Winning Skyhunter Page 14
Asher only hoped it didn't devolve into some kind of chaos or fight.
Honoria stood next to Asher as Skyhunter's Protectors opened the different doors to the great hall. Members from each of the three clans had waited in different areas as a precaution. As he watched them slowly enter the room, one thing stuck out to him—the Stonefire and Lochguard dragon-shifters quickly mingled with one another. However, apart from a few of the elder Skyhunter members waving at people they had probably known from before Marcus King's time, Honoria and Asher's clan kept to themselves.
Before he could think too much on it, Honoria turned toward him and whispered, "Do you have any ideas of how to get them to talk with one another?"
Staring into her lovely blue eyes, he wished he could instantly erase the worry there. However, they were trying not to show signs of affection in public just yet. So he merely replied, "It's too early to worry. Let's just open the gathering first, and then see if we need to take extra measures."
She nodded, and Asher moved to the front of the dais, where all of the leaders were. Putting his fingers to his lips, he whistled until everyone's attention turned toward the front of the room. Then he said, "Welcome to the first inter-clan gathering on Skyhunter for decades. Stonefire's leader, Bram Moore-Llewellyn, and Lochguard's leader, Finlay Stewart, as well as their mates, are our honored guests for the evening. As you may have noticed, they brought a few of their own clan members along with them, too. And as far as I know, they don't bite."
Finn interrupted, "Aye, well, as long as Skyhunter doesn't bite first. After that, it becomes fair game and us Scots are pretty skilled with our teeth."
He winked, and chuckles rolled across the room.
Asher didn't have that particular skill set—and wasn't sure he ever would—but he suspected Honoria would be the teasing relief in the long run.
Focusing back on the crowd, Asher continued. "I know we were taught to avoid other dragon clans like the plague under the former leader. However, Stonefire and Lochguard are our allies now. And to show they won't bite, Honoria and I will be the first examples."
Even though Asher hadn't cleared it with the other clan leaders, he was fairly sure they'd be okay with his idea if it meant strengthening ties between the clans.
His beast grunted. Let's hope so. I'd rather not duel tonight.
Ignoring his dragon, Asher turned toward Arabella and put out a hand, palm up. Making sure his voice projected so everyone could hear, he asked, "May I have the first dance?"
The dragonwoman didn't even blink and placed her hand in his. "Of course." Finn growled, and she whispered low enough the crowd below shouldn't be able to hear her, even with their super-sensitive dragon-shifter hearing, "There's no need to be jealous. We discussed Honoria and Asher earlier. Besides, it's not as if he's going to whisk me away, along with three extremely lively triplets, to some cave where he'd merely endure an endless line of nappy changes, cries, and feedings."
Asher blinked, but thankfully, Finn spoke so he didn't have to. "Aye, fine." He pierced Asher with a serious look. "But keep your hands from wandering, aye?"
Bram's mate sighed and went over to Finn. "I didn't think it was possible, but you're worse than Bram. Come on, Finn, you can dance with me. I'm not about to force Honoria to do it with you so soon."
Finn muttered, "What does that mean?"
Bram walked over to Honoria. "Consider yourself lucky. Finn's charm is best taken in small doses."
Some people might be overwhelmed with how the other leaders and their mates acted, but now that the trials were over and his future was somewhat more certain, he enjoyed it more than before. Maybe someday he could be more easygoing with the other leaders.
Especially if he had Honoria at his side, as his mate.
His beast spoke up. Of course we'll have her. And Honoria calms us down, so we won't be so wary around the other leaders. Although I hope we don't get quite as close to the other males as Finn and Bram are with each other. The Scottish dragonman is exhausting.
He snorted. We agree on that.
Arabella's voice prevented his beast from replying. "Care to share what your dragon said?"
"Probably not."
"If it's about Finn, don't worry about offending me and feel free to tell me. He can be a bit much at first, but he's a very dedicated leader and would do anything for his family and clan." She lowered her voice. "The best way to deal with him is to be straightforward and try to ignore the charm. It can be hard sometimes—even I can't resist his smiles every once in a while—but if you do, then you'll get to know him better. After all, everyone has different types of armor to hide behind."
The dragonwoman was wise for her years, that much was obvious.
Unsure of what to say to that, especially since Asher hadn't been forced into a lot of social situations with new people for years, he merely nodded and motioned toward the main floor. "How about we move into position for the dance?"
Arabella didn't try to take control as he led her down the stairs of the dais and to the center of the floor, where the dancing would take place.
Once all three couples were ready, the music came on and they began dancing.
Asher had been practicing with Honoria for the last few days—sometimes naked, to really test his concentration skills—so he at least didn't step on Arabella's feet as they moved about the room.
Still, he didn't know exactly what to say to her. Honoria had handled talking with the dragonwoman about meeting with his sister.
His beast spoke up. Then just ask her about it. She's a dragon-shifter, not a human and won't be offended.
So you want people to just bring up our torture whenever they feel like it?
We're not asking about her pain, just what she plans to do with Aimee.
Arabella's voice cut through his thoughts. "You remind me a little of my brother."
He frowned. "Pardon?"
"My brother, Tristan. He's not overly talkative, either. And he has the same sense of quiet power."
"Um, thank you?"
Arabella laughed, and Asher caught a glare from Finn. However, he paid it no heed and decided changing the subject would be easier. Otherwise, Finn may cut in and Asher would never have a chance to ask for information.
After making an easy turn, he said, "Ria said you'd be meeting with my sister tomorrow morning. Thank you."
She raised a dark eyebrow. "For what? I haven't done anything yet."
"Just coming is a big deal, and you know it. Finn may be leader, but he wouldn't take a fool for a mate."
"No, I'm not a fool. And good you recognize it." She paused, and Asher wondered if he'd gone too far. But then her face softened as she added, "I know what it's like to be afraid of your inner dragon, and just know that you asking for help shows how much you care for your sister."
He should say thanks and move the conversation to something lighter. But it was his sister they were talking about, and so he pushed. "Will you be able to help her at all?"
"I don't know. However, that doesn't mean I won't try."
His slight optimism faded a fraction. As if sensing his change in mood, Arabella added, "Although there is one thing I wanted to ask you before I met with Aimee." He arched his brows in question, and she asked, "Would you be willing to have her come to Lochguard, if she agrees?" He opened his mouth to say absolutely not—they may be allies, but they were new allies, and there was a lot he didn't know about the other clans—but she beat him to it. "And before you deny me outright, just listen for a minute, okay? Being on Skyhunter reminds her of everything that happened. Ria said your sister never left the cottage, either. I suspect it's because of the memories. It was a little different for me—I wasn't tortured inside the clan. However, I couldn't stand the looks of pity from everyone and closed myself off, thinking it would be easier. Only fostering with another clan and being accepted by Finn's family eventually made me come out of my shell. It could be the case that Aimee needs to leave S
kyhunter and be somewhere new, somewhere not filled with terror, pain, and loss so she can heal. Lochguard would be a nice escape, and my in-laws will greet her with open arms whenever she's ready. Will you at least consider allowing Aimee to come to Lochguard?"
While he'd thought Honoria's suggestion of the dragonwoman had been an interesting idea, hearing more of the specifics of her situation only convinced him more that Arabella MacLeod might indeed be the one to help his sister.
Even if it meant losing her in the short term.
His dragon spoke up. Mum won't like it.
Then maybe she should go with her.
He replied to Arabella, "I can't make the decision for Aimee or my mother. However, if Aimee somehow conveys she wants that, then I will think about it."
"And what if I can't break through to her whilst on Skyhunter?"
"Then ask my mother if the pair of them could go with you. If my mum says yes, then most likely I'll let them go. Even though I want to trust you easily, I'll need to hash out the finer details with Finn concerning Aimee's safety."
Arabella nodded. "I know merely thinking about sending your sister away is hard for you, and it shows the seeds of trust you're planting. If it helps you at all, then I vow on all three of my children's lives that if Aimee comes to Lochguard, I will watch over her like my own sister."
Dragon-shifters treasured children, so Arabella making such a vow spoke volumes about how serious she would take her duties, if they materialized.
His beast spoke up. I think she's being genuine and wants to help Aimee. So far, I like her best of the other clan members.
Asher bowed his head a second. "Thank you, I acknowledge your vow." The final notes of the song drifted in the air. "Although shouldn't you discuss it with your mate first?"
Arabella shrugged one shoulder. "In this sort of situation, he'll have my back. Finn's a big softie inside and has had to deal with a few females needing to heal in their own way. He'll look out for your sister as much as me. No, wait, probably even more. He's quite overprotective in his brotherly role, maybe even more so than when he goes all growly and protective mate-like."
The song ended, and exactly two seconds later, Finn was at Arabella's side. He kept his voice low, for their ears only. "You two seemed rather cozy during the dance."
Arabella leaned against her mate and patted his chest. "It was something important, about his sister."
Finn's irritation vanished. "Oh, aye?"
"I'll tell you when we're alone." Arabella smiled at Asher. "Thanks for the dance. If, for some reason, I don't get to speak with you again tonight, I'll stop by your mother's house tomorrow morning and we can chat after."
Asher nodded, and the pair walked away, toward a ginger-haired male Asher recognized—Fraser MacKenzie.
He'd since learned the irritating male had not only helped save his life but was also Finn's cousin. Which meant he would be subjecting Aimee to the bastard if he let her go to Lochguard.
His beast huffed. He's happily mated, and you have to admit, our sister needs a little levity.
Honoria touched his bicep, garnering his attention. Once he met her gaze, she said, "You two seemed to be talking about something serious. Should I be worried?"
What he wouldn't give to pull Honoria close and kiss the living shit out of her, in front of everyone, so they would know she was his.
Instead, he replied, "Yes, we discussed Aimee. We can talk more later." He motioned toward the mostly segregated Skyhunter bunch on one side, and the Lochguard and Stonefire crowd on the other. "Did you have an idea of how to bring them together?"
"Actually, Bram mentioned something when we were dancing. Apparently, there's an old English dragon-shifter tradition for when several clans get together. It has to do with the first proper dance after the leaders have theirs. Everyone is supposed to dance with a dragon not from their home, or be forced to leave the great hall."
"Um, Ria, most of Skyhunter probably would want to leave."
She put up a hand. "Let me finish. They leave, but then they have to jump in the nearest lake or river before being let back onto the clan's lands."
"I still don't think it'll work. We're trying to get people to stay on Skyhunter, not leave it."
"Oh, come on, Ash. We could change it to those who don't dance will be gathered together and sprayed with a garden hose by a family member. It'll be fun, but also a sort of punishment. After all, England isn't exactly a tropical island and warm all year round."
"How is being wet and cold supposed to be fun, exactly?" he drawled.
She sighed. "Just let me try, okay? We have to do something."
Her hand brushed against his, and a sizzle traveled up his arm. His beast laughed. Are you really going to be able to deny her? Just think, if you give in, she'll probably reward us later.
Making her happy should be enough.
Right, tell yourself that. Meanwhile, I'll be thinking of the best way to claim her as ours and make her scream.
Not wanting to encourage his beast and risk a hard cock, especially given the kilt-like attire with nothing to hide it, he replied, "Okay, try it. But you're going to be in charge of it all."
Her eyes lit up and she clapped. "Yay, this should be fun. And even though I'll be in charge, you should come up onto the dais with me, for support. A united front, and all that."
His dragon said, I know a way we can be united.
I want Ria naked and under us as much as you do, but can you tame it down for an hour or two?
Maybe we should go for a dunk in an icy, cold lake.
That's unhelpful.
His beast huffed. Fine. I'll try to hold back, but I can't make any promises.
Honoria moved toward the dais, and he followed. The night was already interesting. Maybe by the end of it, everyone on Skyhunter would be a little different from the day before, in a good way.
Chapter Thirteen
As the weak sunlight filtered into their kitchen the following morning, Honoria kept glancing at Asher. He wasn't a chatty male by nature, but he was even quieter than before.
Not that she could blame him. While the gathering had been mostly a success—almost everyone had participated in at least the first dance, and only one fight had erupted between two drunk dragonmen from different clans—her male's mind was on something else.
Since they were alone in their cottage, Honoria didn't hesitate to stand, move, and settle herself into Asher's lap. His arms instantly went around her, and she murmured, "I know you want to be there with your sister, but Arabella thinks meeting with Aimee one-on-one is her best chance at getting through to her."
He sighed as he rubbed circles on her lower back. "I know. But if this doesn't work, I'm not sure what else we can do."
Caressing his cheek, she answered, "We'll keep searching until we find something to help her, I promise."
He tightened his hold on her. "You're amazing, Honoria Wakeham. Have I told you I love you today yet?"
The corner of her mouth kicked up. "Only twice. And you know how I like to hear it at least five times."
"I love you." He moved his head a fraction closer. "I love you." And again. "I love you."
She closed the distance between them and kissed him. Asher slid his tongue inside her mouth and stroked every inch of it, his actions more demanding than normal.
Her dragon spoke up. He needs us. I'll even let him take control this time, if it'll make him worry less.
As much as Honoria wanted Asher anytime she could get him alone, she didn't think now was the right time; Asher's mother could call at any second with an update.
So she merely continued kissing her male until Asher's mobile phone rang. Since the ringtone was the one used specifically for his mother, Honoria broke the kiss.
He picked up the phone and said, "Yes?"
Because she was sitting in his lap, it was easy to hear his mother's reply. "Aimee wants to go to Lochguard."
She sat up taller at that comment.
/> Asher asked, "Did she finally talk?"
"Not exactly. Arabella had some cards with her, with various choices on them. When asked if she wanted to go to Lochguard for a while and stay with her, Aimee quickly grabbed the card that said 'Yes, I want to go to Lochguard,' and held it out to Ara. Just to make sure, Arabella shuffled the cards on the table, repeated the question, and Aimee picked the same card." His mother paused and asked, "Will you let us go?"
She watched Asher's face closely. At the brief flash of hope, her heart melted.
He said, "If that's what you both want, then yes."
"It is. After all, this is the most responsive your sister has been since, since…"
His mother's voice cracked, and Asher murmured, "I know, Mum. And we'll give her a chance. I'll be over right away."
"Please do. Arabella needs to leave soon, but wants to ensure you agree first. I'd rather not keep her waiting. After all, she just wants to get back to her own children."
"Thanks, Mum. See you soon."
Asher clicked off the phone and stared at it. "Aimee…"
Honoria took his cheeks between her hands and gently forced him to meet her gaze. "I'm sure she'll be talking again before you know it. One day, you'll have your little sister back, just wait and see."
Placing a hand over hers, he nodded. "I sure hope so."
Asher didn't allow many to see his weaknesses, but with her, he didn't try to hide his mixture of worry and apprehension.
What Honoria wouldn't do to make him and his sister simply be happy again. Even if she couldn't make the siblings forget all of the awful things that had been done to them, a day free of memories or flashbacks would be a good first step.
Her beast spoke up. If he didn't remember those things, then he wouldn't be who he is now. We can't change the past, but we can make a bloody good future together. Maybe you can try harder to accomplish that.
Not wanting to discuss mates or the fact Asher wasn't yet theirs officially with her dragon, Honoria kissed Asher quickly. Then she slid off his lap and motioned toward the door. "Come on. If we can confirm details with Arabella and Finn this morning, then maybe Aimee can be driven to Lochguard either today or tomorrow. That way she can start healing as soon as possible."