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The Dragon's Dilemma (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 1) Page 16
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Page 16
“My life has been too busy to do much else but work and take care of my father. Besides, your book is recent. It’s going to take a long time for that information to become general knowledge.”
Mel shrugged. “Still, asking the dragon-shifters directly is always the best way. Since that’s impossible right now, you’ll have to just take my word for it that Finn and his clan won’t toss you aside for something beyond your control.”
She searched Melanie’s eyes. “Do you speak for Lochguard now?”
“Of course not. But if you have such little faith in them, then maybe you should just go home and forget about them. Dragons need strong mates who believe in them. If you’re not up to the task, then just tell me now.”
Holly studied Melanie for a second. Fire and protectiveness flashed in the woman’s eyes. Holly had heard a little about how Melanie was the first to really champion the dragon-shifters in modern times. Yet the woman had always seemed kind and collected on TV.
For the first time, Holly was seeing the Melanie Hall-MacLeod who had not only won an entire dragon clan’s loyalty, but who had singlehandedly managed to change many of the rules concerning dragon-shifters.
Holly sat up a little more. “I’m more than ready. But I want to make sure my father is well again, first.”
Mel nodded. “Family is important. As I sacrificed myself to save my brother, I understand your devotion more than most.”
Holly relaxed and put out a hand. “We’ve gone about this a bit backwards, but nice to meet you, Melanie.”
Melanie smiled, took her hand, and shook. “I just needed to make sure of your intentions and determination. I’ve witnessed firsthand a sacrifice who didn’t want anything to do with the dragon-shifters, and it destroyed her in the end.”
Holly released her hand. “I want to live on Lochguard, but there is one problem. Maybe you can help me.”
Mel raised an eyebrow “What’s that?”
“I’m the only family my father has left. He’s battling cancer and I want to take care of him. But in order to do that, he needs to live close by. Is there a way to legally allow my father to live on Lochguard?”
Mel tapped her chin. “Well, if Fraser accepts you as his mate, then I’ll see what I can do. I can’t make any guarantees, but if I can’t make it happen, along with Evie’s help, then no one can.”
There was a small flutter of hope in her stomach. “Then help me get out of the hospital and to my father’s side. The sooner he’s healthy enough to be discharged from the hospital and is fit for travel, the sooner I can focus on winning Fraser back.”
Mischief danced in Mel’s eyes. “My mate will kill me later, but I have a few ideas of how to get you out of here as soon as possible.” Mel assessed her for a second before adding, “But not until we know if you’ve truly lost the baby. If moving you too soon does that, Fraser will try to kill me. The last thing we need is discord between Stonefire and Lochguard.”
Holly sighed. She’d briefly forgotten about her child. “The doctors said they’ll know by tomorrow evening at the latest. We’ll move then.”
Mel leaned forward and laid a hand on Holly’s arm. “Whatever happens, you have me on your side, Holly Anderson. Being a human amongst a clan of dragon-shifters isn’t easy. Even if you do miscarry, Fraser will welcome you back. And if he’s stupid enough to turn you away, then you’re welcome to live on Stonefire. We’ll protect you against anyone who wishes to hurt you.”
Even if Holly had turned Fraser away, she couldn’t imagine him dismissing her. If he tried, then Holly would just have to smack him on the head and get his dragon on her side.
However, to keep her thoughts from showing, Holly smiled at Mel and replied, “Thank you.”
Mel squeezed Holly’s arm and leaned down to pick up her handbag. Lifting it, Mel plucked a deck of cards from it. “If you’re tired, I’ll let you rest. But if I were you, and had just been dropped from the freaking sky, I’d be too hyped up to sleep. Cards can prove a mindless distraction. I learned that lesson myself when I stayed by my brother’s side. He had cancer too, you know, but pulled through.” Mel wiggled the cards in her hand. “So, what do you say? Are you ready for me to beat your ass in Go Fish?”
Despite everything going on, Mel’s good mood was infectious. “I think I can manage that. I need all of the distractions I can get.”
“Right, then.” As Mel shuffled and dealt out the cards, Holly glanced over at the note on the table next to her bed. As much as she appreciated Mel’s presence, Holly wished it was Fraser trying to cheer her up.
The next day would give her a better idea of her future. For the moment, Holly focused on winning a game of Go Fish.
Chapter Fourteen
Fraser yanked out another weed from the ground and tossed it to the side. Not even the menial work of clearing Finn and Arabella’s garden could distract him from thinking about a certain honey-eyed human female.
It’d been just over two weeks since he’d last seen Holly. Every time he tried to remember her smiles or laughter, the image of her ordering him away flashed inside his mind.
Fraser growled and tossed aside another weed. He hated waiting. Each day away from her only strengthened his resolve to win her back.
Yet they’d barely heard anything from the human doctors or the DDA about Holly’s future, let alone if she would be returning to Lochguard or not.
With a grunt, he yanked out the largest weed he could find and threw it against the back wall. As he watched the dirt fly every which way, he felt a little better. What he really needed was to drop a few boulders from the sky since destroying things always helped ease his tension, but Fraser was currently restricted to the clan’s lands. Finn was still working out details of Fraser illegally shifting inside a city.
Fraser glanced to Finn’s cottage and considered asking his cousin yet again if the DDA had ruled his shift a necessity of self-defense. However, before he could do more than stand up, his dragon spoke up. Finn wouldn’t keep that secret from us. To be honest, I don’t understand why we’re still here. I’m sure with Faye’s help, we could sneak into the hospital and see Holly.
Aye, and face Finn’s wrath. He’s still trying to smooth things over with the DDA. Until that happens, we’re a wanted dragon-shifter.
Then we fly at night. No one will see a black dragon against the night sky.
Fraser was tempted. For once, let’s be responsible. I don’t want to give the DDA any fodder to use against us.
His dragon huffed. I miss the old Fraser. He was adventurous and had more fun.
We’ll still have fun. But not until after everything is settled with Holly.
Just as his beast was about to reply, Finn’s voice drifted from the open kitchen window. “The DDA finally sent Holly’s medical status report.”
Fraser stilled. He didn’t want to give Finn any reason to halt his conversation.
Arabella’s voice answered, “Just tell me what it says, Finn. Patience is not a virtue I possess whilst pregnant.”
Fraser heard Finn kiss Arabella’s skin. His tone was soft as he answered, “She miscarried. They’re now asking me what to do next.”
Fraser closed his eyes and ran a hand through his hair. It couldn’t be true. He’d been so careful about retrieving Holly from the sky. But he must have screwed up and hurt his female somehow.
She might not want to be his female anymore. After all, Holly was alone and hurting because of him.
Maybe she’d had every right to dismiss him back at the hospital.
No. He refused to believe that. Even if Holly was upset about what had happened two weeks ago, he would find a way to make it right. And not just because she was his true mate. Fraser missed Holly’s wit and brains as much as having her heat snuggled up against him.
Truth be told, he was already half in love with her. Considering Fraser had never really felt that way about any female before, it was a big deal. There was no way he’d let Holly go without a fight.
> Arabella’s voice garnered Fraser’s attention. “You should let Holly decide what to do. I’m pretty sure Fraser would still want her, child or not.”
Fraser’s dragon roared. Of course we still want her. She is so much more than a way to increase the clan’s population. She is our future happiness.
Fraser was still thinking of how to reply to that when Finn’s voice floated through the air again. “I’ll talk with Fraser in a few days. That will give the lass some more time to spend with her father. And even though she miscarried two weeks ago, seeing Fraser might only heighten her grief or remind her of what she lost.”
Fraser’s heart skipped a beat. The mere thought of his presence saddening his female made his stomach churn.
Arabella answered her mate, “It’s a good thing Holly’s location is a secret. If Fraser knew she was in Inverness, he would’ve gone to talk with her by now.”
His dragons spoke up again. We need to find a way to go to Inverness. And before you say we should wait until the DDA gives approval, I’ll take control if I have to. Holly needs us.
Knowing what we know now, there’s no bloody way I’m going to wait around.
Fraser moved to stand, but his dragon added, Let’s make sure Finn and Ara don’t have any other information we need.
I thought you didn’t want to wait.
A few minutes might make all the difference.
As much as Fraser wanted to rush off, all he could hear was Fergus’s words over the years about finding out as much as you can before charging into battle. Fraser had never seen the necessity before, but clenching his fingers, he strained his ears.
Finn answered Arabella, “Aye. We’ll reveal Holly’s location in the main NHS hospital later. Although I must admit Fraser’s docile behavior is a bit worrying.”
“I’m sure it’ll pass as soon as he mends things with Fergus. It’s usually when the two of them are together that Fraser acts out.”
Finn sighed. “Fergus is yet another problem I’m trying to handle. Sometimes, I wonder how I ever managed all of my clan duties without you at my side.”
Arabella’s voice turned teasing. “Only through pure charm, but that was bound to run out before too much longer.”
Arabella squeaked and then Finn murmured, “I seem to remember my charm working on you.”
As Finn and Arabella went quiet, Fraser clenched and stretched out his fingers. Can we go now?
Yes, although check the location. It’s been a while since we’ve driven to Inverness.
Right, then. As Fraser moved toward the back wall, his heart pounded. He would go to Inverness to find Holly and convince her to come back to Lochguard. He hadn’t done much wooing the first time around, but Fraser could charm a lass as much as his cousin Finn any day. It was time to put his charm to use on the only female he wanted by his side.
His dragon spoke up again. Good. We need to make our true mate happy. Let’s win her back.
And we will, even if it’s the last thing we do.
Fraser slinked over the back wall. The second his feet touched the ground, he ran toward the cottage he and Holly had used during the frenzy.
Wanting to be reminded of his female, Fraser had never moved out.
With man and beast in agreement, Fraser ran all the way to his cottage. Inverness was nearly a two hour drive from Lochguard. The sooner he left, the sooner he could see his female and make her smile again.
Arabella MacLeod listened as Fraser scaled the back wall and ran into the distance. When she was certain Fraser could no longer hear her, she looked to Finn. “Do you think it worked?”
Finn nodded. “Of course. If you’d been hiding out somewhere and in pain, I would’ve gone after you as soon as I knew where to look.”
“Then why did you wait two weeks? You received this report the day after Fraser dropped her at the hospital.”
Finn’s face turned neutral, but there was sorrow in his eyes. “Between her father’s health and losing the bairn, the last thing she needed was for an overprotective dragon-shifter to hover around her and drive her crazy.”
The urge to hug her male surged through her body, so Arabella walked up and laid her head on Finn’s chest. “Holly is a strong woman. While I don’t wish a miscarriage on any female, it will give her the option to accept Fraser on her own terms. Most sacrifices don’t have that chance if they turn out to be a true mate.”
Finn hugged her closer. “Aye, I know. Nothing has turned out the way I’d imagined. After all of this, I’d be surprised if the DDA will ever work with us again.”
Arabella leaned back until she could see Finn’s amber eyes. “Just stop it. If it were anyone else in the clan, you would accept what had happened and then come up with a new strategy. I know he’s your family, but Fraser doesn’t want your pity. Believe me, I of all people know how awful that is. Fraser probably just wants you to treat him normally again.”
Finn frowned. “What he needs more than that is his twin. If Fergus were back, then the rest of us would settle a wee bit more.”
Arabella tilted her head. “Then call Fergus back. I’m sure talking with the humans there can wait.”
He lightly tapped her bum. “Let Fraser sort things out with Holly first.”
“Are you sure that’s the best idea?”
“Aye, I do. Winning Holly back is something Fraser needs to do on his own.”
Raising a hand to Finn’s cheek, she ran her palm against his late-day whiskers. “If nothing else, all of this drama and commotion has forced Fraser to grow up.”
“I’m both sad and happy about that.” Finn kissed her forehead. “Come, I think we could both use a few scones with clotted cream and jam. Aunt Lorna probably has a new batch in the oven right now.”
“There is no bloody way you can smell it from here.”
He winked. “No, but I know she always makes them about this time every week.”
Arabella tried to frown, but broke into a smile. “Then we’d better hurry before Faye finds them or there won’t be any left.”
As they turned and walked out the front door, Arabella took comfort in her dragonman’s heat and scent. He might have distracted Arabella with food, but Finn was worried about Fraser. Her mate cared deeply for his family.
Her dragon spoke up. You both worry too much. Fraser will win the female back or he won’t. There’s nothing we can do but wait.
Waiting isn’t always easy, dragon.
No, but sometimes it gives the greatest reward.
Agreeing with her beast, Arabella looked up at Finn. He had most definitely been worth waiting for.
Chapter Fifteen
Holly watched the gentle rise and fall of her father’s chest. The steady rhythm, combined with the approving look in the doctor’s eyes, gave her hope that everything would be okay.
She should remain quiet and wait for the doctor to finish. After all, Holly knew well that too many questions could delay an examination; she’d experienced it herself as a nurse. Yet as the doctor jotted another note on her clipboard, Holly couldn’t help but blurt out, “Is he doing any better?”
The female doctor smiled at her. “He is, actually. We should be able to discharge him tomorrow, provided you can take him home and keep a close eye on him.”
She gestured with her thumb toward the door. “Will they come with me?”
The doctor lowered her clipboard. “I believe so. The DDA is afraid of you and your father becoming targets again. But from what I’ve heard, the DDA enforcers usually keep watch from outside your house to give you a little privacy.”
“But not much.”
The doctor smiled. “You’ve pretty much lived inside of this hospital for the past two weeks. Being home should be a nice change.”
The only problem was that Holly was torn about where to call home—Aberdeen or Lochguard.
Since Holly had also been watched closely because of the miscarriage during her stay at the hospital—the DDA was concerned abou
t suicide and/or depression—she quickly pushed aside thoughts of Lochguard or any of its inhabitants. She didn’t want to give the doctor anything to change her mind about discharging both Holly and her father.
Holly nodded. “Thank you, Dr. Brodie. I’m sure it will be.”
Dr. Brodie eyed her a second and then nodded toward the door. “How about you go get yourself something to eat? You’ve been using your special privilege to stay with your father and don’t go out often enough. If you don’t keep up your strength, then you won’t be able to help him.” Holly opened her mouth, but Dr. Brodie cut her off. “Either go eat something or I might reevaluate your father’s discharge for tomorrow.”
Since Holly had spent most of the last two weeks in the hospital, she was too tired to argue. As it was, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d eaten. Maybe breakfast time?
Dr. Brodie raised an eyebrow and Holly sighed as she stood. “Fine, I will. But I’ll only be gone for ten or twenty minutes.”
“Take at least thirty. I’ll have a nurse stay with your father, just in case.”
Touching her father’s arm, Holly whispered, “I’ll be back soon, Dad.”
Then she drew on what little strength she had and trudged to the door. The short walk made her lightheaded, which told Holly her blood sugar was too low.
Exiting the room, Holly glanced at one of the two DDA guards posted at the door. His name was Andrew. He frowned. “Where are you going?”
“Just to the cafeteria. I’ll be back in half an hour.” The same guard opened his mouth, but Holly put up a hand to stop him. “No, I don’t need one of you to come with me. But if you want some coffee, I can bring some to you.”
Andrew flashed a smile. “That would be heaven, Ms. Anderson. The night shift is always bloody difficult.”
She looked to the other guard, but he shook his head. While Andrew was nice enough, the other guard rarely spoke two words together.
Not that Holly minded. Being social wasn’t high on her priority list at the moment.