’s pregnant and trying not to shiver.
Fergus studied her body, draped in an overlarge coat, and a few seconds later, her whole body shook.
A sense of guilt flooded his body. Let’s go.
With a bob of his head, Fergus padded over a safe distance
from the female and turned to face her. She merely waited and watched.
The wind blew and her wild, curly red hair danced behind her. Fergus knew the female belonged to another, but he couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she was with her pink cheeks and wee nose.
Before he started to think about yet another female he couldn’t have, Fergus jumped into the air and beat his wings upward. When he reached a few hundred feet in the air, he glanced below. The female was still standing there, watching him.
Maybe he’d see her again, the next time he came to swim in the loch.
His dragon grumbled. The longer you linger, the more time she spends in the cold.
Forcing his eyes away from the red-headed female, Fergus turned toward Lochguard and started on the path home.
It was time to do what Fergus did best—focus on his responsibilities to the clan. Just because Fraser was an idiot didn’t mean Fergus could abandon his people. His job was to analyze information and prevent future threats. After the attack on Lochguard a couple of months ago, his skills were more important than ever.
Yet glancing over his shoulder at the retreating red-haired woman, Fergus decided he might have to come back to check on her. Not to irritate her on purpose, but to make sure she hadn’t frozen to death in the bloody cold.
She also seemed to help him forget about his problems back home. Maybe next time he’d bring a change of clothes so he could shift nearby and talk with her. He knew all there was to know from the locals about their dragon stories. He’d love to hear a few American tales.
Beating his wings faster, Fergus decided once he could find the time, he would definitely visit the female again.
He was so preoccupied with thinking of questions to ask the lass that he didn’t notice his dragon’s content rumble at the back of his mind.
Chapter Eleven
Fraser woke up on the twelfth day of the mate-claim frenzy and was surprised to find his dragon snoring at the back of his mind.
The last week and a half had been a constant battle between man and beast. His dragon had wanted Holly all to himself. Only through his sheer stubbornness had Fraser managed to have the lass to himself some of the time.
Fraser was definitely going to work on better controlling his beast.
Glancing at Holly’s sleeping face, a sense of peace came over him. A few weeks ago, the mere thought of waking up next to the same female for the rest of his life had made his stomach churn. Yet as he traced Holly’s chin with his forefinger, he couldn’t imagine not waking up next to her.
The trick would be wooing her to stay.
His beast finally yawned. His voice was full of sleep as he said, You should be asleep. She already carries our child.
Fraser stilled. What?
She’s pregnant. I can smell our scent entangled with hers, so let her rest.
Why didn’t you tell me earlier?
I was sleepy.
Fraser cupped Holly’s cheek as happiness warmed his heart. He’d never really imagined himself as a father before, but an image of him teaching his wee son how to control his dragon and learn to fly flashed inside of his head. The boy would have Fraser’s auburn hair but Holly’s amber eyes. He would be too clever for his own good, but Fraser would handle it.
Especially if Holly was at his side.
He may not know much about the lass just yet, but he would find out everything soon enough. After all, he had at least nine months to convince Holly to stay with him.
His dragon stretched inside his mind. Just order her to stay.
Yes, because that will work so well.
It might.
Fraser’s entire body was exhausted, which included his mind. He’d deal with his dragon later.
For the moment, he wrapped his arms around Holly and breathed in her scent mixed with his.
He’d let his human sleep for a while yet. After all, once she woke up, Fraser would need to contact Finn and address the shitstorm of problems outside the walls of their cottage.
Nuzzling his nose against Holly’s cheek, he pushed aside his worries and enjoyed the last peaceful hours he would have with his true mate for a while.
Holly had lost track of the days during the frenzy, but eventually she woke up in Fraser’s arms.
Her Scot was snoring lightly. With his eyes closed and body relaxed, he looked no different from any human man.
She traced the dragon-shifter tattoo on his muscled bicep and smiled. Well, he was almost like a human man.
Fraser stirred under her fingertips. Every muscle of her body was sore, but she geared herself up for more sex. Maybe the frenzy would be over soon and she could actually enjoy a conversation with Fraser again.
Yet when Fraser opened his eyes, his pupils were round. Instead of heat, they were full of joy.
Compared to the last however many days, it was a strange sight. “Has something changed?”
The corner of Fraser’s mouth ticked up. “Are you always this suspicious first thing in the morning?”
“With you, yes.”
“You wound me, honey.”
Holly propped her head up with her hand and planted her elbow on the bed. Fraser’s glance darted to her breasts and then back to her face. Yet he didn’t try to flip her onto her back and kiss her. “Tell me what’s going on, Fraser MacKenzie. I’m exhausted and in no mood for games.”
“But games are the best part of life.”
She sighed. “You try having a cock pounded into you day after day for who the hell knows how long and you see how you feel.”
Fraser’s eyes turned concerned. “Are you okay? Do I need to call the doctor?”
The sudden change in behavior eased her irritation. “I’m a bit peckish, but otherwise, I’m fine.”
Fraser sat up. “Then how about we shower and go get something to eat?”
Holly frowned. “Since when will your dragon allow us to do more than retrieve food left outside the front door?”
Her dragonman traced her cheek and tickled the soft spot under her chin. “He’s calmed down because we’re going to have a baby, Holly.”
It took a second for his words to penetrate her fog of exhaustion.
Placing a hand over her lower abdomen, she blinked. “I guess I fulfilled my contract.”
Fraser growled and took her face between his hands. His pupils were flashing to slits and back. “You are much more than a vessel for a child, Holly Anderson. You’re my true mate. We’ll raise the child together.” He leaned down until his breath tickled her cheek. “And maybe if I’m lucky, you’ll agree to stay with me.”
Before the frenzy and the pregnancy, Holly had kept the truth from Fraser. But no longer. She couldn’t allow for his hopes to build up. “I can’t stay, Fraser. My father needs me. Not only that, my whole life is back in Aberdeen. I’m not sure I can just give it all up.”
Fraser placed a possessive hand on her hip. “Don’t say that.” She opened her mouth, but he cut her off. “At least give me a chance to try and make everything work out. There has to be a way for you to stay with me and to also take care of your father.”
“And what about my work? Or my friends? If you think I’m going to keep house and cook food all day, then you don’t know anything about me. I would go mad in a week.”
Fraser squeezed her hip. “Arabella and the other pregnant females could use your help here. You wouldn’t have to give up your nursing.”
Running her fingers across the whiskers of Fraser’s cheek, she tried to think of another excuse.
But after spending at least a week with her dragonman, she wanted a chance to know him better. If for nothing else, for the sake of their unborn child.
Holly knew what it was like to lose a parent. She didn’t want that for her own baby.
Searching Fraser’s eyes, she finally answered, “If we can find a way for my father to live on Lochguard and for me to help with midwifery here, then I might consider it.”
Happiness flas
hed in Fraser’s eyes. “I will find a way, Holly. Once I set my mind on something, I don’t give up until it’s either seen through or I run into a five-foot-thick steel wall.”
Her heart skipped a beat. The thought of not only living with Fraser, but also with her child and the possibilities of helping with dragon-shifter research gave her the most dangerous feeling of all—hope.
No, Holly. She’d never been a woman to hope and wish for something to happen. She’d take it one step at a time. Only when she was physically helping her father move into a cottage at Lochguard would she accept it.
She moved her hand from his cheek to his neck and played with the edges of his hair. “Okay. I’ll think about it.”
He growled. “No thinking, Holly. We’re doing it.”
Smiling at his stubbornness, she couldn’t help but say, “But we’ve been doing it for days. Can’t we take a break?”
Fraser barked in laughter. “You may be tired, but your sense of humor is intact.”
“I sure hope so. If sex with a dragon doesn’t bang it out of me, I’m not sure what would.”
Fraser gave Holly a gentle kiss and added, “A mini-version of me just might. Ask my mum what terrors my brother and I were as children.”
At the mention of Fergus, some of the joy in Fraser’s eyes faded. Holly knew they’d have to address the situation soon, but she wanted to keep the tone light between them for just a while longer. She lightly patted his cheek. “That’s okay. You can use all of your dragon charms on our child.”
“I think it needs to be a joint effort. You have no idea what you’re getting into.”
Holly sighed. “You might have mentioned this to me earlier.”
He winked. “And scare you away? I think not.” Holly’s stomach rumbled and Fraser frowned. “We need to find you something to eat. Once we do, we can combine your brains and my charm and figure out how to tackle any wee rascals thrown our way.”
She raised an eyebrow. “I think before we think of a child in nine months’ time, you should learn how to deal with your dragon first. Otherwise, I may need to implement my taser idea.”