The Dragon Family (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 5) Read online

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  Chapter Three

  When Finn and Fraser finally got Holly to the surgery, there was a problem. Finn frowned. "What do you mean Layla is busy with another delivery?"

  The nurse at reception, Tyler MacPherson, merely raised an eyebrow. "Your hearing works fine, Finn. Hamish Boyd's mate went into labor about five hours ago. However, she still hasn't delivered, and seeing as it's her first, it may be a while yet. Dr. MacFie is with her now."

  Fraser ran a hand through his hair. "Poor timing on the Boyds' part."

  Holly tsked at her mate. "I'm far from delivering at this point, Fraser. Besides, it's not as if Alba Boyd can time when she goes into labor. I've been checking in on her over the last eight and a half months, and she's lovely, if not a bit quiet." She looked back at Tyler. "Just put me in a room and have Logan check on me. We'll be fine for the foreseeable future. I've helped deliver a fair few bairns and know the drill."

  Logan Lamont was one of Lochguard's nurses, who had been working with Holly on her dragon's blood research project.

  As soon as Holly settled ungracefully into a wheelchair, Fraser wheeled her to the room she wanted. Once his cousins were out of sight, Finn turned back to Tyler. "So if Hamish and Alba Boyd are having a baby, then where's Meg Boyd? She wouldn't miss her latest grandchild's debut."

  An older female's voice sounded behind him. "I'm right here, Finlay."

  Turning slowly, Finn found Meg holding his daughter. To either side of her was one of her beaus, holding one of his sons each.

  He closed the distance to the group. "Why didn't you call me?"

  She shrugged. "You were busy, and besides, it'll be some time before Alba delivers my grandchild. Archie and Cal don't have any grandkids yet, so they were all too willing to come with me."

  As each male looked at Meg with adoration, Finn started to think the rumors about all three of them being in a relationship were true.

  He quickly took Freya from Meg and held his daughter close. "Where are the rest of your brood?"

  Meg waved a hand in dismissal. "Alistair's doing some sort of research and said he'll come once the bairn is here. Graham is with his mate and children, and should be here soon. Unlike Lorna, I didn't go on my honeymoon at the same time as when one of my daughters-in-law were due. I'll have my whole family here for the event. I'm hoping we finally have a female Boyd. I love my sons and grandsons, but I could do with a wee girl to pass on my secrets."

  Finn resisted pinching the bridge of his nose. "I ordered my aunt to take a holiday, Meg." And he decided to push the one angle that would drive the older female crazy. "After all, she managed to get all her children mated, and that can tire out a person."

  Meg huffed. "Alistair is stubborn, like his father. Him being single isn't my problem any longer."

  He raised an eyebrow. "I thought you always said it was the greatest duty of a mother to see her children mated."

  Raising her head, Meg opened her mouth, but Arabella rushed into the surgery at that moment. In the blink of an eye, she had Declan on one hip and Grayson on the other. After kissing each of them, she smiled at Meg. "Thanks for watching them, Meg. You're the auntie they like best."

  Finn bit his lip to keep from laughing. Arabella MacLeod had indeed come a long way if she were flattering the old biddy.

  His dragon spoke up. She had to. You've become cranky with so little sleep.

  Me? We're one and the same, dragon.

  I at least have the sense not to irritate Meg Boyd. That could backfire spectacularly later on.


  Arabella moved to Finn's side. "Dr. Lewis agreed to watch over Stonefire, so Sid and Gregor should be here in about an hour."

  Dr. Trahern Lewis was a junior doctor on Stonefire who usually preferred to stay sequestered in a research lab. Finn wondered how Arabella had managed that one.

  Meg jumped in. "Why does Holly get two or three doctors and my Hamish's Alba only one?"

  Finn kept his tone patient. "Because Holly is not only human, she's also having twins. Extra doctors seems reasonable, aye?"

  "I suppose." Meg looked at Cal and Archie in turn. "Let's go check on how Alba's doing."

  Arabella murmured an additional thank-you. Once the trio were gone, she smiled up at him. "You shouldn't let Meg get to you."

  "She insulted Aunt Lorna."

  "When does she not?"

  "Fair point." Freya wiggled in his arms, and he turned his attention to his daughter. "Did Auntie Meg not play with you?" He lifted Freya up, down, and up again. "After all, dragon-shifters like to be in the sky now and again. Although we'll have to wait a few years before you go much higher, aye?"

  Bringing her down, he gave Freya a sloppy kiss and settled her against his chest again. "I want to be here for Fraser and Holly, but keeping the bairns in the reception area won't be easy."

  Tyler spoke up from behind them. "While it's not quite finished, Dr. MacFie's been having a playroom and nursery put together. There are a few cribs as well as toys. You can wait there, if you like."

  He glanced at Arabella. "Is that all right, love?"

  She nodded. "Of course. Holly and Fraser might need us, and the triplets don't mind where they sleep and eat as long as they do."

  Arabella referred to the fact that since Holly was human, she had an increased risk of dying during delivery.

  His dragon grunted. But she's had quite a bit of Fraser's blood injected into her. She'll do fine.

  Even dragon-shifters die in childbirth, dragon. You know that. Remember Gregor's first mate?

  His beast huffed. But it won't happen to Holly. She's strong and will fight with everything she has to be there for her children.

  Holly's mother had been murdered a number of years ago. The lass still mourned her.

  Fraser looked back to Tyler. "Aye, that'll do, Tyler. Show us the way."

  He picked up the nappy bags Meg had brought with her. As Tyler guided them down the hallway, Arabella said, "I also called Faye and Grant before coming here. We all decided not to tell Fergus and Gina about Holly going into labor, or they may never start the frenzy."

  "Aye, that's the decision I would've made, too. Especially if there's a complication, then Fergus's dragon could lose it and go rogue. I'm sure Fraser will forgive him for missing his children's birth if it means keeping his brother sane and whole."

  Tyler stopped in front of a room. "Here you are. I'll keep you updated on Holly and Fraser. There's a phone in the room, and it'll ring when we have updates. That way I won't tie up your mobile in case there's a clan emergency."

  Finn patted the nurse's arm. "Thanks, Tyler."

  Tyler nodded. Arabella and Finn entered the playroom-slash-nursery.

  The bright colors on the walls were painted in geometric designs, and the white cribs were lined to one side. Bins of toys were stacked in one corner, and a number of comfy armchairs were scattered about the room. There was even a gliding chair nestled in the darkest corner of the room, probably to help with getting a bairn to sleep or even with nursing.

  Finn whistled. "As much as I love Gregor, the surgery has definitely improved under a female's touch."

  Arabella placed the boys in a crib and gave each a stuffed toy. "Layla MacFie is more likely to think about babies, parents, and their needs. Gregor always tried to block them out, because of how his mate and unborn baby died in childbirth."

  Finn placed Freya next to her two brothers. "Aye, but he has a bairn on the way now with Sid, so I expect that will change."

  Fishing out Freya's favorite stuffed fox, he laid it next to her. After kissing each of his children on the forehead, he whispered, "You lot look sleepy. Maybe if you cooperate with Mummy and Daddy and take a nap, then we'll have time to think of some fun games later on."

  Declan moved his head and lightly banged it against his brother.

  With a sigh, Finn created a stuffed toy wall between each of them. When outside their home, the triplets preferred sleeping in one bed. Separating them could end in hou
rs of frustration for all involved.

  He could only imagine what would happen if their tendency to stick together endured into their teen years. Finn would probably go completely gray.

  His dragon sighed. Stop complaining. You look forward to it.

  You might, but I remember what we were like. And there was only one of us and we have three of the little buggers.

  Arabella will help and it will be enough.

  Scanning the room, Finn located a lullaby toy. Pressing the button, it played a soothing melody.

  Freya yawned first, followed quickly by her brothers. He held his breath, hoping that Meg and her males had tired them out.

  As each slowly closed their eyes, he exhaled. He kept his voice low as he said to Arabella, "Thank you for earlier, love. Sometimes I wonder if you should've been made clan leader instead of me."

  She whispered back, "Putting aside I was in England at the time of the trials, barely speaking to anyone, I still say no, thank you. Besides, you don't need to thank me for merely acting as your mate."

  He shook his head. "Don't downplay your importance, Ara. I won't have it."

  Leaning against him, she murmured, "Fine. I am fairly brilliant. But you've been having a hard time, and since you were there for me when I needed it most, I'm trying to do the same."

  He kissed her forehead. "I love you, Arabella MacLeod."

  "I love you, too, Finlay Stewart."

  They stood in silence for several minutes, watching their children sleep.

  His dragon spoke up. I love Aunt Lorna, but I wish our parents could be here, too.

  Aye, I know, dragon. But raising these three hellions will help keep their legacy alive.

  Finn's father had been clan leader many years ago, but he and Finn's mother had died at the hands of enemies when Finn had been a teenager.

  His beast replied, I think it's time to revisit Ara's idea.

  I think you're right.

  He whispered, "Once all of this is sorted, I want to help you make the picture family tree in the living room."

  She glanced up. "Are you sure? I know having your parents' pictures on the wall won't be easy."

  He squeezed her waist. "It'll be just as difficult for you, doing it with your parents, Ara, and yet you're willing to hang them up."

  She ran her hand up and down his side. "My mother saved my life. The least I can do is keep her memory alive for our children. Besides, having pictures of both your mother and mine will help Freya understand why I gave her the middle names of Anne and Jocelyn."

  Anne had been his mum's name and Jocelyn had been Arabella's mother's name.

  He gently squeezed her shoulders. "And your father? After all, our sons each carry the names of one of their grandfathers. Can you handle having his picture on the wall, too?"

  "I—" She paused and finally continued, "I hate the unknowing, but I think it's finally time to accept that my father is dead. He disappeared not long after my mum died and never returned. If Kai and Bram haven't been able to find him, then he's gone for good. Having his picture around will help me accept that fact."

  "Then I suppose it's time for both of us to push past the pain so our children can better know their grandparents."

  "I hope we can be around longer than either of our parents were, so that our children don't have to go through the same pain so young in life," Arabella whispered.

  He pulled Arabella tighter against his side. "As I've said, I'm going to do everything within my power to ensure our three hellions have us for a very long time."

  As he memorized his sleeping children's faces, a sense of peace washed over Finn. True, something could go wrong soon enough, but these were the moments he'd use to draw strength and fight for every one of his clan members' future.

  Chapter Four

  A baby's cry woke up Arabella. Blinking her eyes open, she tugged at Finn's arm around her waist, and he released her.

  She quickly reached the crib, but stopped breathing at what she saw. Freya was awake, but her pupils were slitted.

  Which meant her inner dragon was either in charge or talking with Freya.

  Her dragon spoke up. That shouldn't happen yet.

  Keeping her voice low and as free of panic as she should, she said, "Finn, wake up."

  He grumbled, and Arabella debated whether to pick up her daughter or not. If Freya's dragon had somehow managed to take control, she didn't want to push the beast too far and possibly cause it to go rogue.

  Which meant she might lose her daughter forever.

  "What is it?" Finn asked on a yawn.

  Arabella pointed at Freya and Finn leaned forward, clearly alert. "What the…?"

  She kept her tone low and light, so as to not upset Freya. "What do we do, Finn? That's not normal. She's only a few months old. Her dragon shouldn't speak to her until five years at the earliest."

  "I don't know. But maybe Layla or Logan might. Let me see."

  After quickly squeezing her shoulder, Finn raced out of the room.

  The second her father was out of sight, Freya began crying. The sight of her pink-faced baby with tears rolling down her cheeks tugged at Arabella's heart. No doubt, she was scared and confused. "Sssh, Freya, love. Daddy's getting us some help. We'll have this sorted soon enough."

  Freya didn't exactly settle, but at least she merely sniffled instead of bawled.

  Arabella glanced at the twins. Declan slept through anything, but Grayson stirred a little and would soon join his sister's cries.

  It was Arabella's job to protect her babies, and yet, all she could do was stand and watch or risk making things worse.

  She said to her dragon, I hate not knowing what to do.

  There has to be a reason for why this happened to Freya now. Young dragons must be provoked into coming out of their hiding spots inside their minds this early.

  Layla raced into the room, with Finn close on her heels. The doctor stopped at the crib and studied Freya's eyes. After a few beats, Layla spoke in her stern, yet gentle doctor voice filled with dominance. "Now, now, I know your dragon must be impatient to come out to play, but she really should be sleeping somewhere safe in your mind."

  Freya's soft cries turned into what Arabella could only describe as roars.

  Grayson started wailing, but thankfully, his pupils were round. Finn swiftly picked up their son and carried him to the other side of the room to calm him.

  Arabella glanced at the doctor. "What do we do, Layla? Have you seen it before?"

  Layla kept her voice gentle. "Only in textbooks. But Sid and Gregor just arrived, and if anyone can help with unusual inner dragon-related problems, it's them."

  Dr. Sid had lost her dragon for twenty years, until Gregor had brought out her beast during the mate-claim frenzy. Ever since then, Gregor had dedicated his free time to learning as much as possible about inner dragons and how they worked. While not a guaranteed solution, Arabella had faith that Sid and Gregor could help or find a way to do so.

  Arabella reached for Freya, but quickly clenched her fingers into a fist. She still didn't know if picking her daughter up would make things worse. "It's all right, Freya. Mummy's old friend, Dr. Sid, will be coming soon. She and her mate might be able to help you."

  Layla went to the door and shouted something to a nurse about bringing the Stonefire doctors to the nursery. She then dashed back inside. "Is there anything that could've caused this? Finn didn't think so, but I wanted to double-check with you, too."

  Arabella ran through the day and shook her head. "No, the only difference in the routine today was that Meg watched the triplets for a bit."

  Finn grunted. "I'm going to ask Meg what she did with them."

  Noticing the blame in Finn's voice, she said, "Finn, don't shout at her. For all we know, she didn't do anything wrong, and Freya's dragon did this on her own."

  Layla nodded. "Ara's right. Meg will be in Room 3 with her new grandson. Try not to ruin the happy moment for them all."

  Finn grunted
, his voice a little less accusatory. "Aye, I'll try not to. Although if she begins one of her guilt trips about Aunt Lorna, I can't make any promises. This is too important."

  Finn disappeared with Grayson still in his arms and Arabella turned back to Freya. She searched for her daughter's favorite fox toy but didn't spot it in the crib. Spotting it on the floor, she risked giving the toy to Freya. The second the fox was next to her, Freya stopped crying and her pupils returned to round again.

  "I don't understand," Arabella stated. "Her dragon wanted the toy? Why go to all that trouble?"

  Layla shook her head. "I have no idea. But if Freya's dragon is active at this young of an age, we're all going to have to tread carefully. We can't exactly teach a bairn how to control an inner beast."

  Sid and Gregor rushed through the door. Gregor asked, "What's wrong, Layla? They simply said to hurry here."

  Layla turned toward her former mentor with a frown. "I'm not sure. Freya's pupils were slitted and I swear she roared."

  Gregor moved to the crib. "She looks content and back to normal now."

  Arabella filled him in on the details and added, "Once she had her favorite toy again, her pupils returned to normal. Is there anything you can tell us, Gregor? Please?"

  Sid appeared on Arabella's other side and she placed a hand on her shoulder. "Let us take a look first, Ara. And then we'll go from there."

  Arabella nodded and stepped back. She never tore her gaze from her daughter as Layla said, "I need to check on Holly. Will you be fine with Sid and Gregor here?"

  Arabella murmured her assurance.

  "Aye, then I'll be back as soon as I can."

  Clasping her hands, Arabella tried her best to stay calm.

  Her beast spoke up. I think Freya will be fine. Her dragon must be anxious to come out and play.

  But at that age, the dragon could easily overpower her, and we'll lose our baby girl. Few children under the age of five whose dragons take control resist going rogue. And even fewer ever return to their former selves.


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