The Dragon's Dilemma (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 1) Page 19
But considering the circumstances, he held back. Instead, Fraser gripped the phone tighter. “Now that you’ve said that, only death will prevent me from bringing you home to Lochguard, Holly Anderson. Take care of yourself.”
“I will, Fraser. We’ll talk more when I’m home. For now, I’m going to snap those photos.”
The line went dead and Fraser stared at his phone.
Despite everything going on, he smiled slowly. Holly was coming home to him and he would do everything in his power to not only keep her safe, but to also make her happy.
Chapter Seventeen
Fraser paced the length of the central command’s main operation room. Every once in a while he would glance at the news report on the far screen. A hospital held hostage by dragons had been too good of a story to pass up.
Yet every time he saw one of the dragons circling the hospital, Fraser clenched his jaw. They were after his female.
His dragon growled. If the DDA doesn’t punish them, Finn had better do so. Otherwise, our mate will never be safe.
If only he were a trained Protector, then Fraser could help rescue her. Believe me, dragon, as soon as Holly is safe in my arms again, I’m going to raise some hell.
Not right away. We should hold her first and make sure she’s okay.
Finn’s voice interrupted his thoughts. “Bram is not going to be happy. The fucking rogue traitors are ruining the good image his clan has worked so hard to foster.”
Fergus spoke up. “There are dragons on the screen I don’t recognize as being from Lochguard. This problem runs deeper than a handful of former Lochguard clan members. I’ll look into it as soon as I can. There has to be information floating around somewhere.”
Finn grunted. “Even if dragons from other clans are involved, it doesn’t matter. For all we know, the Lochguard bunch started it all. I’m just trying to understand why they’re targeting Holly.”
Fergus answered, “Because she’s the first sacrifice we’ve had under your leadership, Finn. The traitors who abandoned Lochguard never liked humans in our midst. After all, they sided with the old clan leader when he ejected all of the humans and their mates out of the clan ten years ago. That’s how the tiny clan of Seahaven was formed.”
Fraser stopped pacing and moved to stand in front of Finn. “None of that matters right now, cousin. Holly’s life is at stake. Rescue her first and then worry about mending relations.”
Finn raised an eyebrow. “Someone’s grumpy.”
Grabbing Finn’s top, he yanked his cousin close. “Imagine Arabella inside that hospital and possibly at the mercy of those bastards. I doubt you’d be calm and collected.”
“Probably not.” Finn looked to Fraser’s hand and he released Finn’s shirt. His cousin looked back up at him. “Save your anger for the enemy, lad. We may yet need your help.”
Fraser’s dragon chimed in. While we’re waiting, tell Finn our demands. There’s no reason to wait. That way, we can tell Holly the truth when Grant and the others rescue her.
Fraser eyed Finn’s hard jaw and neutral eyes. I’m not sure now is the best time.
Do it, or I will take control and tell him for you.
Unsure if his dragon could pull off the threat or not, Fraser decided to just spit it out. “Of course I’ll do anything to help Holly. But there’s something I need you to do for me.”
“Oh, aye? If it’s to do with Holly and her dad living with us, I already have that covered.”
Fraser blinked. “How?”
Finn shrugged. “When you snuck out last night, after hearing she’d lost the bairn, I knew you would do anything for the lass. So, I rang Bram and talked things over with him.”
Fraser held his breath. “And?”
Before Finn could answer, Faye gave a piercing whistle and all eyes zoomed in on her. She motioned toward the screen. “Both Grant and Kai from Stonefire are arriving at the hospital. You two will have to finish your chat later.”
Finn nodded. “She’s right, Fraser. We’ll talk later.”
Fraser swore under his breath, but forced himself to remain silent. He didn’t want to risk saying something he would regret later.
Looking to the screen, Fraser watched as Lochguard’s and Stonefire’s Protectors arrived at the Inverness NHS hospital.
They had better bring his lass back to him safe and sound. Fraser refused to think of the alternative.
Grant McFarland looked over the green hide of his back and did one final double-check. All of his Protectors were in position for their DDA-approved rescue mission.
And as much as he hated relying on another clan’s help, Stonefire’s head Protector, Kai Sutherland, also had his dragons at the ready about 200 yards to his right.
Grant’s dragon spoke up. It’s okay to ask for help. I wish you would listen to Faye.
Faye, the female you all but ignored for two years. That one?
His dragon huffed. I had my reasons. But she is different now. I like her.
Only because she’s lame and you can easily best her in a flying race now.
Not only. I think she’s forgiven us for before. But I didn’t like her scoffing at us.
Grant regretted hurting Faye two years ago. As much as he didn’t like her being hurt, Grant assisting in Faye’s recovery had mended relations between them. She may still do it. I had to nearly tie her to a chair so she wouldn’t join the mission.
She cares about family.
Aye, family. Let’s not talk about the mess of ours.
His beast grunted. It’s not your fault.
Maybe not. But it’s never easy being related to a group of traitors.
At that, his beast fell silent and Grant pushed aside all thoughts of Faye or traitors. Inverness should be coming up in a few minutes. Grant couldn’t afford to fuck up his first important mission as head Protector. Not just because of his pride, but an entire hospital of humans was also at stake.
Increasing the beat of his wings, Grant finally spotted a few dragons flying and diving around a building. That had to be the hospital where Holly Anderson was being held hostage.
Judging by the numbers, Grant and his rescue team had the advantage.
Yet he’d learned his lesson the hard way about being too cocky, so he approached the hospital with care. The rogue dragons could have others lying in wait with weaponry to knock Grant and his team out of the sky.
A few seconds later he was able to make out a green dragon Grant had known all his life—Roderick McFarland.
His dragon roared. Roderick is worst of all because he’s our uncle. We must destroy him.
As much as Grant agreed, he was the more level-headed of the two. We’ll see, dragon, we’ll see. Saving the humans is our top priority.
Before his dragon could say anything else, Grant roared the command to engage. Kai did the same.
Grant’s team barreled in opposite directions, the dragons engaging the enemies in pairs. Well, except for Grant and Kai, who would fight on their own.
Kai took on the dragon circling the hospital just as Grant headed for his uncle.
Roderick spotted him and snarled. Even without words, Grant understood his uncle’s disdain for him. After all, Grant had stayed with Lochguard rather than join the half of his family who had rejected Finn’s leadership. They’d left the clan to forge a new path.
His beast snarled again. Traitors, the lot of them.
The only good thing from it all was the fact Grant knew his uncle’s weaknesses and strengths.
Grant dove toward Roderick and went for his weaker left wing. But the older dragon dropped out of the sky just in time to avoid the sting of Grant’s talons.
His uncle may be thirty years his senior, but Grant had learned most of his tricks from Roderick. Taking down the older dragon would be tricky.
Still, Grant had other training to rely on from his time with the British Army. Beating his wings, he rose several hundred feet in the air and hovered. Roderick stayed c
loser to the ground and watched him.
Turning away from his uncle, Grant flew toward the hospital for a few seconds before flipping in mid-air and folding his wings and limbs against his body. He dropped quickly through the sky.
His uncle had barely started to move before Grant crashed into his uncle’s back.
Pushing off the other dragon’s hide, Grant managed to jump back into the sky. Grant’s attack plus the extra downward force caused Roderick to spin out of control toward the open space near the hospital car park.
His uncle opened his wings right before he crashed to the ground. In the next heartbeat, Roderick moved. The last second action saved his life.
Grant dove down to keep his uncle restrained, but in the blink of an eye, his uncle shifted into his human form and hobbled toward a nearby copse of trees.
Grant’s dragon growled. Follow him. We can’t let him escape.
He glanced toward the other dragons fighting and noticed a few more traitors had joined the fray. We must help the others.
No, we should—
Grant threaded his inner voice with dominance. Stop it, dragon. We can hunt down Roderick later. He’s hurt and won’t get far.
As his beast sulked, Grant moved to help his clan members.
Since most of the traitors were older dragons in their fifties, sixties, and seventies, Grant noticed their reaction times slowing. All they needed to do was keep it up for another ten or fifteen minutes, and their enemies would either surrender or try to flee.
Determined not to allow anyone else to escape, Grant snarled and dove toward his nearest enemy.
Fraser watched the telly as Grant took on another dragon. Fraser was starting to see why Faye kept supporting the dragonman. He was fierce and skilled. Fraser wished he could pull off all of the split-second maneuvers of Lochguard’s head Protector.
Faye motioned toward the screen. “I’d say the tide is turning.” She stood and pointed to one of the rogue dragons and then another. “If you watch closely, you can see the other side is growing tired.”
While there was nothing Fraser could do about Holly at the moment, he walked up to his sister and lightly squeezed the back of her neck. “You’ll be back with them before much longer, Faye. You did a bang up job back in Aberdeen. I’d say your recovery is progressing well.”
Faye frowned up at him. “Whenever you’re nice to me, you always have some plan. What is it this time, Fraser Moore?”
“No plans, sister. Can’t your favorite brother show a little love?”
Fergus snorted. “I’m her favorite, brother. That hasn’t changed.”
Fraser turned his gaze to Fergus. “Once Holly is safe and sound, you and I might have a little challenge. The winner becomes the favorite?”
Fergus nodded. “You’re on.”
Faye sighed. “Don’t I get a say in this?”
“No,” Fergus and Fraser said in unison.
Finn’s voice boomed, “Enough. Look. I think the enemy is surrendering.”
Looking back to the screen, the camera angle had switched to one on the ground. It showed both Kai and Grant pinning a dragon under each of them. The view switched again and displayed a few moaning dragons covered in scratches and blood.
None of them looked like Lochguard’s Protectors. And Fraser would bet his life that none of them were from Stonefire, either.
Finn hugged Arabella close to his side. “As long as there’s none of the traitors inside the hospital, we just need to play the waiting game.” Finn met Fraser’s gaze. “Grant knows to bring Holly and her dad here as soon as it’s safe to do so.”
Fraser nodded. “Holly’s dad was due to be discharged today, so hopefully the hospital will still do so. If that’s the case, then they’ll be here in a few hours.”
Finn kissed Arabella’s forehead and then released her to walk over to Fraser. “Come, cousin. We need to chat.”
Knowing everyone would be staring at him with questions in their eyes, Fraser quickly followed Finn out of the central command. The second Finn shut the door of a side office, he spoke up again. “While I told you that I talked with Bram about Holly coming to stay, I didn’t tell you everything.”
Fraser ignored the thundering of his heart. “Just spit it out, Finn.”
His cousin crossed his arms over his chest. “The only way the DDA agreed to allow Holly and her father to live here is if you two are officially mated. It needs to be done within seventy-two hours of her stepping foot on Lochguard.”
“That seems rather quick.”
Finn raised an eyebrow. “Are you having second thoughts?”
“Never,” Fraser growled out. “But Holly has had a hell of a few weeks. Between being dropped out of the sky, losing a child, and being held hostage in a hospital surrounded by dragons, the lass needs a breather.”
Finn sighed. “I wish I could give it to her, Fraser. But you have three days. The mating just needs to take place in front of me, Arabella, and your family. We can plan a big ceremony later.” Finn paused, and then asked, “Do you think you can gain her consent?”
Fraser’s dragon roared. Of course we can. She is our true mate.
There’s that confidence again.
Fraser took a step toward Finn. “I can do it, but I’m going to need some help. I can’t woo the lass and ease her nerves if she’s worried about her father. Do you think you can get my mum and Meg Boyd to look after him for a little while? At least, until we’re mated? They’re both about his age. I’m sure they can keep each other company.”
Mischief filled Finn’s eyes. “Aye, I think I can convince Meg and Aunt Lorna. I’m sure the two females will fawn over him. After all, both of their mates died many years ago.”
With a growl, Fraser took a step toward his cousin. “On second thought, maybe it’s not a brilliant idea after all.”
“Which is worse—losing Holly for good or letting Aunt Lorna near a man her own age she might fancy?”
His dragon chimed in. Who cares if Mum fancies him or not? She’s been alone for a long time now. You always mention how you wish she’d found someone else.
Aye, but not the father of my mate. Besides, what will the DDA say?
Does it matter? They will grant him permission to live on Lochguard if we mate Holly.
His beast was right. But rather than acknowledge it, Fraser sighed. “Holly’s dad will be running for the hills before long. I can see it now.”
Finn uncrossed his arms and clapped Fraser’s shoulder. “Aye, well, let’s see how he does first. If they drive him crazy, I can find someone else to look after him.”
Fraser’s dragon chimed in. It will be fine. Holly’s father needs a break from Holly’s worries and fussing, too. Imagine if we had two bonny lasses tending to our wounds. I wouldn’t complain.
I only want Holly, so your dream isn’t going to happen.
Of course I want Holly. I hate when you start being literal.
Fraser smiled at his dragon and Finn asked, “I take it your dragon is on my side?”
“You really don’t want to know. But yes, we’ll try your plan for now.”
Finn squeezed Fraser’s shoulder. “Good. Then how about you get things ready and I’ll let you know when Holly has arrived.” Fraser looked toward the door, debating if he should go, but his cousin continued, “I’ll tell the others where you’ve gone, including Fergus and Faye. If anything goes wrong, you’ll be the first to know. I promise.”
Fraser nodded and his beast spoke up again. We need to hurry. There is much to do.
I’m planning her welcome, not you.
His beast huffed. I want to help. She’s my mate as much as yours.
Fine. But sex is going to have to wait until she’s ready. Understand?
When his beast didn’t argue, Fraser moved to the door. “Thanks, Finn. For everything.”
Finn shooed him with a hand. “Get yourself gone before I change my mind and order you to finish weeding my garden instead. It�
�s only half done.”
Fraser grinned. “You can always finish it yourself.”
Before Finn could answer, Fraser was out the door and exiting the building. He had a lass to woo and not much time to plan.
He needed to make every second count.
Chapter Eighteen
By the end of the day, Holly was in a car on her way to Lochguard.
Her father dozed at her side. His skin had a slightly pink tinge, which was much better than the paleness of last week. By all accounts, her father’s health was mending. The hospital had even promised to send someone to continue her father’s special cancer treatments on Lochguard.
Just thinking about Lochguard made her stomach flip. Everything she’d wanted was coming true. So much so, her heart pounded inside her chest. Whether out of happiness or nervousness, she didn’t know. It was probably a combination of both.
Yes, she wanted Fraser more than any man in her life. And she was confident her father could fit in with some of the older dragon-shifters, too; Aunt Lorna alone would probably chat his ear off.
But while she was fairly sure Fraser would hold her close and try to charm her, she didn’t want there to be any awkwardness between them because of the miscarriage.
Holly had had two weeks to come to terms with it. Maybe she was one of the lucky ones since the pregnancy had been so new and she had less time to grow attached or hopeful. But she was ready to have all of Fraser again, both by her side and in her bed. If nothing else, it would help her make new memories to replace the old.
And who knew, they might even have a chance at a child again in the future.
Then Fraser’s words came rushing back: Even if we’re never gifted with a child again, I still want you by my side.
Rubbing her palms against her jeans, Holly decided she wanted Fraser in all ways. She would do whatever it took to convince him of that.
Shay, the young Lochguard Protector assigned as her driver, spoke up. “We’re nearly there, miss.”