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The Dragon's Dilemma (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 1) Page 8

  Faye raised her chin. “He’s Lochguard’s head Protector. We all should be defending him.”

  Interesting. Finn had mentioned Grant being a bastard to Faye several years ago and them no longer being friends. If Arabella could tame her nausea and exhaustion long enough to ever move about the clan freely again, she would have to be more observant.

  Hell, she might even try to tap some of the clan security feeds to finally figure out where Faye spent her days.

  Arabella’s dragon spoke up. If we start feeling better, we’re not walking about the clan. We’re going to drag Finn into a room, lock the door, and ride him hard.

  She mentally sighed. I enjoy Finn’s cock as much as you do, but there is more to life than constant sex.

  Maybe for you. I hardly ever get to fly anymore because of the baby making us sick. Sex is all I have to look forward to.

  Arabella was trying to think of how to respond to her beast when footsteps pounded down the stairs. A second later, Finn stood in the doorway with his lips pressed together and a frown on his face. Some called it his pissed off face, but Finn couldn’t frighten her. Her mate would rather take his own life than hurt her.

  Arabella folded her hands over her stomach and asked, “So, what happened?”

  Finn growled out, “Fraser’s an idiot.”

  Fergus took a step toward Finn. “Is Holly okay?”

  Finn waved a hand in dismissal. “Holly is a little shook up, but fine. We have a much bigger problem on our hands.”

  It was Fergus’s turn to growl. “Just tell me what the bloody hell is going on, Finn, so I can go comfort Holly.”

  Finn’s eyes flashed for a second. She wasn’t sure if anyone else had noticed it, but it had been a split-second of sympathy. Narrowing her eyes, she demanded, “Finlay Stewart, stop stalling and just tell us already.”

  Finn looked to Faye. “Stand by your brother.” Despite the puzzled expression on Faye’s face, she obeyed. The second she reached Fergus’s side, Finn spit out, “Holly is Fraser’s true mate.”

  Arabella cursed as Fergus made a go for the stairs. Only because Faye wrapped her arms around his chest from behind and leaned backward did Fergus stay put.

  Fergus tried to jab Faye in the stomach, but the dragonwoman dodged it easily. Fergus turned his slitted eyes to Finn. “Are you sure? He used that line once before about a female that I wanted and he was lying.”

  Finn crossed his arms over his chest. “I had to knock Fraser unconscious to stop him from all but attacking Holly. If he was faking it, then his act bloody well convinced me.”

  Fergus hissed. “Where is he? I need to talk with him.”

  Finn shook his head. “No, not until you cool down. You can either take your dragon out for a hunt or bed down in one of the empty cottages. Holly’s staying here tonight and your presence will only make her feel guiltier than she already does.”

  Fergus struggled to get free, but Faye tightened her grip. Fergus bit out, “It’s not her fault. It’s my bloody twin. I swear, if he’s faking this time, I will kill him. Hell, I might kill him anyway.”

  “No killing your twin. We’ll find out soon enough if Fraser is telling the truth,” Finn stated.

  What was left unsaid was if Holly brought on the frenzy and was pregnant by the end of it, then Fraser was indeed telling the truth.

  Even from five feet away, Fergus’s anger affected her beast. Her dragon couldn’t stop pacing or flicking her tail.

  Arabella slowly rose to her feet and went to Finn’s side. The second she leaned against his chest, some of the tension eased from her body. She murmured, “What about Holly?”

  Finn shook his head. “Let’s not discuss this right now.”

  Arabella’s dragon chimed in. I was correct. The human wants Fraser too.

  Let’s hope so. That will make talking with the DDA easier.

  Finn will find a way. He always does.

  Arabella agreed with her beast.

  She patted her mate’s chest. “The best thing for everyone is to split up until tomorrow. A good night’s rest might clear a few heads.”

  The corner of Finn’s mouth ticked up as he looked down at her. “I highly doubt anyone is going to have a good night’s sleep.”

  “You will. You sleep through anything.”

  Faye cleared her throat. Arabella and Finn both looked in her direction. When they met her eyes, Faye asked, “Can I release Fergus yet?”

  The smile vanished from Finn’s face as he met Fergus’s gaze. “Swear on your mother’s life that if Faye releases you, you’ll leave the house directly and check in with me in the morning. I also don’t want you talking with Fraser unless I’m present.”

  Fergus’s eyes were flashing, but his tone was even as he said, “I swear. Just let me leave or I will kill my brother.”

  Finn motioned with his hand and Faye released her brother. Before Finn could say anything else, Fergus exited the front door and slammed it behind him.

  Finn hugged Arabella tighter and she leaned more into her mate’s side. There was a small possibility Fergus would never forgive Fraser for keeping such a big secret from him. Finn might technically be the twins’ cousin, but they had grown up together and were more like brothers. The rift would tear his heart in two.

  Yet if Finn was hurting inside, the strength and dominance in his voice masked it well as he said to Faye, “Holly is your responsibility for now. She’s going to stay in your room with you and you’ll be her guard until I say so. Can you handle that?”

  Faye hesitated a second and Arabella held her breath. Faye MacKenzie had avoided any sort of Protector-related duties since her accident. But maybe, just maybe, helping her family would restore some of her confidence.

  After a long pause, Faye nodded. “I’ll ensure Holly’s safety. I assume you’re taking Fraser away from the house?”

  “Aye,” Finn answered. “I’ll have Dr. Innes inject him with drugs to force his inner dragon into silence.”

  Arabella frowned. “Is that really necessary?”

  “He’ll survive a day or two without his beast.” Finn ran a hand through his hair. “I need to sort everything with the DDA first. This was a hell of a way to treat our first sacrifice on Lochguard in more than a decade.”

  Arabella tilted her head. “You’ll make it work. You know I only mated you because of your powers of negotiation.”

  Finn’s smile returned. “Aye, it did take a wee while to woo you, lass.”

  Finn lowered his head and gave Arabella a gentle kiss, which made her dragon roar. I want more.

  We’ll see. It might help Finn relax.

  So you change your mind to make him feel better but not me. I’m going to remember that.

  Can we argue this later?


  Finn’s voice interrupted Arabella’s conversation. “Ara, are you listening?”

  She raised an eyebrow. “When am I not?”

  He sighed. “How many more months until the baby’s here?”

  She punched his side. “About seven. And if I’m suffering, you can suffer along with me.”

  “We can think of how I can suffer along with you later. For now, make sure Holly’s okay until I get back. She’s locked inside Aunt Lorna’s room.”

  “Of course.”

  Finn gave her one last gentle kiss and then released her. “Faye, go with Arabella. I’m going to take Aunt Lorna with me. She’ll keep Innes in line.”

  Arabella smiled. “What, you haven’t been able to charm Dr. Gregor Innes yet? He’s nice to me.” Finn growled and Arabella put up her hands. “Okay, I’ll stop. Just hurry. The last thing we need is for Fraser to wake up and go after Holly before she’s ready.”

  Finn’s face turned grim. “Aye, I know.”

  With that, there was a knock on the door and Finn went to answer it. As Gregor’s voice drifted down the hall, Arabella looked to Faye. “Come, let’s go before the doctor sees me and starts asking a million questions.”

  ���Aye, good idea,” Faye answered. “That man is fiercely protective of pregnant females. I understand that his mate died in childbirth, but it’s been over a decade. He needs to let it go.”

  Arabella’s heart squeezed, but she pushed aside her sympathy. “Then come on.”

  Faye nodded and moved toward the stairs. Arabella followed.

  Two steps up, Arabella’s stomach churned and she willed its contents to stay put. There was much to do and she didn’t know how much longer she could go without being sick.

  Her dragon chimed in. I will try to help.

  Arabella blinked. What can you do?


  Her dragon hummed inside their mind and Arabella’s stomach settled. She had no idea if her unborn child could hear Arabella and her dragon’s conversation, but she wasn’t going to question it. She would take all the help she could get.

  Rushing past Fraser’s room and his unconscious body, Arabella and Faye reached Lorna’s room and knocked. Arabella spoke up. “It’s me and Faye, Holly. Let us in.”

  After a brief paused, the lock turned and Holly opened the door. Arabella let out a sigh of relief at the determination in Holly’s eyes. Combined with her clenched jaw, the human was more pissed off than scared. “What do you want?”

  “Let us inside,” Arabella answered. When Holly remained quiet, she added, “You can give me every tip and remedy you know to help with my all-day morning sickness. Before long, I may not have your resources at my disposal.”

  Arabella knew it was a risk to bring up Holly’s possible future, but the human’s expression softened and she moved to the side. “Come in, then. If there’s one thing that can distract me, it’s work.”

  Arabella smiled. “I’m the same way.”

  As she entered Lorna’s room and sat down on the bed, Arabella thought of as many questions as possible. The longer she distracted Holly, the more at ease the human might become.

  Chapter Seven

  Fraser groaned as the pounding inside his head grew in intensity with each passing breath.

  Although why his head hurt he had no bloody idea. Finn had clocked him in the jaw and not the back of his head.

  He half expected his dragon to roar and take control, but his mind was silent.

  Maybe too silent.

  His mother’s voice greeted his ears. “Fraser, lad, open your eyes. We have much to discuss.”

  Anytime him mum used the words ‘much to discuss,’ it never boded well for him.

  Fraser forced his eyes open and blinked against the dim light until he could make out Lorna’s assessing amber eyes. Before he could open his mouth, his mother beat him to it. “First, you’re an idiot. Why would you keep something so important from all of us?” He tried to answer, but Lorna cut him off. “Second, do you know the damage you’ve done? Not just to your brother, but to Finn as well. This questions his leadership. If Finn can’t control his own family, how is he supposed to control the clan?”

  Fraser growled. “None of that matters right now. Where’s Holly? If Finn turned her over to the DDA, so help me, I will challenge him to a fight in public.”

  Lorna merely watched him. Fraser tried to sit up, but his wrists were restrained.

  No matter, he’d gotten out of something similar before. Fraser tried to nudge his dragon awake, but his beast was dead asleep. Dragon, wake up, you lazy bastard. Holly needs us.

  His dragon remained silent.

  Dread pooled in Fraser’s stomach. “What have you done, Mother?” He tugged against his restraints. “Let me go. I need to see Holly.”

  “Aye, and I’d like to go on a date with a handsome film star twenty years my junior. It doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.”

  Fraser narrowed his eyes. Even without his dragon’s help, he would find a way out. Holly could be on her way to the DDA to receive her punishment for all he knew.

  Fraser may not be a soldier, but he’d fight for the lass. She was in trouble because of him. He might not be able to make it right with Fergus, but Fraser would make it right with Holly. Just as soon as he could get free.

  If he could get his mum out of the room, Fraser could think of how to escape. “Tell Finn I want to speak with him. Now.”

  Lorna clicked her tongue. “Demanding, aren’t we?”

  Fraser had never minded his mother’s behavior before, but as he lay there thinking of what could be happening to Holly, he was close to raising his voice and telling his mother to fuck off.

  He half expected his dragon to give him advice, but Fraser’s beast remained silent.

  Fraser didn’t like it.

  Taking a deep breath, Fraser managed to keep his tone neutral. “Just find Finn. I need to talk with him.”

  Lorna stood up. “Aye, as you should’ve done from the beginning.”

  He sensed there was something else his mother wasn’t telling him, but as she opened the door, he held his tongue. The sooner she found Finn, the sooner Fraser could be released and go after Holly.

  Not two seconds after the door shut, there was a knock. Since Finn wouldn’t bother to knock, Fraser growled out, “What do you want?”

  Through the door, he heard Holly’s voice. “I was just going to check on you. But if that’s the greeting I get, then maybe you need another nap.”

  Holly. She’s here. “Come in, lass. Please.”

  Even to his own ears it sounded like begging.

  Holly opened the door and peeked her head in. He didn’t care that her expression was neutral or what she must think of him in that moment. Holly was in Lochguard and not in the hands of the DDA.

  Then she smiled at him and some of his unease dissipated. Holly stepped inside the room and shut the door. “Is it wrong that I find you being in restraints funny?”

  He frowned. “What the hell are you talking about, woman?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Well, think about it. The lady charmer being tied to a bed makes me think of someone’s parents keeping you away from their daughter.”

  “Aye, except it’s my own family keeping me away from you.”

  Holly took two steps toward him. “If I release you, can you restrain yourself and concentrate? Or, will you go into the frenzy?”

  Even with everything going on, Fraser was aware that he lay in the same room as his true mate. He didn’t like the smudges under her eyes, but her gaze was merely curious. As her long, dark hair swayed against her round face, his heart warmed. “So you don’t hate me, then?”

  Holly rolled her eyes. “You willingly allowed Finn to knock you unconscious to keep me safe. If that wasn’t noble, then I don’t know what is.”

  “That still doesn’t answer my question.”

  “Since when are dragon-shifter males this sensitive?”

  Fraser should grunt and let it be. However, as her honey-colored eyes searched his, he decided he would always be honest with Holly. He wasn’t about to fuck up a second time. “This male is only sensitive when it concerns you.”

  She blinked. “You’ve known me for two days. Why do you care so much?”

  Fraser tugged one of his arms. “Let me go and I’ll bloody well tell you. I’m not about to have this conversation with you whilst I’m tied to the bed.”

  “Answer the question first, Fraser.”

  “Of course my true mate would be stubborn,” he muttered. When Holly merely raised an eyebrow, he sighed. “Fine. I’ve never been drawn to a lass as much as I am to you, okay? Now, let me up.”

  “Is it only because of your dragon’s instinct?”

  “Just what has my family been telling you?”

  Holly shrugged. “That your inner dragon senses the person who is their best chance at happiness and it brings on the frenzy. Supposedly, it’s good news for me as it’s less likely for a true mate to die in childbirth.”

  Fraser chose his next words carefully. “So if Finn transfers the contract, you’ll allow the frenzy to happen?”

  Holly averted her eyes and traced the skin above the cuff restraints. The soft, gentle motions of her finger made him want to shiver. Only through sheer stubbornness did he remain still.

  A section of her hair fell in front of her face and Fraser itched to brush it back behind her ear. Holly Anderson should never hide her beauty from him.

  His eyes glanced down at her breasts. He wanted to strip her and simply memorize every curve of her body.

  Before his mind could continue with his fantasy, Holly’s voice interrupted his thoughts. “That depends.” She met his eyes again. “If Finn can transfer the contract, then I want you to try to repair relations with your brother. If you promise me that and put in a good effort, then I’ll agree to the frenzy.”

  Fraser ignored the skip of his heart at her answer. “Did my family put you up to this or is it of your own accord?”

  Holly stopped brushing his skin and he nearly begged for her to touch him again.

  Bloody hell. Fraser had never yearned for a lass’s touch so much in his life. Especially without his dragon going on about it.

  He’d put it down to the lingering effects of his dragon’s need to mate. There was nothing certain between him and Holly. And Fraser wasn’t about to wish for what he couldn’t have. Hell, after two weeks, they might not be able to stand each other. True mates didn’t always end in true love.

  Bloody hell, he was starting to sound like a sappy movie.

  Despite his dragon’s silence, Fraser swore he heard his beast’s growl inside his head. Good. Maybe his dragon was waking up. For better or worse, Fraser missed the randy sod.

  Holly finally answered, “It’s my own decision. If you think I’m easily swayed by someone taller and much stronger than I, then let me set the record straight: I don’t put up with anyone’s crap, least of all a grumpy, alpha male. I may be human, but I’ve dealt with my fair share of alpha arseholes in the delivery room. I won every single time when they challenged me.”

  Fraser had always wooed and bedded females who flirted or fell for his pretty words. Holly was a completely new challenge for him.

  And bastard that he was, he rather liked the idea of winning her over. “That may be, but you have yet to handle a dragon in the throes of a frenzy.”
