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The Forbidden (Kelderan Runic Warriors #4) Page 20
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Page 20
When he finally pulled away, he said, "Now that you understand how glad I am to have you back, we need to talk."
"Uh-oh. That doesn't sound good."
"Kalahn, I'm serious." He stroked her cheek with his thumb. "While I'm ecstatic that we're both alive, promise me that you won't risk yourself to save me again. I couldn't bear to be here, knowing I was the reason for your death."
She absently traced one of the markings on his chest. "Silly man, I can't promise such a thing. I love you, which means it's my duty to protect you."
Ryven growled. "Duty has a time and place, but not in this."
She quirked an eyebrow. "Let's reverse the situation. Would you sit by and let me die?" His silence was her answer. "Exactly. So how about we both just try to avoid getting killed? That will make things a lot easier for everyone."
"We'll see how that goes." He searched her gaze. "I sense worry through the bond, love. What's wrong?"
Kalahn didn't hesitate. "I'm worried about the female assassin, Pelryka. On the one hand, she was part of a plot to kill my family. On the other, she was protecting her children. I wish her case were more black and white rather than gray."
"You aren't sorting through her memories yet, are you? It's too soon."
She sighed. "I know it is, and I'm not. But the instant I'm cleared, I'm going to look. I also need to see if I can find out who tried to kill you by cutting those branches."
She traced one of the scars on his chest, a permanent reminder of the Siren bird attack he'd endured. While Ryven was getting stronger every day, he’d never be able to fully raise his left arm again.
Not that it changed him one bit in her eyes.
Ryven captured her hand and brought it to his lips. "There are other things you can do in the meantime. After all, I'm still waiting to be swept off my feet."
She fought a smile. "You're incorrigible."
"I never said I wasn't."
It was on the tip of her tongue to ask him to be her lord, but something held her back. "You know I still haven't received word about either Keltor changing the law successfully or the council approving you as my choice. Until they do, we can't marry anyway." He opened his mouth, but she beat him to it. "And before you say you'd gladly sit in a jail cell to show how much you care about me, I refuse to accept that. Honor has a time and place, but not if it means you'll be kept away. So, I'll ask when I can."
"Someone has become a little less impulsive," Ryven stated.
She shook her head. "Not entirely. If I were stronger right now, I'd surprise you with a few things and be impulsive enough to live up to my reputation."
His gaze turned heated. "Maybe I should be the one to surprise you."
Kalahn kissed him as a response. However, before he could do more than stroke her back with his hand, the door chimed.
Since they were temporarily staying inside one of the shuttles from the Kelderan colony transport ship, and they moved around often to keep their location a secret, it could only be someone they trusted.
So she said, "Computer, open the door."
The door slid open. Kalahn expected to see her brother, but it wasn't him.
She sat up and said, "Kajala!"
Her sister waddled inside the room, appearing even more pregnant than before. Kalahn was well enough to get up and hug her sister. "I'm glad to see you." She pulled back. "But are you sure you should be here? You look about ready to pop at any second."
Taryn emerged from the hallway and spoke in CEL. "Kajala demanded to see you, and Kason finally capitulated after a little convincing on my part. After all, just because she's pregnant doesn't mean she's an invalid."
Kalahn suspected Taryn was setting the standard for her own pregnancy.
Kajala spoke up in Kelderan before she could. "They told me what happened to you and I just needed to see you for myself, to make sure you're okay."
"I'm on the mend." She searched Kajala's eyes. "But how are you holding up? Are you okay, or have enemies found you again and tried to attack?"
Kajala shook her head. "No one has gotten close to me like before. Kason and Taryn have been taking good care of me." She paused before adding softly, "Although I still mourn what happened to the honorable warrior who protected me."
At the sadness in Kajala's eyes, Kalahn gave her another hug. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. But give us a little more time and the worst of the danger should be over."
Ryven came up behind her and Kalahn released her sister. Kajala searched her gaze. "It's not the danger but rather that someone died trying to protect me. I know it's not much and it won't help bring the male back to his family, but I'm going to honor the warrior's memory by naming my son after him. That way, my baby will know and appreciate the male's sacrifice."
"Jala," Kalahn whispered.
Her sister stood a little taller. "But you're right, I can't change what happened." She took Kalahn's hand. "I'll do my best to appreciate what I still have. I know we haven't known each other long, but I've missed you and can't wait to have you around again."
As Kalahn studied her sister's face, she couldn't help but notice the circles under her eyes or the paleness of her skin. "I've missed you, too. However, I'm a little concerned about your health. Shouldn't you be resting?"
Kajala rubbed her belly. "My son has been giving me a little bit of trouble lately, and the stress of recent events haven't helped, but the doctors haven't found anything to be concerned about. They said a short visit wouldn't hurt either of us."
Kalahn guided her sister to a chair. "Still, you should sit down." Once Kajala complied, she sat beside her sister. "Now that you're here, there's something else I want to tell you while I have the chance."
"Let me guess, it has to do with Ryven?" Kajala asked, amusement dancing in her eyes.
She blinked. "Wait, how do you know that?"
Kajala waved a hand at Ryven, who hovered at Kalahn's side. "He's been following you around the room, almost like he's afraid you'll die at any moment. Also, given that Ryven is a warrior and he's allowing his markings to flicker, it tells me it's more than a duty. He cares for you." She glanced between them. "I'm glad it worked out, Kalahn. I like him."
Kalahn smiled. "That's good, because I love him. Well, most of the time."
As she shared a glance with Ryven, Kajala cried out. Kalahn whipped her head back around just as liquid hit the floor below her sister.
It looked like her nephew was ready to come out and greet them all.
After sixteen hours of labor, Kajala Mayven tried to remember to breathe.
She'd read about labor and had known that on Jasvar, she'd have to forgo any sort of Kelderan medical advancements.
And even with some medicinal herbs to help with the pain, it still felt as someone kept gripping her insides and twisting.
When the most recent contraction finished, she slumped on the bed. Even though she was anxious to meet her son, someone was painfully absent from what should've been one of the happiest events of her life.
No. She couldn't think about her dead love. Their son needed her now, and that's what she had to focus on.
So she continued to breathe to pass the time between contractions.
Matilda, the head medicine woman on Jasvar, looked up from between Kajala's legs. "With the next contraction, push, my fierce fighter. I think he's finally ready to come out and say hello to his mother."
Kalahn squeezed Kajala's hand. "I'm here, Jala. And I know you can do this."
While she knew her sister was being supportive, she wanted to snap that it wasn't so easy to push a person out of her.
Thankfully she managed to keep her thoughts to herself.
She lost count of her breaths until the next pain gripped her and she cried out.
"I know it hurts, but push, Jala," Matilda ordered in a gentle yet stern voice.
Gripping Kalahn's hand in hers, Kajala pushed with every bit of strength she still had l
eft, ignoring the way her body stretched. If her nerves could scream aloud in pain, everyone in the room would be deaf by now.
The contraction ended, and she tried to catch her breath. She barely heard Matilda's voice. "One more should do it, Jala. He has a lovely head of white hair."
Just like Davrel had had.
Tears filled her eyes and she couldn't stop them from flowing. Davrel should be in the room with her, loving and protective as always, and just as anxious as she to meet their son.
Kalahn brushed away her tears. "You're nearly done, Jala. You can do this."
Not wanting to correct Kalahn's assumption for her tears, Kajala gave a slight nod.
In less time than it should have, another contraction hit. She pushed and pushed, more than ready to meet her son.
A baby's cry filled the room and Matilda held up her boy. Even not cleaned up, she could see that her baby had her golden skin and Davrel's white hair.
The perfect combination of him and her.
The tears threatened to fall again.
Matilda quickly wrapped him up, which stopped his cries, and brought him to her. Once her son lay on her chest, Kajala kissed his forehead and murmured, "Nice to finally met you, Tyden."
Her son moved a little, but didn't cry.
Staring at the product of her and Davrel's love, she finally gave in and let the tears flow again.
Davrel should be alive to help raise their son. No doubt, her boy would then become the same strong, honorable male that Davrel had been.
Instead, Tyden would have to face a constant wave of pity and maybe even resentment unless she found a way to change things and lessen the stigma attached to unmarried Kelderan mothers and their children.
Maybe that would be her new purpose. She'd been trying to forget about her love every day, and she doubted she ever would. But fighting for her son's future might be the thing she needed to finally heal.
Tyden moved again, reminding her he was there. Yes, he was a piece of Davrel she'd always have, and one she'd protect with her life.
Closing her eyes, she breathed in his scent. It reminded her that she had another person to care for now.
Kajala couldn't let her grief surrounding Davrel take over her life. She would always love him, and miss him every day, but her son needed to become the new center of her world.
Opening her eyes, she kissed Tyden again. Kalahn finally spoke, "He's beautiful, Jala."
She smiled up at her sister. "Thank you. Would you like to hold him?" Kalahn hesitated, and Kajala added, "You'll be fine."
Kalahn gingerly picked up Tyden and cooed soothing words to him.
Watching her sister only reminded Kajala that even though Davrel was gone, she wasn't alone. Between her family and Tyden, she should be able to carve out a good future for herself.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Ryven double-checked the rucksack he’d packed and resisted pacing.
Kalahn was with the doctor and would find out if she were physically cleared and deemed recovered. While he knew it would be some time yet before he could talk with her via telepathy, he had a surprise for his female. One that required the doctor to approve of her resuming physical activities.
Before his mind could wander to the physical activities he wished he could do with Kalahn, which involved both of them naked, his female walked out. He tried to read her expression, but couldn’t find anything. Even her markings were a dark blue.
He tried his best to hide his apprehension. If anything were truly wrong, Kalahn wouldn’t try to hide it from him.
Merctor came out after her, nodded, and said, "I’ll be back tomorrow for your physical therapy evaluation, Ryven."
Before Ryven could do more than bob his head, the doctor exited the Kelderan shuttle he and Kalahn were currently staying in.
Focusing back on his love, Ryven closed the distance between them and gently took hold of her shoulders. "Well? What did he say?"
She stared another second before she laughed. "I was trying to imitate Kason, but I have no idea how he does it. Anyway, I’m physically fine. I just can’t use telepathy yet."
Ryven smiled slowly. "Good, because I have a surprise for you."
"A surprise?"
He kissed her quickly before stepping away to pick up the rucksack. He held out a hand to her. "Come with me and you’ll find out what it is."
Kalahn didn’t hesitate to place her hand in his. "Okay, but this surprise had better not involve me hunting or gathering my first day back on my feet. I’m content with replicator fare for the present."
"Says the woman who complains about the artificial taste every time she eats it now."
She stuck out her tongue. "It’s still better than hunting. I have many other qualities to offer. Someone else can do the killing and meat preparation part."
"And the cooking?"
"Hey, I’ve been a bit busy to learn how to cook. You know, what with protecting my family and saving your life."
He motioned his head toward the exit. "Then let me start to repay that debt with this."
Kalahn sobered. "Ryven, you don’t owe me anything. That’s not what I meant."
Winking, he squeezed her hand in his. "I know. It’s called teasing. Whenever I stop doing that, then begin to worry." He tugged. "Come. I already scouted the area and had Kason confirm it was safe."
He left out the part about Kason accusing Ryven of being a fool. However, a quick reminder of what Kalahn did whenever she was caged up quickly garnered Kason’s attention. He didn’t like forcing his friend’s hand, but Kalahn needed this excursion. Not only because she sometimes had nightmares about accidentally killing him and could use some new pleasant memories to push away the bad, but also because they’d both been mostly cooped up inside the shuttle. Ryven was fine with that if he was on duty, but lounging around with a fidgety Kalahn was rubbing off on him.
Kalahn’s voice filled the shuttle’s corridor. "Fine. Then let’s go. The sooner you show me your surprise, the sooner I can celebrate no longer being confined to this shuttle in my own way."
He raised his brows. "You can’t say that and not tell me what you mean."
She grinned. "See? Surprises can be awful, can’t they?"
Chuckling, he guided them out of the shuttle and down the stairs to the ground. "Unlike you, I like surprises. I would say taunt me all you like, but that would only invite trouble."
"You do know me too well, don’t you?"
He glanced over his shoulder. "I suspect what I do know is just the beginning, love." Kalahn looked away and bit her lip, no doubt remembering how she had his memories. He stopped walking and waited until she met his gaze again. "Kalahn, this will never work if you keep feeling guilty about my memories or taking too much power from me. None of that matters if it means I have you by my side."
He adjusted the rucksack over his shoulder and cupped her cheek with his free hand. "I love you, Kalahn tro el Vallen. Just as you are."
Closing the distance between them, she kissed him gently before murmuring, "And I love you as you are, too. Well, 99.99 percent of the time. That other 0.01 percent is when I’m impatient to find out about a surprise."
He snorted and kissed her gently. "I’m sure you’ll find another 0.01 percent to add to that over time. No one is perfect, after all."
"Good thing you realize that now."
Shaking his head, he walked once more and Kalahn followed. "I think I’ll hold back on my reply, lest I get into trouble."
Touching his arm, she murmured, "No, don’t. I may not always like it, but I want to hear whatever you want to say."
"As you wish. Talking with you requires a lot of give and take, and I’m starting to see why Kason locked you up sometimes. He isn’t very good at negotiating with females, at least until he met Taryn, and that was probably the only way he knew how to handle you."
She raised her brows. "Try to lock me up and see what happens."
"I’m not your broth
er, Kalahn. Unless you’re unconscious or otherwise unable to defend yourself, I’m not going to lock you up." The sound of roaring water grew louder. "And today is the opposite of locking you up. Come on, we’re nearly there."
Ryven trekked the path he’d visited several times over the last week. It wasn’t long before they came to a tall line of undergrowth and he released Kalahn’s hand. "Do you trust me?"
"Of course."
"Then close your eyes."
When she didn’t hesitate, happiness swelled in his heart.
He covered her eyes with one hand and guided her through the underbrush. The sound of the water was almost deafening, so he shouted, "This is for my slightly dirty princess."
He removed his hand and Kalahn opened her eyes. He took in her features as her mouth dropped open and her eyes widened. He asked, "So, what do you think of the first part of your surprise?"
Kalahn stood next to Ryven in front of a giant waterfall, one that fell at least a hundred feet before hitting the pool of water at the bottom. Light yellow and teal flowers grew around the edges, highlighting the purple tint of the water, which was a reflection of the purple stone at the shallow bottom.
It looked remarkably like the one from her dreams, when Ryven had morphed into her dream version of him to wake her up.
He’d lived up to his promise to make her dreams a reality.
She finally tore her eyes from the water to look at Ryven. "How did you even know this was here?"
He shrugged. "My best friend has Jasvarian connections. I merely asked Kason to find the closest waterfall to our present location."
"I have a hard time believing Kason would help you locate this," she drawled. "If my brother had his way, I’d be confined in that stupid shuttle until further notice."
"I didn’t ask him. I asked Taryn, who was able to persuade Kason."
She snorted. "Taryn has him wrapped around her finger, doesn’t she?"