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The Dragon's Discovery (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 6) Page 17

  His dragon finally awoke from his dozing. You pushed people away for so long. Once you stopped doing that, it's easy to care and love someone.

  What he wouldn't give to tell Kiyana how he felt.

  However, it was much too soon.

  Before he could think of how to change the topic, she stated, "Your pupils changed again. Tell me what your dragon said."

  Just as he opened his mouth to do so, Logan walked into the room. The dragonman clicked his tongue and said, "Och, and now I'm going to have to separate you two. Alistair can't be getting excited just yet."

  He didn't release Kiyana. "She's my mate and she's not going anywhere."

  Logan raised his brows. "So does that mean I need to fetch a chastity belt of some sort for you to wear, Alistair?" He glared and Logan grinned. "That's a yes, aye?"

  Kiyana laughed and sat up. It was probably the only time in his life Alistair was glad she was still dressed. Kiyana said, "No, no, we'll behave. I was just helping his dragon, is all."

  Logan's gaze shot straight to his. "Your dragon is awake and you didn't call us?"

  Kiyana pulled his sheet up and gracefully dismounted him and the bed. The second her weight and heat vanished from his body, he wanted to bring her back and have her hot pussy hold him again.

  However, his mate shook her head. "No more for now. Tell Logan about your dragon whilst I clean up."

  Logan looked like he wanted to laugh, but thankfully didn't. A good thing, too, because Alistair may have tried to punch him for it.

  As soon as the bathroom door clicked closed, Logan spoke again. "I'd heard about you when you were younger, Alistair, about how you were a lot more charming and mischievous. But I never believed it. Now, however, I do. You're not as straight-laced as you make out to be."

  The changes were because of Kiyana, but he didn't want to discuss that with Logan and have it end up filtering to the entire staff. "Can you just hurry up and ask me medically-related questions? I fully intend to have my mate sleep at my side tonight."

  Logan's pupils flashed. "Do you now? One word from me, and she goes home."

  "Don't even think about it."

  "Answer my questions in full, leaving nothing out, and maybe I won't. However, if your health was affected, no amount of growling will change my mind. Too many people fought to save your life, Alistair Boyd. And I won't let your cock risk it out of stupidity."

  At that, Alistair fell silent. He'd claimed Kiyana once, and she already carried his bairn. A few more days of not having his mate as he wanted wouldn't kill him.

  It might come close, but not quite.

  So Alistair answered everything Logan asked and was content to merely hold his mate at his side as he fell asleep.

  Chapter Seventeen

  About a week later, Kiyana matched her pace to Alistair's, clenching her fingers to keep from offering him help.

  Her dragonman was still adjusting to using a cane, and sometimes it would slip on the ground, and it'd take a moment for him to right himself. After the first few hours out of the surgery earlier in the day, Kiyana had learned not to try to help him. To say dragon-shifter males had pride was an understatement.

  Alistair finally cursed. "I'm not sure how I'm supposed to get anywhere with the blasted thing."

  She shrugged. "Layla said you'd learn soon enough. And if you keep up with your physical therapy, you shouldn't need it at all before too much longer."

  He grunted. "Aye, well, I don't like it."

  She shook her head. Even supposedly fierce male dragon-shifters turned into children when sick or injured. "Oh, stop it. You can still shift into a ferocious dragon. And even without being able to breathe fire, that's quite impressive."

  Alistair's pupils flashed to slits and back. The phenomenon was more common compared to when his dragon had first started speaking to him again.

  His beast still hadn't come out during their rather long nap that hadn't been a nap, though. She sensed Alistair's memories of his rogue dragon still haunted him to a degree. It'd take time to make her dragonman whole again, but she was confident it would happen.

  He hadn't held back earlier when they'd finally had some time alone, and the lingering soreness between her thighs made her smile.

  Alistair grunted again. "If we could breathe fire, the humans would've either killed us off or would have become our subjects."

  "Perhaps. But who's to say dragons couldn't have breathed fire thousands of years ago? Max suggested it was possible."

  Alistair sighed. "Not bloody Max again. Please tell me he's gone back down south. All I want is a few peaceful days with my female."

  Kiyana didn't see Max quite as annoying as many of the Lochguard people did, just eccentric. "He left, so don't worry about him. However, I'm not sure attending dinner at your mother's house is what I'd call peaceful."

  Alistair raised an eyebrow. "Not going would've been heaps worse."

  Meg Boyd's cottage came into view. "Perhaps, but I've gotten to know your mother well over the last few months. If I'd asked her to give us a day, she would have done so. Especially if I suggested for Archie and Cal to distract her."

  "No, no, no. Don't talk about my mum's beaus. I have enough madness in my life without that."

  She didn't tease him about that comment. It was true—Alistair was forever being tested, questioned, and even consulted on some of the findings from the data cache Stonefire had acquired concerning the Dragon Knights. "The craziness will die down soon enough. Remember, they've been working for months with all that data and you're just playing catch-up right now."

  "Aye, I know that. But I'd rather go back to teaching." He met her gaze. "It's safer and means I can be there for you and the bairn."

  Even with a week to get used to the idea, Kiyana sometimes forgot a little half-dragon-shifter was growing inside of her. Especially since she had zero pregnancy symptoms so far. Layla suggested maybe it had to do with the dragon blood injections Kiyana was receiving every few days. Regardless, the doctor had assured her many times over she was still pregnant.

  Kiyana touched Alistair's bicep. "I know. And Finn promised you could go back to teaching once you were fully recovered. But having the knowledge and not using it, well, that seems a waste."

  "I know, I know." He stopped to take her hand. "I just missed so much whilst I was unconscious, and I want to get up to speed as quickly as possible, especially when it concerns you, love."

  She squeezed his hand in hers. "And I'm here, willingly going to dinner with your entire family. I think that's a fairly good way to get to know my mate."

  Even though they still hadn't had a formal mating ceremony, they had both accepted it in their hearts.

  No, Alistair hadn't said he loved her yet, but she was sure it would come with time. Especially since she was more than halfway there herself.

  And while some might think dinner with his family would do the opposite, Kiyana was sure it'd bring her even closer to her dragonman.

  The only lingering question she had concerned her mother. Kiyana wasn't yet sure if she wanted her mum to try to stay on Lochguard permanently or go back down South. And as much as she wanted her mother to stay, Kiyana wouldn't decide it for her. Even though Kiyana's childhood home reminded her mother of her late husband, her friends and family lived there. Uprooting her life would be a massive step.

  Meg's voice drifted into the air, interrupting her thoughts. "Och, now, hurry yourselves up. Everyone's here already, and the food will go cold if you dally much longer."

  Alistair muttered, "We're fifteen minutes early."

  Meg replied as if he'd shouted it on the wind. "And in our house, that's as good as late. Now, come on. Your poor mother is waiting to spend some quality time with her youngest son."

  Kiyana did her best not to laugh. Meg had visited her son every day, without fail.

  She lightly squeezed Alistair's hand and released it. "We're coming, Meg."

  "Don't encourage her," Alistair murmured low enough
that only Kiyana should be able to hear it.

  "Hey, I'm the human entering the dragon's den. I have to pick my battles, and this is one where I can side with your mother. Hamish told me that dinners at your mum's house are entertaining, and I'm looking forward to seeing if he's right or not."

  Alistair grunted as he walked once more. Or, hobbled might be a better way to describe it. "You talk about Hamish quite a bit, and my dragon doesn't like it."

  She rolled her eyes. "He's kind enough to donate blood to help me and the baby. Not to mention he's happily mated. Stop being silly."

  Alistair fell silent, and she mentally kicked herself. The tests were still inconclusive as to whether Alistair could father more children or not—his body was still adjusting to the foreign human's blood, and Layla didn't know exactly what to expect. However, the one thing the doctor knew for certain was that Alistair's blood was still too tainted to give to Kiyana and improve her chances of surviving childbirth.

  Sensing her dragonman was going to turn moody if she didn't intervene, she continued, "I picked you, Alistair Boyd, and no one else. Can't that be enough?"

  He met her gaze and his pupils flashed. Merely picking him wasn't quite enough, even for her, but she wasn't going to force love from him. Bloody hell, Alistair had nearly died a few times over the last three months. His health was more important than her dreams of a solid, stable relationship with a clear happy ending in sight.

  They reached the front door, which was still open, and entered. Noises came from the dining room, but after closing the door, Kiyana stopped Alistair and pulled his head down for a kiss.

  Soon enough she retreated and whispered, "That should motivate you. Because if the dinner goes well, I may have a few surprises for you later."

  He kept his voice low as well. "But you're sore, love."

  "Only a little, but not enough to keep me from craving more."

  His pupils flashed and he kissed her again. "I would capture the moon for you, lass, to claim your reward. But I can't make promises about being on my best behavior. My eldest brother knows how to get under my skin at times, not to mention my mother."

  "Ah, but remember, my mum is there too. Between her and I, it changes the dynamics. Maybe even to your favor."

  He smiled slowly. "I like that possibility."

  She laughed. "I thought you would. Now, let's go."


  Alistair guided Kiyana into the dining room and was instantly accosted by his eldest nephew, Hugh. Despite being nine years old and more than two feet shorter, he nearly knocked Alistair off his feet.

  Somehow he managed to maintain his balance with his cane and lightly pat Hugh's back with his free hand. "You're getting stronger every day, aye? Before you know it, you'll be towering over your mum and soaring in the skies."

  Hugh's brown eyes met his, disappointment plain. "You know I can't start flying until I'm ten." He lowered his voice. "Maybe you can talk with my mum to let me try earlier?"

  Hugh's mother and Graham's mate, Lesley, clicked her tongue. "You'll be doing no such thing, lad. Dragons who fly before they're ready sometimes end up missing or at the bottom of a lake, and we don't want that to happen to you. Isn't that right, Graham?"

  Alistair's older brother never said much and settled for a grunt.

  Hugh went to his mother's side and tried persuading her. Not that Alistair could hear what happened because his mother spoke loudly, to ensure everyone heard her. "Sit yourselves down round the table. And no more tackling your Uncle Alistair, aye? His muscles are a wee bit out of practice, and anyone who sends him flying to the ground won't be getting any dessert for at least two dinners, maybe even three. Understood?"

  Since Alistair's brothers all had sons—five in total—the three who were old enough to understand and respond muttered, "Yes, Grannie."

  His mother nodded curtly. "Aye, then let's sit down and have a proper dinner. It's the first one with everyone for some time, not to mention the first full family dinner to include our human guest, Grannie Carol."

  Alistair waited to see if Kiyana's mother would object to being called a grannie, but she merely smiled and said something to Hamish's mate, Alba.

  As he and Kiyana sat down, Hamish said, "You just want to hold wee Roman some more, Mum."

  His mother's gaze shot to Hamish. "Of course I do. I need to start spoiling him more to catch up to the other wee rascals sitting round my table."

  Alistair watched as his mother took the newest Boyd, not even six months old, and wondered if he and Kiyana would have a son or daughter. Statistics said they'd have a son since dragon-shifter populations skewed male, but having a human mate meant anything was possible.

  Not that he'd care one way or the other. He'd love his child, end of story.

  His dragon muttered, You say that, but I know you want a wee girl.

  Kiyana took his hand under the table and squeezed. He met her gaze, and she motioned for him to come closer. She whispered as low as she could into his ear, "Whilst they probably all know about the baby thanks to Hamish, we should tell them formally, too, I think."

  He raised a brow, asking if she was sure, and Kiyana nodded.

  He whispered back. "In a bit. At the news, the other mates will probably whisk you away and start offering nonstop advice. And I don't know about you, but I'm starving. My mum made shepherd's pie, which is one of my favorites."

  His mother harrumphed. "Aye, your favorite. So start eating." Little Roman waved his arms, and she took one of his tiny hands. "You just ate, lad. And trust me, I'm long past the age of giving you what you want in that department."

  Hamish choked on his food. After his mate thumped his back, Hamish said, "Och, Mum, don't bring that up at the table when I'm trying to eat."

  His mother shrugged. "Why not? A little humor never hurt anyone."

  "If it were only humor…" Hamish started and didn't finish.

  Kiyana jumped in. "I've met all of the boys at one point, but let's see if I remember all of your names."

  Leave it to his mate to try and smooth things over. She might help stabilize family dinners.

  His dragon snorted. For now. I doubt it'll last.

  I'll take it for as long as I can.

  Cody, Hamish's eldest son, grinned and asked, "What about me?"

  Kiyana tapped her chin. "Wasn't it Nigel?"


  "Hm, Neville?"

  Cody made a face. "That's really not my name."

  "Ah, I've got it! Cody."

  Graham's second son waved his fork. "And me?"


  "No, silly, I'm Justin."

  "Oh, of course!"

  Kiyana glanced at him and winked.

  His dragon spoke up. She'll be an amazing mother.

  Of course she will.

  And no matter what you say, you've missed our family.

  Alistair glanced around the dinner table, all of his nephews—apart from wee Roman—kept playing with their food and shouting words or making noises when Kiyana asked questions.

  He replied, Aye, I have. More than just the last few months, too. I don't regret trying to fulfill my vow to Rachel, but if Kiyana hadn't come along, I might've missed out on life for a lot longer.

  In that, we agree.

  He nearly told his dragon how much he'd missed their normal conversations. Everything pointed to his dragon remaining normal. Well, apart from the memory lapse right after they'd been driven crazy by the drugs.

  In a way, he was grateful. Yet at the same time, it worried him that his beast might become the darker version again someday.

  Wee Bruce, who was barely two, somehow toddled over to him and lightly slapped Alistair's side. "Up, Ali. Up."

  Alistair was not the easiest of names for a toddler, and so he was often Uncle Ali, although it sounded more like Ah-ree.

  He scooted back enough and placed Bruce into his lap. After tickling his side a second, Alistair noticed the silence from the adults. Scanning the room, he ra
ised his brows. "What?"

  Hamish cleared his throat. "It's been years since you so easily played with the lads, Alistair. It's nice to have you back, in more ways than one."

  As he glanced from person to person, he finally stopped at Kiyana. Holding his nephew in place with one arm, he took Kiyana's hand with his free one and brought it to his lips. "Kiyana brought me back to life. You should thank her."

  She beamed at him, and his heart lifted. Bloody hell, he loved her so much. He wouldn't be the male he was without her, and that was only the tip of the iceberg of things he owed her for.

  Maybe it was too soon, and maybe his brothers would say he was an idiot, but once he and Kiyana were alone later, he was going to tell her how he felt.

  She didn't have to love him back just yet, but he wanted her to know she was more than just a mate randomly chosen by fate.

  As if on cue, his mother broke the silence. "Aye, well, I've been telling Carol how lovely her daughter is. Now someone else can do it, too."

  Carol smiled and shared a glance with Kiyana as she said, "I wouldn't go so far as to call her an angel, but I do love her."

  Kiyana snorted. "If I were an angel, you wouldn't have known what to do with me."

  "I suppose so."

  His mother chimed in. "Aye, well, none of my lot are angels, either. Although sometimes Graham fools everyone because he hardly ever talks. But enough of that. I want to know when Kiyana and Alistair are going to have their mating ceremony."

  His dragon grunted. We should've already done so.

  I didn't want to rush it, and Kiyana deserves a nice one.

  Kiyana's reply prevented his beast from saying anything more. "Not until Alistair's further along with his physical therapy. It wouldn't bother me if he walked with a cane for the rest of his life, but dragonmen have a bit more pride than most, and I know he'd like to walk on his own in front of everyone."

  It was true, although he hadn't said as much.

  Kiyana already knew him so well, he couldn't imagine what their lives would be like ten years down the line.