Reawakening the Dragon: Part Four Read online

Page 5

  Evie jumped in. “Just make sure to keep me in the loop so I can approach the DDA again if we need it.”

  “Of course,” Arabella answered.

  While Jane was glad there would be fewer Dragon Knights out and about to terrorize the dragon-shifters, she was still worried about the other battle. “Did the DDA pass on any updates on Kai and his team?”

  Arabella shook her head. “Not yet.” The dragonwoman looked over to her side and back to the screen. “I need to go and talk with the DDA liaison. I’ll let you know if I find out anything else.”

  Bram answered, “Thanks, Ara.”

  With a nod, Arabella severed the connection and the screen went black.

  Bram met Jane’s eye. “As long as the leaders of the knights are still around, you need to be careful, Jane.”

  “You’re starting to sound like Kai,” Jane bit out.

  “I’ll let that slide because you’re worried about Kai.”

  Evie lightly smacked Bram’s side. “Leave her alone. You’d act exactly the same way if you were waiting for me.” Evie smiled at Jane. “I know you’re worried, but Kai is the best there is. Did you want some tea whilst you wait?”

  Jane just prevented herself from snapping at Evie. The woman didn’t deserve her rudeness. “No. I just need to move or I’ll go crazy.”

  As Jane started pacing, Bram’s voice filled the room. “Trust in Kai, Jane. There’s no need to worry. It won’t help.”

  Jane stopped and narrowed her eyes at Bram. “Yes, I’m sure you’ll heed that advice without question whenever Evie goes into labor.”

  Fear flashed in Bram’s eyes and he growled. “Don’t even joke about that. Childbirth is riskier.”

  Jane raised her brows. “Sorry, Bram. But for me, it’s the same thing. Kai may not come back.”

  Evie rubbed her pregnant belly. “Stop being daft, you two. Death could happen to anyone in a heartbeat. As I’ve told Bram, use your energy to worry about something else. Say, like how to mend peace with Clans Skyhunter and Snowridge.”

  Bram brushed Evie’s cheek. “And what did I tell you? Deliver me a baby and come out of it safe and sound, and I’ll do whatever you like.”

  As Jane watched the love shining in both Bram and Evie’s eyes, her heart squeezed. She wanted to find her own happy ending, but she was afraid to hope.

  She wanted to stay on Stonefire with Kai, but there was still the matter of his true mate. For all she knew, even if Kai survived the current battle, he still might be ripped from her side if Maggie Jones showed up out of the blue and kissed him.

  Get a grip, Jane. Just like Evie said, worrying isn’t going to accomplish anything.

  It was easier said than done, but Jane took a deep breath to help clear her mind. After a second, she cleared her throat. Bram and Evie looked at her. “Maybe if you gave me a task, it would help distract me from imagining every worst-case scenario.”

  Bram continued to caress Evie’s cheek as he talked. “You could always pitch your podcast idea now instead of next week.”

  “I don’t have any of my materials, notes, or even Melanie here to help. That will have to wait,” Jane answered.

  “Then, I don’t know, you could show us a dance?” Bram asked.

  Evie smacked him in the side. “Don’t be silly. You could always tell her embarrassing stories about Kai.”

  “Aye, I could,” Bram replied. “But I’d rather not have him telling you embarrassing ones about me.”

  Evie studied her mate. “I will get it out of your later.”

  Just as Bram opened his mouth, Evie’s mobile phone rang again and Jane nearly sighed. As much as she was starting to like Bram and Evie, the last thing Jane needed was the glow of love that she may never have.

  Evie’s face remained neutral as she talked and Jane waited with bated breath. Please let Kai be okay, please.

  Evie said, “Okay,” and hung up the phone. Then she looked at Jane and smiled. “It’s done. There are a few injuries, but your dragonman is alive and well.”

  She let out a breath. “Good. Then I get to scold him when he gets back for scaring me.”

  Evie and Bram grinned, but it was Bram who replied, “Maybe kiss him first, lass. He deserves it.”

  “Maybe. It depends how injured he is.”

  Bram chuckled and Evie added, “Your source did his job. Thank you, Jane, for helping us eradicate one of the pains in our arses.”

  Jane shook her head. “Don’t thank me. Part of the reason I set it all up was to save my own skin.”

  Bram studied her a second before his deep voice filled the room again. “You’re as bad as Kai when it comes to taking a bloody compliment. Can’t you just say thank you like a normal person?”

  Jane shifted her feet. She had never handled compliments well and decided to change the subject. “Kai and the others will probably be back soon. Shouldn’t we go to the main landing area and wait?”

  Bram put out a hand and Evie took it. “Then let’s go. The sooner we get you out of here, the sooner we can save the carpet from your pacing.”

  Not waiting for Bram and Evie, Jane walked out of the room, down the hall, and out the front door of the central command building. As soon as her feet hit the grass, she all but ran toward the landing area. Hearing Kai was okay and seeing it for herself were two very different things.

  She needed to hug her dragonman close. Only then would her heart rate slow and her stomach settle.

  As the sight of dragons appeared in the distance, Jane decided to screw it and ran all the way to the landing area.


  Kai glanced behind him to the road below, but didn’t see the car being used to transport the injured back to Stonefire. In total, there were three injured, one of which required immediate medical attention.

  Everyone had survived and he was grateful for that because it wasn’t always the case in his line of work.

  His dragon spoke up. Hurry. Our female is waiting for us.

  Despite the adrenaline fading from his system, Kai beat his wings faster. He’d never had a female to claim after a mission before. He didn’t know how other dragon-shifters felt, but all Kai could think about was hugging Jane close and kissing the living shit out of her. Stripping her naked and taking her slowly would have to wait until later. But for the moment, a kiss would do.

  His dragon grunted. Make sure to tell her she’s staying with us.

  We’ll see, dragon, we’ll see.

  Why hesitate? She’s proven her worth to the clan and she already gave up her human job. Stonefire is where she belongs.

  It’s her choice. I can’t force her.

  His beast huffed. In the old days, males could order their females around.

  Hm, and what fun would that be?

  His dragon sulked and focused on flying.

  Kai smiled. He was winning more and more over his beast these days. If nothing else, he should keep Jane around just to irritate his dragon.

  As the peaks marking Stonefire’s northern-most border came into focus, he signaled the lightly injured toward the landing area reserved for dragons needing medical attention. Kai and the remaining five dragons headed toward the main landing area in the center of Stonefire.

  On the final approach, Kai scanned the small figures on the ground until his eyes locked onto a dark-haired female standing next to Bram and Evie. Even from several hundred feet in the air, he would know Jane Hartley anywhere.


  Agreeing with his dragon, Kai slowed down the beat of his wings and gently lowered himself into the landing area. The second his feet touch the ground, he imagined his body shrinking back into his six-foot-three human frame.

  He’d barely taken two steps when Jane jumped into his arms. Kai hugged his female tightly and murmured, “Hello.”

  Looking up, Jane frowned. “Hello is not nearly enough. What happened? Were you hurt at all? Where’s the rest of your team?”

  Kai chuckled. “Inquisitive one, aren’t you?”

  She lightly slapped his chest. “Stop stalling. You know I don’t like being left in the dark.”

  He cupped her face and strummed his thumb on her cheek. Jane’s tension eased a fraction and he answered, “We won. I’m fine. The others are with Sid.”

  “Kai Sutherland, we need to work on your elaboration skills.”

  He grinned. “Maybe.”

  Jane smiled and shook her head. “Sometimes I wonder why I want to stay with you at all.”

  Both man and beast stopped breathing. After a few seconds, Kai found his voice again. “So you’re staying?”

  Running her hands up his chest and resting them on the back of his neck, she leaned her body against his. “Provided I can find work here and survive meeting your family on Snowridge, then I’m probably staying.”

  “I don’t like the ‘probably’ part of your sentence.”

  “We can discuss my reasons for it when we’re alone, but not before,” Jane stated

  Kai nuzzled Jane’s cheek. “Whatever your doubts, I will erase them.”

  “I hope so, dragonman, I really do,” she murmured.

  His beast growled. Kiss her. Let everyone know she’s ours.

  Not needing any further encouragement, Kai hugged Jane close and kissed her.

  Oblivious to the others watching, he moved his hands to Jane’s arse and squeezed before stroking his tongue into her mouth. Just tasting his sweet female helped to calm his heart and wash away some of his fatigue from the battle.

  When his female groaned, the vibration sent a shot of lust straight to his dick.

  His beast spoke up. Not here. I don’t want the others to see her.

  His dragon’s words were the equivalent of someone pouring ice water over his head. Kai broke the kiss and Jane whispered, “Why did you stop?”

  Kai cleared his throat and kept his voice low. “I’m naked and a good portion of the clan are here, watching us.”

  Jane tilted her head. “What was it that you told me in the beginning? Oh, that’s right. Clothing is a human concern. Dragon-shifters don’t care about such things.”

  He gently slapped her bum. “It matters when it’s my female.”

  “I’m yours, huh? I don’t remember anyone asking.”

  Kai growled. “You didn’t give me a bloody chance, woman. You jumped me as soon as I was human again.”

  Jane rubbed her lower body against his and Kai sucked in a breath. Jane’s voice was husky as she replied, “I can walk away right now if you want to try this again.”

  His beast growled. She teases us. I don’t like it.

  Yes you do. Stop lying.

  After a second, his dragon added, Yes, I do. But we still should take our female somewhere private.

  I’m going to try, dragon, but Bram will want details.

  Then keep Jane close so we can have her as soon as possible.

  I will never let her go.

  Jane moved a hand to his face. “Are you done talking with your dragon? I still need an answer.”

  Lowering his head, he nipped her bottom lip and murmured, “For a human, you’re demanding.”

  She nipped him back. “I rather have to be if I want to keep up with you.”

  Kai was about to kiss her again when a male cleared his throat and broke the spell. Kai snarled as he looked up to see Bram. “Everyone’s fine. Aaron can give you the report. I’m busy.”

  Bram chuckled. “I see that, Kai. If you’re not careful, you’ll be walking home with a hard cock.”

  Jane nuzzled his chest and it helped calm Kai. As he held Jane in his arms, Kai answered Bram, “The DDA can tell Evie the specifics of the capture near the lake. Much like they did on Lochguard’s border, they smoked the human knights out of the forest with special tear-gas canisters.”

  Jane touched Kai’s jaw. “I wish that was the end of it.”

  Kai frowned down at Jane. “What are you talking about?”

  Jane filled him in on Arabella’s report and he grunted. “We’ll just have to up our security and ensure you never leave Stonefire without an escort.”

  Jane opened her mouth, but Bram beat her to the reply. “He’s right, Jane. If they ever find out you were the reason we set them up to be captured, they’ll be out for your blood.”

  Kai hugged Jane tighter against his body. “I will protect her.”

  Bram clapped Kai’s bicep. “Aye, I know you will, Kai.” His clan leader motioned with his head. “Enjoy Jane for a little while and then come debrief me the rest.”

  Jane spoke up. “Is anyone going to ask me?”

  The corner of Kai’s mouth ticked up. “No. Your next hour is mine.”

  His human tilted her head. “And I suppose we’ll spend that hour touring the clan’s lands?”

  Kai growled. “No. You’re going to spend it in my bed.”

  Even though Jane’s eyes flashed with heat, she tried to frown. “How about if you shout it to the wind? I don’t think the dragon-shifters on the other side of the landing area heard you.”

  Kai raised his voice. “Jane Hartley, I’m taking you home, stripping you, and plan to make you scream.”

  Jane’s cheeks flushed pink. “Stop it.”

  Bram laughed and Evie walked over to join them. “What’s so funny?”

  Hugging Evie to his side, Bram shook his head. “Nothing, love. I’ll explain it later.” Bram met Kai’s eyes again. “Go, but keep your mobile phone nearby. I’ll talk to Aaron and the others, but if I need to reach you, you’d better bloody well pick up. I don’t care what you’re doing. Understand?”

  Kai grunted. “Fine.”

  Evie jumped in. “I would almost say you’re pouting Kai.”

  Jane lifted her head and looked to Evie. “He does it all the time with me. It really destroys the badass image he has going on.”

  Since Jane and Evie would conspire against him until it grew dark and the moon rose, Kai adjusted his grip and lifted Jane over his shoulder.

  His female squeaked. “I thought we talked about this.”

  “That’s the problem. Too much talking.” He lifted a hand. “Bye Bram. Evie.”

  As Kai raced toward his cottage, he ignored the people staring or Jane’s protests over his shoulder. He wanted his female and he wanted her now.

  Chapter Four

  After about thirty seconds, Jane stopped protesting and tried to think of how she’d get her revenge on Kai. Each step he jogged jarred his shoulder against her stomach. He had payback coming his way.

  But since she couldn’t do anything about it until he put her down, Jane reveled in the feel of Kai’s hard muscles under her body and took a deep inhalation of his musky male scent.

  Her dragonman had come home safe and sound.

  Seeing Kai shift into a human had sent a rush of relief through her body. In that second, she knew her place was with Kai at Stonefire. Not just because of her feelings for her dragonman, but she could also do the most good for the British dragon-shifters by working with Bram, Evie, and Melanie.

  Hell, Jane could do more than help Stonefire. She could probably improve the status quo for dragon-shifters the world over. No reporter had the access and resources Jane would have on Stonefire.

  There was only one thing preventing her from telling Kai she’d stay forever.

  While she was pretty confident Kai would repair relations with his mother and sister over time, Jane needed to give Kai the chance to choose his future. If he still wanted a chance with his true mate, Maggie, then Jane would let him go. After all, a dragon-shifter’s true mate was supposed to be their best chance at happiness.

  Not that Jane liked that idea one bit. Digging her nails into Kai’s back, she fought the urge to scream, “Mine.”

  For better or worse, Kai was rubbing off on her.

  Before she spent too much more time thinking of her future, Kai opened the door to his cottage. Once they were through, he slammed it shut and dashed up the stairs. In the blink of an eye, Jane was facedown on his

  “Kai, what are you—”

  The dragonman tore off her top and trousers, tossing the scraps of fabric on the floor as he went. Before Jane could do more than blink, her bra and underwear were also shredded and tossed to the ground.

  Jane found her voice. “Hey, that was my best bra.”

  Kai tugged off one trainer and then the other before removing her socks. “You can get another one.”

  “That’s not the point.”

  Kai ran his warm, rough hands up the back of her thighs. “They are just things. You are important. Whatever you wear doesn’t matter.”

  At the combination of his touch and his words, Jane softened a fraction. “That’s a start, but I need something else as way of an apology.”

  Her dragonman rubbed her buttocks in slow circles. Without realizing it, she opened her thighs and Kai chuckled. “Your body tells me what I need to do.”

  One hand stilled and slowly moved between her thighs. As he played with her slit, Jane couldn’t help but moan. “Someday, your magical fingers aren’t going to work on me.”

  “Not if I have anything to say about it.”

  He thrust his finger into her pussy and Jane wiggled her hips. His finger wasn’t nearly enough.

  Yet Kai took his time removing and plunging into her heat. Clenching the sheets in her fingers, Jane gritted out, “I should be the one teasing you.”

  Kai ran his other hand up to her lower back and pressed down. “Not until I’ve taken you from behind.”

  She was about to protest when he removed his fingers and hand. In the next second, Kai lifted her hips and teased her opening with his cock. “Have you been on birth control long enough to go without a condom?”

  “Yes. Just hurry up already.”

  He rubbed through her wetness again. “Maybe I should make you beg.”

  “Kai Sutherland, if you don’t—”

  He thrust into her pussy and Jane rested her forehead on the bed. She had a feeling he’d keep interrupting her and surprising her until they were eighty.

  Remaining still, Kai rubbed her back, her shoulders, and reached around for her breast. The contact brought her back to the present and she wiggled her hips. When Kai sucked in a breath, she smiled. “I’ve heard rumors about post-battle hard-ons. You’re not going to last long if I keep this up.” She moved her lower body again.


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