Healed by the Dragon: Boxed Set (Parts #1-4) Read online

Page 6

  “Chat about what?”

  Fraser answered, “Does Arabella know what the heather means?”

  “No, and you’re not going to tell her.”

  Fraser shrugged. “If not us, then probably Faye. You need to tell the English dragonwoman what it means, because if she finds out on her own, I don’t think she’ll be pleased.”

  Finn’s dragon preened. They agree with me. It’s three against one. You should tell her.

  This is not a democracy.

  Fergus finally chimed in, “Judging by your eyes, your dragon agrees with us. If you don’t tell her, then I fancy courting her myself.”

  Finn narrowed his eyes. “You touch her and I will kick your arse to the next county.”

  Fergus grinned. “It’s about time you’re consumed with finding a mate. I was starting to wonder if the rumors about you bedding every female you could find were true or not.”

  Fraser jumped in. “That’s why you went to Stonefire, isn’t it? Because you’d tried all the females here?”

  Finn rolled his eyes. “Yes, that was my secret reason for going. I wasn’t trying to ensure the future of our clan or anything.”

  Fraser shoved Finn’s shoulder. “I don’t know, cousin. With a few babies, you could breed a leader or two. But maybe change your last name to MacKenzie, aye? Then they’ll be charming, clever, and good-looking.”

  Finn loved his cousins and the fact he didn’t always need to act the part of clan leader around them, but the urge to see Arabella and make sure his aunt and Faye weren’t giving her the similar treatment grew stronger. His lass was strong, but while she could handle his teasing, he wondered if she could handle it from others.

  Luckily, Fraser and Fergus were prevented from saying anything else when the back door to the cottage opened and the light from inside outlined Faye’s body. “Are you three finished yet? Supper’s ready and I’m starving.”

  Shrugging off Fraser and Fergus’s hands, Finn walked to the door. “We’re all done. How’s Arabella?”

  Faye crossed her arms over her chest. “You worry too much, but I’ve been surrounded by alpha dragonmen most of my life and know my words won’t be enough. Come see for yourself so I can eat.”

  He resisted arguing with his female cousin and pushed past her.

  Finn entered the dining area. Arabella was sitting next to his aunt, but turned to meet his eyes. The sight of his lass smiling with mischief in her eyes soothed his dragon’s fretting.


  Arabella was smiling at Lorna’s latest story of Finn as a boy when the very adult male himself showed up. The sight of Finn’s hair mussed from the wind and wood chopping, combined with the way he zeroed in to her eyes as soon as he entered the room, made her stomach flip. To say the dragonman was attractive was an understatement.

  Her dragon chimed in. Yes. Give him a chance. You will like it.


  Don’t be afraid.

  Finn’s voice silenced her inner beast. “Should I be worried about what my auntie told you in my absence?”

  Lorna beat her to a reply. “Never you mind. Sit down so we can eat, or Faye’s crankiness may move into the unbearable zone.”

  Fraser sat down across from Arabella. “Not even I will mess with my sister when she’s hungry. Hurry up and dish the food before she starts grumbling.”

  Faye crossed her arms over her chest. “Says the male who moans at a paper cut. Males, especially grown dragonmen, are giant babies when they’re ill or injured.”

  Fergus sat down in the empty chair to her right and Arabella resisted seeking out Finn’s gaze. It seemed tonight’s supper would be the ultimate test of how well she could do with strangers surrounding her.

  Yet as she stole a glance at Lorna on her other side, Arabella felt safe enough. Despite only meeting the dragonwoman less than an hour ago, both woman and dragon didn’t sense a threat. Arabella didn’t think she would ever hurt her.

  Finn’s growl finally gave her the excuse to look at the Scottish leader. Instead of meeting her eye, he looked at Fergus. “That’s my spot, cousin.”

  Fergus merely cocked an eyebrow. “Oh, aye? Care to tell me why?”

  Finn narrowed his eyes. “You know why.”

  Rather than put up with the two males arguing, Arabella jumped in. “I’m perfectly capable of sitting between your aunt and cousin. Take the empty seat so we can start.”

  Finn looked at her and she drew in a breath at his flashing dragon eyes. She’d seen that look on her brother around Melanie, before they’d been mated.

  No. It couldn’t be. She’d never even kissed Finlay, and he certainly wasn’t who she’d choose to be her mate.

  Her dragon huffed. Liar.

  Don’t call me a liar unless you have proof.

  Then kiss him so I can gloat later. You may lie to yourself but not to me. You fancy him.

  Arabella clenched the napkin on her lap. She didn’t like being called a liar.

  Lorna’s commanding voice broke through her anger. “Finlay, take the lass outside and talk with her in private. The tension in this room is riling up my own dragon.”

  Arabella frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  Finn put out a hand. “Come with me, Arabella.”

  She could be ornery and refuse. Yet between her dragon’s words and her own curiosity, the desire to know what the hell was going on was strong.

  Standing up, she frowned as she went to Finn. She didn’t take his hand. “If this is another game to get me alone and spit out flirtatious lines, then I’ll turn around and come right back in. Your aunt went to a lot of trouble to cook the roast for us and I won’t let you spoil it.”

  Finn clenched his jaw and turned. “Come.”

  She looked to Lorna, but the dragonwoman motioned for her to go.

  Once they were outside, Finn turned toward her. The look in his eyes made her shiver. Somehow, she made her voice work. “Why are we out here, Finn? What’s going on?”

  He took a step toward her, their bodies now a few inches apart. “I don’t want you sitting next to any other male, but especially not Fraser and Fergus.”

  The heat in his eyes made her heart rate kick up. She swallowed. “I don’t understand, Finn. Why? Just tell me straight.”

  Brushing her cheek with his finger, he murmured, “I don’t want to scare you, Arabella. I can wait as long as it takes. Despite what you might think of me, I can be a patient dragonman.”

  Each stroke of Finn’s skin against hers made her heart pound harder. Between Finn’s words and her dragon’s, Arabella had a feeling she knew what they were both saying. Yet the human half of her wasn’t ready to face it.

  Then Finn cupped her cheek and some of her tension eased. His breath was a whisper on her lips. “If you really want to know the truth, then let me kiss you, Arabella.”

  Her voice was strangled. “Kiss you?”

  Moving his free hand to her back, he rubbed in circles, his touch making her melt. “Aye. One kiss will tell you what you wish to know. Otherwise, you can just follow my order to stay away from other males and kiss me when you’re ready.”

  She opened her mouth to protest when Finn pressed gently against her back. As her stomach made contact with his front, his hard cock pressed against her.

  Instead of a panic, heat surged through her body. Her dragon whispered. You are ready. Kiss him. I know you want to.

  Finn leaned down a fraction more toward her lips. “So, what will it be, Arabella MacLeod? Will you let me kiss you?”


  End Part One



  Chapter One

  Arabella MacLeod’s heart thundered inside her chest.

  Between Finn cupping her cheek and his hot breath against her lips, she should be terrified. Yet every instinct she possessed urged her to close the few inches between them and kiss him.

  Her dragon’s voice was soft. You are ready. He is a good male and good dragon. Ki
ss him.

  Placing a hand on Finn’s chest, Arabella searched his amber eyes. Why she was drawn to him, she had no idea. He was everything she had set out to avoid.

  Yet he’d listened to the snippet of her past without pity. He also didn’t coddle or tiptoe around her, but instead, liked to push her buttons.

  If she kissed him, things would change. The question was whether she could handle it or not. If things turned south, she would have to run home and Arabella wasn’t sure if she could handle the knowing looks back home; everyone knew she couldn’t make it alone in the world.

  Looking at Finn’s lips, the urge to kiss the bloody dragonman only grew stronger. One kiss wouldn’t hurt anyone, would it? After all, she was here to finally put her past behind her. A kiss would take her one step further away from hiding.

  However, there was one thing she needed to know before she could convince herself to go through with it. “So, if I said to wait, you’d wait?”

  Finn strummed his thumb against her cheek. “Provided you didn’t go around kissing anyone else, yes.”

  “And if I did kiss someone else?”

  Growling, he brought his face an inch closer. “Then I can’t guarantee that male’s safety.”

  Fingering the buttons of his shirt, she looked down at the strong male chest in front of her. Arabella had no desire to kiss anyone else. Everything underneath the fabric could be hers if she wanted. The only question was whether she wanted it in this moment or at a later time.

  After a few more seconds, she looked back up and opened her mouth. However, before she could say anything, the door behind them swung open and slammed against something.

  Arabella jumped and turned toward the sound just as Finn moved in front of her. Aunt Lorna stood in the doorway.

  Finn growled. “Auntie, you’d better have a good reason for interrupting.”

  Lorna raised an eyebrow. “Don’t growl at me, Finlay Stewart. I would scold you, but something has happened and that’s more important.”

  Arabella gripped Finn’s bicep and asked, “What? Is it the dragon hunters? Or even the Dragon Knights?”

  Lorna shook her head. “No, this is internal. Someone broke into your cottage, Arabella.”

  Finn cursed. “Who reported it?”

  Lorna motioned inside. “Come, and I’ll fill in the details.” The dragonwoman turned without a word and went back inside.

  Finn brushed her cheek with a finger. “I’m not going to forget this, Arabella. We’ll pick up where we left off soon enough.”

  As Finn took her hand and tugged her along, a small part of Arabella was relieved. She would have time to think out the situation with Finn instead of acting because of her hormones.

  Her inner dragon was still on edge at being riled up and not kissed. Sending soothing thoughts to her beast, Arabella added, Calm down. Addressing the threats is more important.

  If you say so. He will kiss you later, though. You need to let him.

  As they went inside the MacKenzie’s cottage, Arabella willed her cheeks to cool. No doubt, his cousins knew Finn’s intentions, but she wasn’t sure if she could take their teasing. Especially given that she hadn’t figured out what the hell to do herself.

  Would she have said yes?

  Her dragon huffed. Of course. By waiting, you will have to work up the nerve again.

  Rather than answer, Finn guided her to the living area, where Lorna and a strange male she didn’t know stood. Faye and the twins were absent.

  At the sight of the unknown, dark-haired dragonman, Arabella tried to pull her hand from Finn’s, but he just gave her a squeeze and looked at the newcomer. “What happened, Grant?”

  Grant’s brown eyes darted to Arabella, full of interest, before looking back at his clan leader. “I was doing my patrols when I noticed a small fire in the English lass’s yard. There was no one near or inside the house, but the door was busted open and the windows smashed.” He looked to Arabella again and then back to Finn. “Someone also painted ‘Send the English whore home’ on the living room wall.”

  The living room wall was where Arabella had hung her pictures. While it was a bit childish considering how much worse the situation could’ve been if she had been home, the thought of someone toying with her former lifelines stoked her anger. She demanded, “Did you catch the bastards?”

  Grant blinked. Arabella wondered if she’d crossed the line, then Finn squeezed her hand again and echoed, “Well, did you?”

  The dark-haired dragonman shook his head. “No. Shay and some of the others are scouring the place now for clues.”


  Finn’s heat from earlier at nearly kissing Arabella had transformed into a fire of anger. He didn’t want to think of what would’ve happened if Arabella had been home this evening. Would his clan really have attacked her to get back at him? The thought squeezed his heart.

  Still, he forced his mind to focus. He’d expected Duncan and his supporters to use an English dragon-shifter as an excuse to attack him. Without his wits, he couldn’t protect Arabella. “I can’t prove it, but I would bet my position the culprit is one of Duncan’s. Go back to the house and look for anything that can lead to one of his supporters. Also, have someone pack Arabella’s things and bring them to my cottage.”

  Since Finn was overly aware of everything about the female at his side, her whisper of, “What?” may as well have been a shout.

  He ordered Grant, “Go.” Once the Protector was gone, Finn looked down at Arabella. “I had hoped my clan would treat you well, but a few troublemakers want to flush you out. I won’t risk your safety, Ara, so you’re staying with me.”

  Tugging her hand, he released it this time. Arabella narrowed her eyes. “I appreciate the protection, but you can’t just force me to move in with you.”

  “Aye, I can. Unless you want to go back to Stonefire?”

  She took a step toward him. “You keep using that excuse against me. Would it kill you to ask for my opinion or at least give me some options? I’m finally in charge of my life again and I’m not about to just hand it over to you.”

  “And what about your safety, Arabella? You’ve let your training lapse. I also bet you haven’t shifted into a dragon for quite some time. If I don’t protect you, then who will?”

  Arabella pointed a finger. “Don’t bring my dragon into this. You bloody well know I’m working on that.”

  He should shut up, but Finn was past rational thinking. “Are you, Arabella MacLeod? I saw the hunger earlier today, near the landing area. If you truly want something that badly, you’d have it by now. You need to stop hiding behind the excuse of your past. A decade is more than enough to get over something tragic.”

  “What do you know of tragedy? You, with the winks and grins, flirting with every female in sight. Until you’ve been tied down and set on fire, then you can’t say a bloody word to me about getting past it.”

  His dragon spoke up. You’re pushing her too far. Stop.

  No. She needs to hear it.

  Shutting his dragon inside his mind, he closed the gap between him and Arabella. Taking hold of her arm, he leaned close to her face. “Just because I haven’t been set on fire doesn’t mean I haven’t had my fair share of tragedy. Hell, I was forced to watch my parents be drained of blood right in front of me by a corrupt DDA employee, so don’t say a bloody word about me not understanding. I got past it eventually. If you truly wanted to be free, you’ll do the same.”

  Arabella blinked. “What?”

  “Ah, not so cocky now, are you, lass.”

  Aunt Lorna’s strong voice interrupted. “That’s enough, Finlay.”

  Keeping his hold on Arabella’s arm, he looked to his aunt. “Auntie, this is clan business and my call.”

  Lorna shook her head. “It may be clan business, but you’re not treating her as if she were a normal member of the clan. The lass is right, give her options. She can always stay here.” He opened his mouth, but his aunt cut him off. “Your inner dr
agon is making you hotheaded. Take a walk, Finn, and sort out the clan. Talk to the lass afterwards.”

  His dragon chimed in. She is right. Arabella needs a break, and so do you. Don’t lose her.

  That’s the second time you’ve said that. She can take it.

  Maybe, but I want her and she won’t kiss us if you keep pushing right now.

  With a grunt, Finn released his hold on Arabella and looked at his lass. “I’ll be back later to finish this conversation. Don’t run away.”

  Before anyone could speak or he could change his mind, Finn headed out the front door and toward Arabella’s cottage.


  Arabella stared at the door Finn had just exited. Without him nearby, her temper cooled and allowed her to digest what he’d told her. My parents were drained of blood right in front of me.

  While different from torture, it was no less tragic, especially given that the Department of Dragons Affairs, or DDA, was supposed to help protect the dragon clans. Having one turn against you in that manner would’ve been devastating. At fifteen, Finn had been even younger than she when he’d gone through his tragedy.

  Even so, his past didn’t give him the right to act like an arsehole.

  Lorna’s voice interrupted her thoughts. “Come, Arabella, let’s have some tea.”

  She was about to say she didn’t want any tea, but the look on Lorna’s face brooked no argument. With a sigh, she followed the dragonwoman into the kitchen. Lorna would’ve made a fantastic clan leader.

  As Lorna filled the kettle with water, she said, “Finn has a temper with those close to him, but then again, I think so do you.”

  She almost felt sheepish at Lorna’s words, but refused to show it. “He still didn’t need to pull his alpha dragonman bullshit.”

  Lorna turned and crossed her arms over her chest. “If Stonefire’s leader had given that order, would you have fought him?”


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