The Dragon's Heart (Lochguard Highland Dragons #3) Page 4
“That’s why I haven’t seen him before.”
“Aye. He surprised me this morning, but apparently, he’s acting as Seahaven’s representative and negotiating with Fergus.”
“He’d better not have made courting you part of the negotiations,” Ross growled.
“Don’t be ridiculous. Stu, and pretty much every Scottish dragon-shifter, knows that wouldn’t fly with me. You should know that too, Anderson. If not, then maybe I should rethink kissing you again.”
Tugging her to him, Ross wrapped his free arm around Lorna’s waist. “I don’t think you’d last long, lass. You were enjoying them earlier. You’d soon be going through withdrawals.”
Lorna rolled her eyes. “I half expected you to say they were the greatest gifts of my lifetime.”
He grinned. “I did think about it.” He winked and Lorna chuckled. “But the bigger question is whether you’re okay with me claiming you to the clan by holding your hand, especially before talking with your children. Fraser, in particular, might not be happy about it.”
She sighed. “He’s protective, like his late father. But leave Fraser to me. I was hoping we could talk to all of the children at dinner tonight. On the off chance we see them on the way home, I’ll handle it. Holding hands isn’t exactly a mate vow.”
“Well, for dinner, just make sure to hide the breakables.”
Hitting his chest, Lorna scowled. “There won’t be any throwing. I’m going to make that very clear at the beginning of our discussion.”
“Right, because the MacKenzies always sit prim and proper at the dinner table.”
“If anything happens, then stand your own. Otherwise, you won’t survive being part of the family.”
Ross’s heart skipped a beat. “So, you want me to be part of your family, Lorna?”
Searching his eyes, she finally murmured, “Perhaps, Ross. But you’re going to have to earn the place. Not just with me or my dragon, but my children as well.”
Lightly caressing her cheek, he answered, “Oh, I will. I think I’m already halfway there.”
Lorna frowned but then smiled. “I would deny it, but I’m too old to lie. I’ve grown used to having your around, human, so I hope you can win over more hearts than mine.”
He tried not to pin too much hope on Lorna’s mention of winning hearts. He was falling in love with her already. But Ross wasn’t going to rush things.
Best to distract both himself and Lorna with touch. “Oh, I’m quite the charmer, especially when I’m determined.” He kissed her jaw. “And believe me, Lorna, I’m determined to have all of you.” He nipped her bottom lip. “It should be a breeze.”
Lorna snorted, but he cut off her reply with a kiss. As the beautiful dragonwoman in his arms melted against him, Ross only hoped his cockiness would prove to be true. Now that he’d kissed her, he wanted a future with Lorna MacKenzie, no matter what it took.
Lorna somehow managed to stand tall and avoid barking at the clan members staring as she and Ross walked hand in hand. It helped that every few seconds Ross squeezed her fingers in reassurance.
She rather liked his warm, strong hands.
Her dragon spoke up. Just wait until they touch other parts of our body. I think Ross’s wicked sense of humor will translate into a different type of wicked in bed.
Hush. You’re acting as if we’re twenty and in the throes of early dragon lust.
Her beast huffed. Well, it’s close. I have more than twenty years to make up for.
Lorna was trying to think of how to reply to that when the curvy, gray-haired figure of Meg Boyd stepped into her path.
Meg and Lorna were the same age and had been friends-slash-rivals their entire lives. Each pushed the other to be a bit better, but sometimes, Lorna could do with a break.
The present was one of those times. She didn’t need Meg badgering Ross or trying to win him over. If Meg did try, then Lorna would have to give the female a tongue-lashing. Now that Lorna had given in to Ross’s kisses, she wanted to keep him.
Possessiveness didn’t fade with age when it came to dragon-shifters.
Lorna’s dragon huffed. It’s not our fault Ross picked us over Meg. Maybe if you introduce Meg to Stu, she’ll focus her attentions elsewhere. Then we all win.
There’s an idea. Clever beast.
I do have my uses from time to time.
To keep from laughing, Lorna cleared her throat. Meeting Meg’s eyes, Lorna asked, “Can we help you with something, Meg?”
Meg looked from Lorna to Ross and back again, her gaze lingering an extra second on their clasped hands. “Aye, you can start by telling me how long this has been going on.”
“If you were as good a gossip as you claim to be, then you should know the answer to that,” Lorna replied. Damn, why was she goading the female?
Meg shook her head. “There’s no need to be rude, Lorna. I may have fancied Ross in the beginning, but ol’ Archie has been courting me these past few weeks. If you’d ever come over to visit, you would know that by now.”
Lorna blinked. Archie MacAllister was notorious for his long-time feud with his neighbor Cal, which often sent one or both of them to the surgery. “I sure hope you’re avoiding his place. It’s not exactly safe there, aye?”
Meg waved a hand. “Cal would never hurt me. I’ve been working my charms on him as well.”
“Wait a second. You have two males after you?” Lorna asked.
Meg frowned. “You don’t have to sound so surprised. Females are rarer, after all, and even more so at our age. Once I gave one male a chance, I couldn’t resist the other.”
“That isn’t going to end well, Meg,” Lorna pointed out. “Dragon males don’t share. Most especially that pair. I’ve lost count of the number of sheep they’ve stolen from each other, let alone how many boulders they’ve dropped onto each other’s property. I’m surprised their cottages are still standing.”
Meg sniffed. “Everything will turn out fine. I know what I’m doing.” She leaned forward. “Come over soon and we can compare notes.”
From the corner of Lorna’s eye, she saw Ross’s jaw drop. She murmured, “What’s the matter, Ross? You afraid the dragon males will outdo you?”
“Of course not,” he barked. “But I’d rather not air my private life to all the world.”
Lorna grinned. “It’s a bit late for that.”
Before Ross could answer, Faye—Lorna’s only daughter—asked from behind, “Mum? When did you officially get together with Ross?”
Everyone turned to face the tall dragonwoman with wild, curly hair and the same whiskey eyes as Lorna.
Ross spoke up before Lorna could. “I’m surprised you’re asking, Faye, my dear. You’re the one always teasing about us getting together.”
Faye’s gaze moved to Lorna. “Does Fraser know?”
“Not yet,” Lorna answered. “Although I’m bringing it up at dinner.”
Faye’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Can I be the one to tell him? Please, Mum?”
“I’m not sure that’s the best idea, hen. Fraser will require a delicacy you don’t possess,” Lorna stated.
“Nonsense. It’s every younger sister’s duty to irritate her older brother. I’m not sure I’ll be able to top this anytime soon. I don’t think Holly will name their bairn Faye after me, so I really need this,” Faye answered.
Ross chuckled at her side. “It might be best, Lorna. That way Fraser can take out his frustrations on Faye. Once she wears him down with a challenge or two, then I can talk with the lad.”
Lorna raised an eyebrow. “By talk, you mean argue.”
He shrugged. “Maybe, maybe not. With Fergus and Holly there, they might be able to talk some sense into him. They each have a way of calming the lad down.”
Faye laid a hand on Lorna’s forearm. “Mum, let me share the news and I’ll clean the bathroom for a month.”
“You’re supposed to be cleaning it anyway,” Lorna pointed out.
“Details, details. So, what’s the verdict?” Faye leaned forward as she asked.
Lorna met Ross’s gaze and he shrugged. “I say yes.”
Lorna sighed. “Already you’re going to spoil the youngest.”
He winked. “Aye, but of course. What’s a stepfather to do but spoil? I’m going to need Faye on my side.”
Faye all but bounced in place. “I think I’m going to like having Ross around.”
Shaking her head, Lorna finally answered, “Fine. But at the first sign of a challenge or fight, you take it outside. Understand?”
“Yes, Mum.” Faye kissed her cheek and then clapped Ross’s shoulder. “Tonight is going be bloody brilliant.”
Before Lorna or Ross could get another word in, Faye rushed off to do who knew what.
Releasing Lorna’s hand, Ross wrapped an arm around her waist. “You’d better cook a fabulous dinner tonight, love. Only food might distract everyone enough to keep from killing each other.”
Lorna shook her head. “And who’s fault is that? I don’t know why I let you talk me into Faye’s request.”
“Come, Lorna. You can worry about the bairns later. We have a dinner to make.” He leaned down to her ear and whispered, “And I want a few more kisses along the way.”
Meg, still standing nearby, giggled. “I always knew Ross would be insatiable.” She stood taller. “Not that he can compare to my Archie and Cal.”
“Of course not,” Lorna murmured to humor her friend.
Meg shooed them off. “Go get ready for your dinner. I’ll stop by tomorrow to hear what happened.”
Before Lorna could protest, Meg was halfway across the clearing. Ross’s whisper filled her ear. “Half the clan will hear about us before night falls. I think a batch of your famous scones are in order to placate the children.”
With a sigh, Lorna leaned against Ross. “I’m tempted to put sleeping drugs into them and put this off until tomorrow.”
“Don’t be a coward, Lorna. I’ve never known you to be one, so don’t start now.”
Her dragon chimed in. He’s right.
It didn’t take you long to start siding with Ross.
It’s been a long time since I could side with someone against you. I could never win if I tried with our children. Ross, on the other hand, I think can win occasionally.
After decades of doing things her way, Lorna expected to feel angry or irritated with her beast. Instead, she wanted to sigh in relief at not having to be in charge twenty-four seven for her entire brood. Just picturing Ross standing guard over her food while she cooked and shooing away Faye and Fraser made her smile.
Lorna would never truly give up her power or strength, but she would like to hand over the little things to someone else. Maybe then her remaining blonde hairs would stay blonde a wee bit longer.
She finally answered, “I won’t put it off, of course. But we’d better hurry, or I won’t have time to cook, let alone kiss you.”
“So you are thinking of my kisses, aye?”
“More like you’re thinking of mine.”
Ross chuckled. “That I am, love. That I am.”
Smiling, Lorna motioned with her head. “Now that you’ve admitted one of your weaknesses, we can go.”
As they walked, Ross answered, “So if I keep mentioning how much I’m thinking of your kisses, you’ll give me what I want?”
“I didn’t say that.” Ross gave a mock look of hurt and Lorna snorted. “I thought you were too old for games.”
“Now, now, we need a few games or life might grow dull. And believe me, Lorna, I have many, many games I want to play with you.”
Ross’s words held a double meaning. Combined with the heat in his eyes, Lorna barely resisted a shiver.
Her dragon spoke up. Little does he know, I have games for him, too.
Oh, dear. Between her dragon and her frisky human, Lorna was going to be in for an interesting night.
And she was rather looking forward to it.
Chapter Five
Ross watched as Lorna bent over to check the roast in the oven. He’d always had to watch Lorna cook on the sly before, but now, he simply admired her arse.
Lorna’s voice boomed out. “I feel your eyes on my bum, Ross. Have you finished chopping the veg for the salad?”
Picking up the knife on the counter, Ross focused back on the cucumber on the chopping board. “I was just reaching for the next one.”
“Liar,” she said as she closed the oven door and turned toward him. But rather than irritation, amusement danced in Lorna’s eyes.
Ross grinned. “I think you like my eyes on your arse.”
“If you want me to answer that, then you’d better start chopping.”
“So you do, then, lass.”
“I’m far too old to be a lass.”
“Says who?”
Faye’s voice drifted into the room. “Says me. Please stop flirting with my mum until later. It’s bad enough I caught you snogging her half an hour ago.”
Ross raised his brows. “That’s what you get for not knocking, my dear. Enter at your own risk next time.”
“Ross,” Lorna scolded at the same time Faye answered, “I really should find my own place. I’ll never be able to unsee that.”
Faye made a beeline for the chopped tomatoes, but Ross moved the plate away. “If we start charging you for food by the pound, then you might think about finding your own place even sooner.”
Reaching for a scone, Faye frowned. “Mum wouldn’t do that.”
Lorna whisked the plate away before Faye could touch it. “I just might. I could probably travel the world with the money I saved.” Lorna placed a hand on her hip. “But we can discuss this later. Are your brothers nearly here?”
Faye shrugged. “Probably. They don’t report their every move to me.”
Lorna sighed, but Ross spoke up first. “Aye, well, that just means you can set the table yourself.”
“Me? But I’m rubbish at folding napkins.”
“As long as they’re clean and reasonably close to a plate, that will be fine,” Ross stated.
Faye stared at Ross but finally moved toward one of the cupboards. “I know you just want to be alone with my mum. I’d protest, but it increases the chance of Fraser finding you. And I’m looking forward to that.”
Lorna jumped in. “Faye Cleopatra MacKenzie, set the table and leave us in peace, or I really will start charging you by the pound for your food.”
Muttering something Ross couldn’t hear, Faye took a stack of plates and exited into the dining room.
Ross put down his knife and moved to Lorna’s side. After kissing her cheek, he murmured, “You’ll miss her more when she’s gone.”
“I know. Normally, I can handle Faye, but I’m just nervous about tonight.”
“Don’t worry, Lorna. Fraser may be protective, but once he sees me taking care of you, he’ll open up.”
Lorna tilted her head. “Aye, well, Fergus just arrived. So you can warm up to him, first. Don’t let his quieter nature fool you. He can be as fierce as either of his siblings.”
“Even if it means challenging both of your lads to a wrestling match to prove my worth, I’ll do it.” He caressed her cheek. “You’re worth it, Lorna MacKenzie.”
Lorna’s expression softened. He wanted to say it was affection, but Ross didn’t want to hope too soon for anything. Even though they’d spent many months together, winning Lorna’s heart was an entirely different thing, no matter how much the dragonwoman had already won over his.
He murmured, “Let’s see how he reacts, then.”
Just as the kitchen door opened, Ross kissed Lorna.
If Lorna were completely rational, she’d push Ross away and greet Fergus. But as her human slid his tongue between her lips and gently caressed her lower back, she could barely string two thoughts together.
Between Ross acting like a parent to Faye and then kissing Lorna as if she were the most beautifu
l female in the world, she was starting to get her hopes up for the future.
It was Gina’s voice—Fergus’s American human mate—that finally caused Lorna to pull away from Ross. “See, Fergus. I knew they would hookup.”
Before Fergus could reply, Gina’s younger sister, Kaylee, clapped her hands and jumped in. “I just won my bet with Fraser! He will have to take me up into the air in his dragon form now.”
Gina adjusted the sleeping bairn in her arms and scowled at Kaylee. “It had better be in a basket.”
Kaylee shrugged. “Maybe, maybe not. I didn’t specify.”
As the American females argued, Lorna studied Fergus’s expression, but couldn’t detect any emotion in his eyes. So, she asked her oldest son, “What are you thinking, Fergus?”
Gina and Kaylee quieted down to stare at Fergus. He finally replied, “As long as he makes you happy, that’s good enough for me.” Fergus’s pupils flashed to slits and back as he moved his gaze to Ross. “But hurt my mum and I don’t care if you’re Holly’s father, I will personally carry you back to Aberdeen as many times as it takes to keep you away from her.”
Ross nodded. “Aye, I’d expect nothing less.”
Fergus nodded back. “Good. But you’re on your own with Fraser.”
Gina adjusted the blanket around wee Jamie. “Fraser will come around. Considering what happened with you and Holly last year, he should understand that love crops up in unusual places.”
Holly had originally been a sacrifice and assigned to Fergus. However, Holly had ended up being Fraser’s true mate, and it’d taken quite a bit to clean up the resulting mess with the Department of Dragon Affairs.
Lorna ignored the word “love,” but didn’t dismiss it. Her feelings were too jumbled to make much sense of them.
Her dragon snorted. I know what they are.
Ignoring her beast, Lorna moved to her grandbaby. Caressing Jamie’s cheek, she murmured, “If wee Jamie stays asleep, Fraser will at least keep his voice down.”
Fergus drawled, “Glad to see you’re going to use my son as a buffer.”