The Dragon's Choice (Tahoe Dragon Mates Book 1) Page 7
Once Wes and Ashley were gone, Jose hugged her against his side. He said to the other dragon-shifters, "Text me the appointments and I'll make sure Tori gets there on time."
Before either could say a word, he whisked her out of the room and back toward the entrance. He whispered into her ear, "I'll show you to our new place before you meet anyone else."
"Our place?" she echoed. "I thought it was my own place."
"It is, but if you think I'm going to live apart from you after the last two weeks, then I didn't try hard enough to convince you how much I want you."
Her cheeks heated a fraction. She wanted Jose nearby, but she couldn't resist teasing him. "Maybe you do need to try harder."
His pupils flashed. "If you didn't need a small break to recover, I'd show you at the first opportunity. But just know that I'm going to be planning a mind-blowing night for tomorrow. Maybe then you'll finally understand how much I want you."
Her heart rate kicked up at the same time heat surged through her body. Despite the fact she was sore, tired, and hungry from the frenzy, she still wanted more of her dragonman.
She probably always would.
Not now, Tori. She needed to focus on fitting in with the clan, too. "Until then, show me as much of the clan as possible." She paused and added, "And your dragon, too."
"A demanding female." His voice dropped a fraction. "I like it."
Holy crap, this man was almost too perfect for words.
Maybe she needed to meet his family after all, to make him more real and reveal some flaws. After all, families often had embarrassing stories, ones she couldn't wait to hear.
But as he steered her toward her new home, she studied every little thing about her surroundings, from the houses to the paths and streetlamp. For some reason, most Americans had a medieval vision of dragon-shifter living, but they were as modern as a human’s.
To ensure she didn't forget anything, Victoria would need to start taking notes. She had no aspirations about writing a book, but if any other human came to PineRock, it could help.
Chapter Eight
It took every bit of restraint Jose possessed not to find some dark, hidden corner and take his female again.
Even without the frenzy, he wanted her constantly.
His inner dragon spoke up. Let her rest a little. And remember, she was curious about dragon-shifters from the moment we met her. Indulge that, and she'll adore us more.
It seemed his dragon wanted to please their human, too.
They stepped outside the building into the afternoon sunshine. He'd just turned them toward the cabin meant to be hers when he heard a familiar female voice behind him. "Woo-hoo, Jose."
His sister.
Turning around, sure enough, there stood Gaby, her highlighted hair loose around her shoulders and wearing a grin as she darted her dark brown eyes between him and Victoria. He growled, "What do you want, Gaby?"
"To meet your human." She studied them a second. "It seems you owe me a huge debt for making you go through with the lottery."
"What is she talking about?" Victoria asked.
He decided the truth was best. "This is my younger sister, Gabriella, although everyone calls her Gaby. She's the one who entered us into the lottery, without my permission, I might add."
"Your sister?" The faint surprise in her voice was expected as he and his sister didn't look much alike. Victoria walked forward and put out a hand. "I'm glad to meet you. Call me Tori."
With a bemused look, Gaby took her hand and shook. "Not as much as I am. And judging by my brother's growly, protective demeanor, I assume you’re going to stay on PineRock with us long-term?"
He narrowed his eyes. "Don't put her on the spot, Gabriella."
His sister ignored him. "Are you? If so, then we should definitely get acquainted in the next week or so, to plot and conspire against my brother. I leave for my own lottery stint in less than two weeks, but I'm sure there's a lot we can do before then."
Victoria replied, "Oh, that's right. All dragon siblings participate in the lottery."
Gaby bobbed her head. "Yep, that's why I owed my brother a huge favor for going through with it. But I'm guessing it's repaid now that he has you."
Victoria's cheek heated. She murmured, "You can tell I'm his true mate?"
"I wish I was that good. But, alas, no. The clan leader let me and my parents know that Jose found his true mate. That way, we could prepare you a better welcome and all."
Jose walked over to Victoria and pulled her against his side. "I was going to bring her by the house a little later. At least let me show Tori her new home before you start your interrogations."
Gaby put up her hands. "Okay. Geez, you don't have to bite off my head, brother." Gaby looked back at Victoria. "I'll see you later today, probably at dinner. My mom is working on quite the feast. And if I were you, I'd make sure to wear some looser clothing because she'll keep feeding you until you're about to puke."
Jose turned him and Victoria a fraction more away from Gaby. "Then we need to go and make sure her luggage arrived to heed your advice, Gaby."
With that, Jose guided his mate away. Behind them, Gaby shouted, "I love you too, brother!"
He sighed, and Victoria snorted. "I like your sister."
"And that's what scares me," he muttered.
"So we're going to dinner at your parents' house tonight then?"
"I know it's really soon and while I can put them off if need be, they'll just find a way to accidentally drop by. A dinner, to meet them all at once, might be the best route."
Victoria shook her head. "No, it's okay. I'd rather get it out of the way if I'm honest. The sooner I know how people view a human living here, the better I can make plans on how to adapt."
His female was truly remarkable, ready to fight her own battles to be accepted. "You don't have to make all of the adjustments. If Wes's plans go the way he wants, there will be more humans living here in the coming years. And the more accepting PineRock is with you, the easier it'll be to entice others."
"Entice, huh? Given that two hundred women showed up to that hotel ballroom merely for the chance to have at you, I think it wouldn't be that hard."
Jose shook his head. "There's a difference between those who want to brag they've fucked a dragon-shifter and those who truly want to get to know us and stay."
Victoria tilted her head. "I'll admit I don't know as much as I should about humans living with dragon clans, but there are a number of other clans nearby, right? Are there humans there? I only ask because I'd like the chance to talk to them and maybe learn."
He sighed. "We haven't been as close as we could have been with the other three dragon clans in the greater Tahoe area. But if anyone would know about humans living with dragon mates on StoneRiver, SkyTree, or StrongFalls, it would be Cris. The Protectors, at least, talk with one another out of necessity to keep this territory safe. You can ask her when you see her in an hour or so."
He didn't like the uncertainty in Victoria's tone. "Look, Cris can appear over the top at first, but she loves the clan with all she has. As long as you don't question her being head Protector—she gets a shit time of it because she's female—then she might warm up to you."
"So if female head Protectors are rare, are there ever any female clan leaders?"
His mate was a curious thing, and he hoped to indulge her often. "There's at least one I know of, in Ireland. And a recent pair—one female and one male—took control of a clan in England and are leading it together. But I only know of those two instances because of reports in the media and online. Many clans are still secretive, especially to outsiders. Hell, there's not even a meeting place—online or in real life—for clan leaders to share information."
Only in recent years had Jose even really thought about it all. For as long as he could remember, clans kept to themselves. Then that human female in England had published her book about dragon-shifters, and things had begun to change.
His dragon spoke up. But you can't be mad about it. That book brought us our Tori.
True. I do wish I had more answers for our mate, though. While I'm sure she can win over Gaby, it's going to take time for the others to accept her. And while I want to think we are enough for her, she may get lonely without female friends.
Don't make such gloomy predictions. Our mate is smart and determined. I'm sure she'll figure it out.
I hope so, dragon. I hope so.
The small cabin meant for Victoria came into view, and he focused on his mate and how she'd react, nothing else. He gestured ahead. "That's to be yours—although I still say ours."
She grinned as she took it in. "It's so cute, and truly a cabin, not like the other ginormous place."
He eyed the single-story log cabin with a fireplace and a covered front porch.
While it may be too small if they had more than one child, it would be cozy and perfect for him, Victoria, and their baby on the way. "There's a backyard, too. And it's not far from the small lake we have for the clan's use."
She raised an eyebrow. "Please don't tell me you dive into the lake in the wintertime."
He shrugged one shoulder. "Dragons don't feel the cold as much as humans do. And they like to be clean."
Anticipation burned in her gaze. "Maybe I can help wash him soon?"
Yes, please, his beast purred.
Victoria laughed. "Your pupils changed and then you frowned. He said yes, didn't he?"
He reached a hand up and caressed her cheek. "You're getting too good at reading me, love."
She leaned closer, her voice turning husky. "After nearly two weeks of a constant battle between your human and dragon halves, I'd like to think I've gotten to know both well."
His dragon shook out his wings. She accepts both of us so easily. She belongs with us.
I couldn't agree more, dragon.
They reached the porch, and Jose opened the door. Since they were on PineRock, he knew it was secure already and didn't hesitate to gesture inside. "Welcome to your new home, Tori. Hopefully before long, you'll call it our home."
She smiled at him a beat before dashing inside.
He couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm before following.
As she turned around, her eyes wide as they took in the front room with its large fireplace, sofa, and a few other pieces of furniture, both man and beast stood a little taller. Their mate liked their new home.
"I love it, Jose. I've never had a house of my own before. Where's the backyard?"
He motioned and she dashed out back. As if he were on a leash, he followed her out, only to find her twirling in a circle with her arms outspread.
The sight made his heart skip a beat. He fucking loved everything about his female.
Her cheeks pink, she rushed up to him, took his hand, and tugged him toward the large lawn area. "Will your dragon fit here? Please say yes. I really want to see him before I do all the appointments. Not to mention it seems unfair not to see your dragon before I meet the rest of the family. Especially given how many times he claimed me."
His dragon stood tall and roared. There's enough room. Let me out. I want to feel her scratch behind my ears.
Okay, okay, just hold on. Let me explain things to her first since you can't talk in dragon form.
What I wouldn't give to be able to communicate telepathically.
That would probably drive his mate crazy over time, as his beast would probably broadcast sex fantasies nonstop.
But as he reveled in the pure anticipation and eagerness on Victoria's face, he decided maybe he would surprise her the first time.
He gestured toward the small back porch. "Stand over there until I finish shifting. Then you can come up to me, okay?"
She ran to the porch, put her hands on the railing, and leaned forward.
Never had he imagined a human leaning forward in anticipation, wanting to see his dragon would make him fall a little in love with her.
It's because she accepts all of us. Now, strip and let's get started.
In agreement, Jose moved to a good spot and quickly shucked off his clothes.
Victoria held her breath as Jose took off his clothes.
Partially it was because of his muscular, tan chest and powerful thighs. Not to mention the delicious dragon tattoo on one of his biceps and the large part of his anatomy she'd grown rather fond of between his legs.
A naked Jose Santos would steal her breath any day.
But it was more than that. For the first time ever, she was going to see not only a dragon-shifter change from human to dragon, but also meet Jose's dragon form.
Over the course of the frenzy, she'd come to accept both halves of him. But her curiosity always wondered what the dragon looked like. Merely knowing he was blue wasn't enough.
His dark brown eyes met hers and then he smiled. A few beats later, his body gave off a faint glow and he stretched out his limbs, his legs morphing into powerful hind legs complete with talons, his nose and jaw elongating into a snout, and large, beautiful wings grew from his back.
It probably didn't take more than thirty seconds or so, but it had almost played out in slow motion, to the point she still couldn't believe what she'd seen.
There now stood a nearly twenty-foot blue dragon, his scales slightly iridescent in the midmorning sunshine, in her backyard.
She almost pinched herself to make sure it was real. If she hadn't gone through the frenzy, she probably would have.
When he stretched out his wings, which were slightly transparent against the sunlight, and tilted his head down, his large, almond-shaped dragon eyes, complete with slitted pupils, looked straight at her.
It felt as if he were staring deep down into the hidden parts of her mind and heart.
And when he moved his head the other way and back, his scales reflecting even more sunshine, almost as if he were a precious gemstone, she nearly gasped. Beautiful, gorgeous, majestic—none of those words seemed enough to describe her man in his dragon form.
Jose motioned with a forelimb, and it snapped Victoria from her amazement. It was time to meet her man's dragon.
She half ran toward him, stopping just a few feet away. So she wouldn't have to strain her neck, the dragon lowered his head to nearly her eye level. Victoria extended a hand, debating whether to reach up or wait. But then the dragon closed the distance and butted his snout against her palm. When he moved his head, to guide her hand to his jaw, she smiled. "Are you a dragon or more like a cat or dog? Both like to have their jaws scratched."
The dragon blew a puff of air at her and she laughed. Victoria had known dragon-shifters couldn't speak in their dragon forms and had wondered how they communicated.
But it seemed Jose's beast had a way.
She absently ran her hand along the side of the dragon's snout, loving how the scales were mostly smooth with slight grooves to them, almost as if they were embossed leather. When she finally reached behind his ear, her fingers found a smooth patch of skin, without the scales. She scratched, and the dragon began to hum.
"Oh, so you are like a cat or dog then, wanting your ears scratched."
The dragon was too happy and leaned into the touch. Victoria added her other hand and scratched a little harder.
The dragon emitted what sounded like a groan, and she laughed. "I guess I know how to win you over."
Jose's dragon moved his head to lightly butt her shoulder. "What? You like it, right? So I'll just keep my ear scratches for special occasions."
With a low grunt, the dragon stood and picked her up around her middle with his front paw. Even though the dragon could easily crush her or skewer her with the large, sharp talons, Jose didn't hurt her. She instinctively knew he never would.
As he stared at her with one large, yellow eye, she said, "Maybe one day you could take me flying?" The dragon started to shake his head, but she added, "After the baby is born, of course."
Jose's beast almost smiled and nodde
But then it all made her realize that one day her child would be able to change into a dragon, too. How was she supposed to raise a child that could change shape and fly away, with her not being able to follow?
And what else wouldn't she be able to teach them or help them with since she was only human?
As if sensing her mood, the dragon put her down, took a few steps back, and within seconds, had shrunk back into Jose's naked human form.
He engulfed her in a hug and asked, "What's wrong, love? Tell me."
Despite snuggling deeper against his chest, she said, "You didn't have to change back yet."
"I can morph into a dragon any time I want. It's not a once a day sort of thing." He moved his head back until he could look into her eyes. "Your expression turned wary and a little sad just now. And know this—a good dragon mate would never simply allow his female to remain sad and not try to make her happy again."
Her mood lightened a fraction. "And now whose reading me so well after such a short time?"
"Tori," he growled.
If there was to be anything between them—and Victoria hoped there would be—then she wouldn't hold back. "I was just thinking about our child shifting and flying away. How am I supposed to raise someone like that? It's not like I could catch them or play with them in the sky."
He cupped her cheek and stroked it slowly with his thumb. "It will take some strategic planning and help from others, but humans do it with half dragon-shifter children all over the world. Just like Melanie Hall-MacLeod."
The author of the book, the one she'd love nothing better than to read a million times and then call up the woman to ask some questions.
Not that she would be able to do the latter. The woman was off trying to change laws and perceptions of dragons in her own country and beyond.
Maybe someday she'd find someone closer to her new home.
Jose pressed gently against her lower back, and she replied, "It's silly, I know. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."
"No, it's not silly—it's going to be a huge challenge, I won't deny it. However, my family and I will be there. And if I have to barge into Wes's office and demand he contact every clan within an easy flying distance to find a human mated to a dragon-shifter, so you can have someone to talk to, then I'll do it."