The Dragon Family (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 5) Read online

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  He also needed to find time to spend with his mate and children, too. "And here I thought my job would get easier with time," he muttered.

  Grant shrugged. "It still may. With all your family settled down, they should cause less stress."

  Placing a hand on Grant's shoulder, he squeezed. "It's nice to have another levelheaded male in the family." Moving his hand, he chucked wee Jamie's chin. "And I suspect you may be one, too, if your father has anything to say about it. Fergus is usually the most logical one." He met Grant's gaze again. "Speaking of which, the frenzy is still on, aye?"

  Grant smiled. "Judging by some of the noise complaints, aye, it is and going well."

  "Good. Now, let's head back in. It's time for wee Jamie to meet his newest cousins."

  Finn turned around, but Dr. Sid's voice filled his ear. "Finn, a word."

  He motioned for Grant to go on ahead into Fraser and Holly's room. Once he was alone with the doctor, he quirked his brows in question.

  Sid didn't hesitate. "I have the test results back. Freya is indeed allergic to a number of ingredients, but none of them were in the formula she ate."

  His heart stopped beating a second. "Then what's going on?"

  "I'm not entirely certain, but Gregor just got off the phone with a colleague in one of the Australian clans—Mirrorbluff. Apparently, two of their bairns have also had flashing dragon eyes. And before you ask, no, they're not sure about why it's happening, either. But at least this tells us that it's not just Freya."

  "Gregor is reaching out to other clans as well?" Finn asked.

  "As we speak. As soon as I find out more, I'll let you know. For now, just try to keep Freya calm and immediately report any changes in her behavior. I can't really try anything else until I have more information."

  As Sid turned back the way she came, Finn took a second in the empty hallway to rub his face. He said to his dragon, The doctors on Stonefire have just started producing successful antidotes to the drug that turned dragon-shifters rogue or even took their memory. And just when we're ahead, something else pops up.

  It could be connected. But until the doctors find out more, we need to focus on the clan and family. There are many ways to protect them, and we can't neglect any of them.

  Aye, aye, I know, dragon. Let's enjoy Fraser and Holly's twins for a bit longer before we tell Ara what Sid disclosed.

  Just don't wait too long. Ara deserves to know. With the new knowledge, she may even have a suggestion of why it's happening.

  After taking a deep breath, Finn smiled and went back into his cousins' room. The new parents didn't deserve any extra stress, so he'd have to find a way to draw Arabella into a private room without raising suspicion.

  His dragon snorted. Good luck. Aunt Lorna sees everything.

  Ignoring his beast, he went to Arabella's side and tried to think of how to do it.

  Chapter Nine

  As soon as Finn returned to her side, Arabella sensed the tension in his body. Something had happened.

  So after oohing and aahing for about five minutes, she managed to beg Melanie and Tristan to watch the triplets for a short while and all but forced Finn into a private room. The second the door clicked closed, she stated, "Tell me what's going on."

  "No keeping anything from you, is there? You would've made a good interrogator."

  "Finn," she growled.

  With a sigh, he dropped the facade. "When I was talking with Grant in the hall, Dr. Sid showed up."

  "And? What did she say?"

  "Freya does have a few allergies, but none of them were in the formula. However, two bairns in Australia have shown similar symptoms as hers, with their dragons showing up extremely early and even taking control for a bit."

  "Is there anything either the bairns or parents have in common?"

  "I don't know. You'd have to ask Sid and Gregor that."

  She raised her chin and took his hand. "Then let's find Sid and ask her while we have the chance."

  They made their way to where the collection of doctors’ offices were kept. Arabella's mind whirled with possibilities and even a bit of hope, but she tried her best to contain it. She needed the facts first, and then she could sort out her feelings.

  Arabella finally spotted Sid through the window of one of the doors and knocked.

  The doctor let them in. "Finn told you what I found?"

  "Yes. And I had a few questions, if you have a moment." Sid stood back and motioned them inside. Gregor was in a corner, talking on a phone, so Arabella kept her voice low. "Has Gregor been able to find out the finer details of each child and parent? We may all have something in common."

  She loved that Sid didn't dismiss her statement as foolish. "He's in the middle of assessing that right now. So far, he's only collected information on one of the mothers. Everything is fairly routine, except for a minor incident she had as a teenager." Arabella raised her brows in question and Sid continued, "She became lost and broke her leg. Some humans found her unconscious and took her to a local hospital. They assumed she was human since she was too young for her tattoo, and they treated her as such. The female had a severe reaction to the anesthetic and sedatives they gave her. However, thanks to a nurse who had a cousin mated to a dragon-shifter, he grew suspicious, tested her, and found out that she wasn't human. Because of that nurse, the female managed to survive."

  Arabella froze. She and the teenager had something in common. It could be nothing, but it could also be everything.

  Her dragon spoke up. Then just tell her. Sid is always open to information.

  Finn squeezed her hand, and Arabella took strength from the act to spit out, "I was also administered sedatives when I was a teenager."

  Recognition flared in Sid's eyes. "When you were captured."

  "Yes." Finn released her hand and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Finn's solid presence at her side gave Arabella the courage to talk about the event. "I woke up groggy the first time, confused and scared. Someone noticed and immediately injected something into my arm. I blacked out again. The second time, they kept me awake. And…and that was when everything else happened."

  Since Arabella had known Sid her whole life, the doctor knew to get to the point rather than murmur reassurances. "Did you notice any aftereffects?"

  She shook her head. "No. But I was in extreme pain, remember, and scared out of my wits. So they could've been there and I didn't notice. Even afterward, everyone concentrated on keeping me alive so it would've been easy to miss something so minor. Or I could be one of the lucky few who isn't sensitive to human sedatives." Leaning her head on Finn's shoulder, she thought of Freya and forced her voice to be strong. "If the mother of the third child also received human sedatives, then it's possible that's the link."

  Which meant Arabella was the reason her daughter was having difficulties. For all she knew, the sedatives could've done something to her body that would affect some or even all of her children.

  Her dragon huffed. Don't place blame on us. Even if it is the link, the drugs were forced upon us.

  Finn squeezed her tighter against him and murmured, "I won't allow you to blame yourself, love. So stop it."

  Frowning, Sid shook her head. "Of course this isn't your fault, Arabella. If anything, you may have just given us a way to correct or at least help the situation."

  Since she knew neither Sid nor Finn would ever allow her to keep placing blame, she merely sighed. "If I am the link, then run any and all tests you need to on me, too. I'll do anything to save my daughter."

  Sid bobbed her head. "I know. And this whole situation is another reason Gregor and I need to forge alliances with other dragon-shifter doctors. If we had access to this information or a place to speak freely with one another, this could've been discovered long ago and might even have been preventable."

  Finn spoke up. "Aye, but since most clans keep to themselves, everyone thinks it's an odd occurrence."

  "Yes," Sid answered. "But knowledge gives us power, as wel
l as provides more opportunities to try and treat Freya and the others. We don't have anything yet, but I hope Gregor, Trahern, and I can try to find something to ease or fix the issue. Once we have more confirmation, I'll probably draw some blood and return to Stonefire. All of our equipment is there, as well as Trahern and Dr. Davies."

  Dr. Emily Davies was a Welsh human, who Arabella had only met a few times. She was temporarily working on Stonefire.

  Finn grunted agreement. "And I'm sure Bram will allow you to return here if need be. Do whatever you need to do to help our Freya."

  "As if I would do anything less." Sid motioned toward a chair. "I may as well draw some blood now, Ara. That way I won't have to take you away from your children again, at least for the time being."

  Sitting in the chair, Arabella rolled up her sleeve and allowed Sid to do her work. While ensuring Freya had a safe and stable future was her top concern, she couldn't help but worry if her two sons might also be affected.

  Only time would tell.

  And she hated the uncertainty.


  On the way back to where Melanie and Tristan were watching the triplets, Finn quickly pulled Arabella into a side room. After locking the door, he took her face in his hands. "How are you doing, love?"

  For a few seconds, Arabella remained silent. Finn knew his mate occasionally still had bad dreams about her torture as a teenager. No doubt bringing up the memories had shaken her.

  Arabella was strong, but sometimes determination wasn't enough to chase away nightmares.

  Searching his eyes, she murmured, "Conflicted. I know I can't change what happened to me, and it was done against my will, but I still feel responsible, Finn. I hate to think we brought Freya into the world and doomed her to an unstable future."

  He leaned closer. "It's most definitely not your fault, love. Besides, Dr. Sid and the others will sort this out. And then Freya will plot and get into trouble with her cousins, just as any normal child does. I will do whatever it takes to ensure that happens, even if it means searching the Amazon Rainforest for a rare flower or giant insect."

  "You hate insects, so that is a fairly big offer."

  He growled. "Arabella."

  She smiled. "And this, right here, is why I'm not running to a room and hiding from the world like I would've done before. What happened to me as a teen is dark, but you emit more than enough light to chase most of it away."

  He kissed her gently. "Then I'll just have to work harder at being even brighter so that there's no darkness whatsoever."

  She groaned. "Please tell me that doesn't include you upping your charm. I'm not sure I can take it."

  Releasing her face, he pulled her close and nuzzled her cheek with his own. "I have decades of charm left to give you, Ara. And you wouldn't have it any other way."

  Before his mate could argue, he kissed her. After slowly nipping her bottom lip and caressing the inside of her mouth, he finally pulled away. "But just remember that charm isn't the only thing in my arsenal. Once Freya and her brothers are safe and free of danger, I'm going to make you forget about your past and all your worries. In our bed."

  Arabella's breath hitched, and he knew she'd missed him naked and inside her. Sometimes he wondered why fate required pregnancy with true mates. Finn would've loved a year or two to ensure Arabella knew how much he treasured her.

  His dragon huffed. She is ours. That is all that matters. We have a lifetime together.

  Arabella's voice prevented him from replying to his beast. "I hope you can live up to your promises, Finn. After all, I know how sluggish you can be from lack of sleep. Maybe your gray hairs are telling me something."

  He gently slapped her arse cheek. "You've just set down a challenge for me, love."

  "Good." She kissed him and continued. "So let's go and find a way to help our children. The sooner we do, the sooner I can see how you try to beat that challenge."

  He nearly asked again if she were all right, but restrained himself.

  His dragon spoke up. Good. She is strong. If she needs help, she'll ask us.

  Wrapping an arm around Arabella's waist, he guided them out of the room and to where their triplets were. All he could do was tackle each new obstacle as it appeared.

  Chapter Ten

  A few days later, Arabella lay awake on the bed next to Finn, keeping an ear out for her children. She'd just finished feeding and changing them. Normally, she'd go back to sleep, but every once in a while, Freya would roar and Arabella would rush to her daughter's side to calm her.

  Her dragon yawned. She's fine for now. Besides, she roars loud enough to wake the dead. You won't sleep through it. There's another reason you're lying awake.

  Her beast was correct, not that she wanted to admit it. I want to trust Dad, I do. But I still don't know him well enough, especially since he's spent most of his time with us sleeping.

  Mel and Tristan are staying in the second nursery. Our brother won't allow anything bad to happen. Not that I think it will. Our father is just exhausted. Let him sleep.

  Finn rolled over and tossed his arm across her chest. His groggy voice filled the room. "Why are you still awake? We have an hour before we have to get up. You should be sleeping."

  Cuddling into Finn's side, she traced the shape of the tattoo on his bicep. "Until we can tame Freya's dragon, I'll always be worrying. Shouldn't Sid and Gregor have more information by now?"

  "Until the Australian clan run their tests, there's nothing to compare it to. They're doing all they can, love. And you know that."

  She remained silent a few beats, never ceasing her finger's movement on his arm. "At least the problem of your family is sorted, so that's something. Holly and Fraser have settled in, and Gina and Fergus are still in the frenzy. Even Faye has been behaving herself, probably because she's so tired as a result of taking care of Mac-squared."

  "Aye, they're in line for the moment. We'll see if it lasts." He kissed her cheek, his faint stubble tickling her skin. "However, I would handle them a million times over if it meant Freya's dragon was forever stable and under control."

  Her daughter's dragon had appeared more times than Arabella would've liked.

  Turning her face to kiss Finn and reassure him as much as herself, a thunderous roar stopped her from doing so. "Freya."

  They both jumped out of bed, and Arabella rushed to the room next to theirs. Switching on the light, her heart skipped a beat.

  Instead of a human baby laying in Freya's crib, there was a baby gold dragon.

  Her first thought was to sob—few children who shifted so young ever shifted back.

  But her dragon growled. She is our daughter. She can overcome anything.

  Finn murmured in a soothing voice, "That's my lass, a gold dragon like your dad."

  Freya moved her head to meet her father's gaze, letting out a small roar.

  Since Finn was better at calming their daughter than her, Arabella stayed where she was and watched both of them closely.

  Finn took another step and put out a hand. "That was an impressive roar as well, for one so young. I'm sure you'll have all the lads fuming they can't do a roar like you, Freya."

  The baby dragon didn't roar again, so Finn took another step. It took everything Arabella had not to rush over and scoop up her daughter.

  Putting his hand in front of Freya's snout, Finn murmured, "Let me pet my fiery lass, aye?"

  Arabella dug her nails into her palm so hard they probably drew blood. But she stood still, waiting to see what Freya would do.

  After a few more beats, she bumped her snout against Finn's hand. He moved to scratch behind her tiny ears. "Aye, there's nothing like a good ear scratch, especially when you're wee. I remember how flaky my skin was as a lad."

  Freya met her dad's eyes before hunching down and jumping into Finn's arms.

  As their daughter cuddled against Finn's chest, he murmured, "Call Layla."

  She was torn between staying and doing as he asked.

sp; Her beast spoke up. Finn will take care of her. We need Layla's help.

  Before she could change her mind, Arabella raced into the hall and into her and Finn's room. She picked up her mobile and dialed Layla.

  The doctor picked up on the second ring. "Arabella? What's wrong?"

  "Freya's shifted into her dragon form."

  Thankfully Layla's voice remained strong, which helped keep Arabella from panicking. "I'll be there straight away. I'll call Sid on the way, too, just in case she's learned anything since last evening."

  "Hurry, Layla."

  "I will, Ara. Staying strong and collected is the best thing you can do for the bairn."

  The line went dead and Arabella lowered her phone. Melanie's soft voice came from the doorway. "Is everything okay, Ara? We heard the running."

  Arabella explained the situation and added, "I know it's a lot to ask, but can you keep the twins occupied? I don't want their own inner dragons to come out and think to try the same thing."

  Melanie engulfed her in a hug. "Of course. They're still asleep in the second nursery, with Tristan watching over them. I just wish there was something else we could do."

  Leaning back, she met her sister-in-law's eyes. "As much as you hate it, you can't fix everything, Mel."

  "Just make sure you realize that, too, Ara. Have faith in the doctors and everything will work out. No one is better at finding a solution and cure than Dr. Sid."

  Swallowing back the emotion choking her throat, she bobbed her head. "I know."

  Melanie smoothed back Arabella's hair. "Then go to your daughter. Tristan and I will protect the rest of your family for as long as you need."

  After one more quick hug, Arabella raced back to where Finn and Freya should be. However, as soon as she entered the room, she stopped and tried not to panic.

  Finn and Freya were nowhere to be found.


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