The Dragon's Dilemma (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 1) Read online

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Holly frowned. “I told you before to call me Holly. ‘Miss’ makes me sound as if I’m your teacher.”

  “If you say so, Holly. You might want to wake your dad up, though. If Lorna MacKenzie is taking charge of Mr. Anderson’s care, she’ll be there ten minutes early, tapping her toes and waiting for us.”

  Holly smiled. “To be honest, I think my dad will enjoy the attention.”

  Her dad’s sleepy voice filled the car. “I can hear you, Holly. Who is Lorna MacKenzie?”

  She glanced to her father. Curiosity filled his eyes; the man didn’t like being left in the dark. “I told you before, Dad. She’s Fraser’s mum. Once you meet her children, you’ll understand just how strong the dragonwoman is.”

  “Oh, aye? Well, if she aims to boss me around, she’s going to have a surprise coming. I may be ill, but I’m not dead yet.”

  Holly grinned. “To be honest, I think she likes a challenge. Give it to her as good as you get.” Shay merely shook his head in the front seat, but Holly ignored him and focused on her father. “Are you sure you’re okay to stay with them a bit? I can delay things with Fraser until you’re ready. Just say the word. I won’t abandon you, Dad.”

  Her father smiled. “Don’t worry about me, Holly-berry. I’m a strong man. Cancer couldn’t kill me. I can handle a wee dragonwoman.”

  Shay choked in the front seat and Holly bit her lip to keep from laughing. “I’m sure you can, Dad. I’m sure you can.”

  Her father touched her arm. “I can tell you want to see him, lass. It’s all right to take a slice of happiness for yourself, especially since you gave up so much to help me.”

  “It wasn’t that much, Dad. Any child would do the same.”

  Her dad squeezed her arm. “No, they wouldn’t. You are special, Holly. And I want to start repaying you by allowing you some time with your lad.” He winked. “Besides, I wouldn’t mind a wee bit of attention from a lass my own age.”

  She chuckled just as Shay made the final turn to Lochguard. “Well, brace yourselves. I spot not only Lorna, but Finn and Meg Boyd as well. Those three are a force to be reckoned with.”

  Holly ignored the twinge in her heart at Fraser’s absence. There had to be a reason why he was late.

  To try to fool her father, she made her voice strong. “I inherited my stubbornness from my father. Either one of us can take a challenge.”

  The gates opened and Shay drove the car just inside them. Once he cut the engine, Finn opened Holly’s door at the same time Lorna opened her dad’s.

  Lorna beat Finn to the punch. “Hello, Mr. Anderson. My name’s Lorna MacKenzie. Welcome to Lochguard.”

  Finn muttered under his breath, “So much for letting me handle things.”

  Lorna’s voice filled the air again. “I can hear you, nephew.”

  Hoping to prevent a row that would make a poor impression on her father, Holly jumped in. “How about we exit the car first and then finish the introductions?”

  Lorna helped Holly’s dad out of the car and Finn helped Holly. As Finn guided her around to the other side, he whispered, “Fraser thought it best to let your dad meet the older females first. He’ll be along shortly.”

  While she only half-agreed with the plan, they rounded the back of the car and Holly merely nodded. She could scold Fraser later.

  Meg Boyd was already at her dad’s side. “My name’s Meg Boyd and I’ll also be helping to look after you.”

  Her father grinned. “Two bonny lasses. A man couldn’t be happier. You can call me Ross.”

  Holly resisted groaning at her father’s antics. The last thing she wanted to see was her dad flirting with anyone.

  Meg giggled. “It’s been a fair while since I’ve been called either bonny or a lass.” Meg lightly slapped Ross’s chest. “And by a strong man, to boot.”

  Finn rolled his eyes. “Excuse my Aunt Lorna for not introducing us properly. I’m Finn Stewart, the clan leader here. If either of them gives you trouble, call me and I’ll sort it out. I’m one of the few who can get them under control.”

  Both Meg and Lorna opened their mouths, but Holly’s dad turned around and beat them to the punch. “Thanks for the offer, but I think I can handle them.” Ross looked back to Lorna and Meg. “I’m still a wee bit tired from my illness. How about you lasses show me where I’m going to stay and help me settle in?”

  Holly took a step toward Ross. “Dad—”

  Lorna waved a hand in dismissal. “It’s no bother, Holly. Fraser should be along shortly and I’m sure you two have much to discuss.”

  Finn squeezed Holly’s shoulder and leaned down to whisper, “I’ll chaperone for a bit. It’ll be fine.”

  Lorna raised an eyebrow. “Finlay Stewart, I most certainly don’t need chaperoning.”

  Holly’s dad spoke up. “I could do with some tea. How about we all sit down and the three of you can tell me about the clan? Holly’s told me a little, but I’m sure the three of you know everything there is to know. Lochguard is surrounded by a fair bit of mythology. I’ll need to figure out what is true and what is bollocks.” Her dad looked to Lorna, Meg, and finally Finn. “I’m not wrong about you three, am I?”

  Holly bit her lip. She’d almost forgotten how Ross Anderson could be quite the charmer.

  Finn moved to Ross’s side. “No, we can sort it all out for you, Ross. Come. I see Fraser in the distance. I’m sure he and Holly would fancy some privacy for their reunion.”

  Holly looked into the distance, but didn’t see anything. Finn must be using his super-sensitive dragon senses again.

  Holly’s dad touched her cheek and she met his eyes. Her father murmured, “Don’t keep him away too long, Holly-berry. I want to see the man who won over your heart.”

  She opened her mouth to state it hadn’t been long enough for anyone to steal her heart, but Lorna, Meg, and Finn were already steering her father away. Finn looked over his shoulder and winked.

  As she tapped her hand against her thigh and looked into the direction Finn had pointed out earlier, a tall, auburn-haired man finally came into sight and her heart skipped a beat.

  Fraser had arrived.

  Pushing aside her exhaustion, she forgot about wanting to scold the dragonman and she ran toward him. He barely had time to open his arms before she jumped into them. She hugged his closely. “Fraser. You’re here.”

  His strong arms wrapped around her. “Of course I am, honey. I will always be waiting for you.”

  Blinking her eyes to hold back her tears, she pulled back a fraction to look into Fraser’s eyes. “When I first met you, I would’ve dismissed that as nothing more than pretty words.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “And now?”

  “And now, I couldn’t be happier to believe them.”

  Fraser moved a hand to brush her cheek. “Good, because I’m don’t want to waste time arguing. I’m going to kiss you now.”

  Before she could reply, Fraser’s lips descended on hers. As soon as his soft yet firm lips touched hers, she melted against her dragonman.

  She’d wondered over the last two weeks what it would feel like to kiss Fraser again. Yet as he nibbled and sucked her lips, his touch was gentle. He was clearly holding back.

  Pulling away, she frowned. “Stop coddling me, Fraser Moore MacKenzie. You have a lass wanting a kiss. You’d better do your job properly.”

  Fraser chuckled. “And people say I’m bold.”


  In the next breath, he nipped her lower lip and pushed his tongue into her mouth. At his warm, heady taste, she moaned and pulled Fraser closer.

  Kissing Fraser made her forget about the rest of the world. And she could use a little distraction right at that moment.

  Just as she clutched his shoulders, Fraser pulled away again. Holly growled out, “I’m in no mood for games, Fraser. Either kiss me or not. Make up your bloody mind.”

  The corner of his mouth ticked up. “We’ve gathered quite an audience. I wasn’t sure if you were ready to become an
exhibitionist or not.”

  Holly glanced over her shoulder and counted about ten dragon-shifters blatantly staring at her. She wouldn’t exactly call herself shy, but the last thing she wanted was to share her reunion with the clan.

  Looking back to Fraser, she whispered, “Then take me somewhere private. As much as I love your clan, I want to spend some time alone with my dragonman.”

  “Your dragonman, eh? I like the sound of that. Maybe I should tattoo ‘Holly’s dragonman’ on my forehead. That will keep the lasses away.”

  She shook her head. “You’re starting to make me question why I came back.”

  Fraser’s grin faded and his pupils flashed to slits and back. “Don’t joke about that, Holly. You’re staying with me, end of story.”

  Searching his eyes, there was a mixture of fierceness and something else she couldn’t define. Whatever it was, she couldn’t bring herself to tease him. “Provided you don’t turn into an arsehole, I’ll stay.”

  “Good answer.”

  Fraser stepped back and swooped under Holly’s legs. She squeaked as he held her tight against his chest. “I can walk.”

  He jostled her against his chest. “Yes, but then I couldn’t make the most of my point and do this.” He looked past her to the crowd. “Stop gawking. Holly Anderson is my human and I’m not sharing her.”

  Some of the clan members cheered whilst others shouted obscene suggestions. Holly waited for a flare of indignation, but it never came.

  She rather liked Fraser claiming her.

  Looping her hands behind his neck, she murmured, “Enough showboating. Take me somewhere private and give me a proper hello.”

  Fraser glanced down to her gaze and heat flared in his eyes. “Are you sure? I can wait if you need time.”

  “I had a lot of time to think inside the hospital. A few things kept popping inside my mind. Do you know what one of them was?”

  Fraser’s voice was husky as he asked, “What?”

  She leaned closer and whispered, “That I wanted to make new memories with you to forget the old. I’m healed now and I want you, Fraser, and I want you now. Trouble seems to follow us and I don’t want to risk something else stealing you from my side.”


  Fraser’s heart beat double-time. A noble dragonman would take his female home after a trying day, pamper her, and hold her close whilst they fell asleep.

  Yet he wasn’t a noble dragonman. Bastard that he was, all he wanted was Holly naked and under him.

  His beast spoke up. She wants to make new memories. Give her what she wants.

  But it’s too soon.

  His dragon snorted. You definitely love the lass if you’re willing to forego sex when it’s offered.

  At the mention of love, Fraser’s stomach flipped. It can’t be. We haven’t known her very long.

  So? Reckless male that you were, you should know that things don’t always happen on a schedule.

  Holly’s voice was a little less certain when she whispered, “Fraser, we can wait if you’re not ready. It’s okay.”

  Fraser searched her eyes and saw concern.

  He started jogging toward their cottage. “I’ll take you home, at least. Then we’ll see what happens from there.”

  In response, Holly laid her head on his chest and Fraser wondered if he’d said the wrong thing.

  His dragon growled. Tell her we want her and only her. She should never doubt that.

  You’re pushy.

  It’s because you’re being an idiot.

  Rather than answer his dragon, Fraser said to Holly, “I want you, Holly. Every second of every day whilst we’ve been apart, I’ve wanted you with every fiber of my being. But you said you wanted to get to know me better and I’m trying to give you the chance, honey.”

  Holly tightened her grip on his neck. “I was a fool. I’ve been targeted twice now by a group of rogue dragon-shifters, Fraser. And in each instance, you did all that you could to help me. And even when you weren’t by my side, I wished you were.” She leaned back her head and Fraser glanced down for a second. “I want you now, dragonman. If we wait much longer, someone could attack again and I may never have the chance to explore your naked body.”

  He tightened his grip. “No one is taking you from here. If they try, they’ll have to deal with me.”

  “That’s a nice sentiment, but aren’t you forgetting about the DDA?”

  Fraser reached their cottage and gently set Holly on her feet. He quickly opened the door, rushed them inside, and shut it.

  He decided to just tell Holly the truth. After everything that had happened with Fergus, Fraser was done keeping secrets. “I have a way you can stay, Holly. I was going to wait to tell you, but I never want to keep secrets from you. Well, at least the big ones. I plan to have many surprises to give you over the years.”

  She tilted her head. “Before you start planning our future, how about you tell me how I can stay?”

  He traced her brow. “If we perform the mating ceremony within the next seventy-one hours and fifty minutes, you and your father can stay on Lochguard forever.” He cupped her cheek. “But you have three days to think about it, Holly. It’s a big decision and I’ll be blunt—living with us won’t be easy. Between the rogue dragon traitors, the dragon hunters, the dragon knights, and the general dislike from the vast majority of the human population, your life will become bloody difficult.”

  Holly placed a hand on his chest and Fraser’s heart skipped a beat. He’d missed the soft touch of her fingers.

  His female whispered, “I can face anything as long as you’re by my side, Fraser MacKenzie. I’ve been carrying my burdens by myself for three decades. And then your charming self came along and all I can think about is sharing everything—past, present, and future—with you.” She paused and then leaned her weight against him. “Not only that, just imagining your arms around me whilst I was in the hospital gave me the strength to be a better person and face the threat.” Holly moved her free hand to his cheek and he nuzzled her palm. “I think I love you, Fraser MacKenzie. And I’m not going to ever let you go, so you’d better get used to me being around.”

  Fraser stopped breathing. Holly’s words sent a possessive rush of tenderness and desire through his body.

  Despite his failure to protect her, Holly wanted him.

  Both man and beast roared in happiness.

  His dragon chimed in. Stop fighting it and just tell her the truth. She’ll want to mate us then.

  Fraser had put off thinking about love because he’d been unsure if Holly felt the same way. He wasn’t a dragonman who used the term lightly. Hell, a year ago, just thinking about being in love had given him hives.

  Yet as he searched Holly’s honey-colored eyes, there was no other female he wanted more. He would give his life to protect her.

  He pulled her closer and leaned down until her lips were less than an inch from his. “You think you love me? I’m not sure I like that answer.”


  “I love you with my entire being, Holly Anderson. And I think it’s about time to show you. Then maybe you’ll go from ‘think’ to ‘head-over-heels’ in love with me.”

  Before his female could say anything, Fraser kissed her.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The instant Fraser’s lips touched hers, Holly moaned and accepted his tongue.

  Fraser loved her. She could hardly believe it.

  She clutched his shoulders but despite Fraser’s taste in her mouth and her nails in his skin, it wasn’t nearly enough. She needed to feel Fraser’s hot skin against hers. She wanted to be claimed properly.

  Breaking the kiss, Holly murmured, “Take off your clothes.”

  Fraser’s pupils flashed to slits and back. “I like a lass who knows what she wants.”

  “Then hurry up because I want you naked and inside me within the next sixty seconds.”

  With a growl, Fraser stepped back and tore off his shirt. Holly’s eyes fell
to the muscled planes of his chest. As his hands went to his jeans, she noticed the impressive bulge against his fly.

  Remembering Fraser’s hard cock inside of her during the mate-claim frenzy sent a rush of wetness between her legs.

  Fraser’s husky voice interrupted the memories playing inside her head. “Keep looking at me like that, and I won’t last long, honey.”

  She met his eyes again. The flashing pupils didn’t scare her; if anything, it increased the pulse between her thighs. “I’m sure if that’s the case, I’ll just ask your dragon to help with your stamina problem.”

  With a growl, Fraser walked up and encircled her wrists with his fingers. “I think for that comment, you need a little teasing.”

  At the heat in his eyes, Holly’s heart hammered inside her chest. “It depends on what kind of teasing.”

  He moved her hands to behind her back and took them both in one hand. He moved the other to her front and lightly traced the swell of her breast. “A little of this.”

  He rubbed her hard nipple through her shirt in slow circles. Each rough stroke made her knees weak and it became harder to stand.

  Fraser removed his finger and Holly opened her mouth, but he beat her to it. “And some of this.”

  He slowly traced her bottom lip with his thumb. Her lips were already slightly swollen from kissing, but as he brushed back and forth, the friction of his callouses against her soft skin made it even more sensitive.

  No man had ever made her body flush with heat by merely stroking her lower lip. Yet Holly couldn’t resist moaning.

  Approval flashed in Fraser’s eyes. “And maybe some of this.”

  He moved one of his knees between her open legs and rocked against her clit. The pressure sent a thread of pleasure through her body. When he did it again, she leaned forward on his leg for support.

  It was on the tip of her tongue to beg him to stop teasing and use his cock, but she didn’t want to give him that victory. At least, not yet.

  Because if she did, he’d always try to make her beg.

  Not as if that were a bad thing, but she wasn’t going to feed his ego just yet.


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