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The Dragon's Heart (Lochguard Highland Dragons #3) Page 5

  Lorna frowned but kept her tone light for the bairn. “Jamie doesn’t mind. After all, he’s grandma’s wee lad.”

  Gina offered Jamie, but Lorna shook her head. “Until I can teach you to cook a proper roast, I’m stuck in the kitchen.”

  Kaylee spoke up. “I’m the better cook out of the two of us. Can I watch? Maybe next time, I can even do it all by myself and finally be able to do more than waitress at the clan’s main restaurant.”

  “It’s going to take more than one lesson, hen,” Lorna answered. “But I’m not one to turn down an offer of help.” She looked to Ross. “Then maybe Ross can finish chopping more than two tomatoes.”

  Ross sighed dramatically. “And there you go belittling my achievements for the day.”

  Faye entered the kitchen again. “I think you’ve had a few more than that.” She grinned at Lorna and looked back to Ross. “Or, at least my mother would agree.”

  “Faye,” Lorna scolded.

  Faye put her palms up and shrugged. “If you were expecting us not to tease you, then you don’t know us at all.”

  “Scamp,” Lorna answered with a smile. “Finish setting the table. Fergus just volunteered to help you.” Fergus grunted, but Lorna continued before he could say anything. “And Gina can watch to make sure you two finish without dallying.”

  Fergus looked to Gina and the young female grinned. “I can manage that. I know how Fergus likes to be ordered around.”

  Leaning down to Gina’s ear, Fergus murmured, “You’re going to pay for that later.”

  The American laughed, and Lorna looked to Ross. As they shared their own smile, Lorna hoped she’d one day have what her sons had with their mates.

  After all this time, Lorna was beginning to think she had room for two men in her heart.

  Her dragon hummed, which snapped Lorna back to the present. Shooing her children to go set the table, she guided Kaylee into the kitchen. As she went over her recipe and instructions for her infamous roast, Lorna resisted looking to Ross; otherwise, she’d never be able to concentrate.

  Yes, Lorna Stewart MacKenzie was acting like an infatuated lass of twenty. But for once, she didn’t care.


  As Ross reached for another cucumber, it took everything he had not to turn around and stare at Lorna again.

  She might hide it well, but she was pleased with Fergus and Faye’s acceptance. That only left Fraser to win over before Lorna would stop fretting and allow him to claim her completely.

  However, Fraser was going to be tricky, especially since Holly was pregnant and none of them wanted to upset her. His daughter had lost a bairn last year because of a miscarriage, and he didn’t want to do anything to cause her stress.

  Yet showing weakness with Fraser would most assuredly not end well. The dragonman liked to get his way, and Ross wasn’t about to give in.

  Faye rushed into the kitchen, interrupting his thoughts. Anticipation danced in her eyes as she blurted out, “Fraser’s here.”

  Ross had long ago ceased asking how the dragon-shifters knew someone had arrived; he’d just receive another lecture about their bloody brilliant hearing.

  He’d be lying if he wasn’t a bit jealous. But there wasn’t a magic potion that turned a human into a dragon-shifter, so Ross had learned to accept his shortcomings with the dragons of Lochguard. Besides, humans had their charms. No doubt Lorna’s dragon would love all of Ross’s attention since he didn’t have his own dragon to worry about.

  Wiping his hands on a tea towel, Ross turned toward the other kitchen entrance just as Holly entered with Fraser right behind her.

  Ross opened his arms, and Holly gave him a hug. He asked, “How’s my bonny lass today?”

  “Fine, Dad. I spent most of the day helping Dr. Innes and Layla with painting the surgery.”

  The surgery was one of the buildings that had nearly been destroyed in the attack a few months earlier. “Good. With Innes there, he’ll make sure you don’t lift anything you shouldn’t.”

  Holly sighed as Fraser nodded. The dragonman’s eyes were full of approval. “Exactly. Innes is keeping a close eye on her.”

  Holly frowned up at Fraser. “I’m a midwife, Fraser. I know the limitations of a pregnant woman.”

  “Not when it comes to yourself, love,” Fraser answered. “I won’t ask you to give up your job, but I just want you to be careful. Carrying twins is twice as hard.”

  Ross blinked. “Twins? When did you find this out?”

  Holly grinned at her dad. “Today at my first ultrasound.”

  Ross engulfed Holly in a hug. “Congrats, Holly-berry. That gives me twice the grandkids to spoil.”

  “Dad,” Holly scolded halfheartedly as she hugged him tightly.

  Lorna’s voice came from beside him. “Stopping hogging Holly. Let me have a turn, Ross.”

  “Sorry, love,” Ross answered as he released his daughter and let Lorna have a turn.

  “Love?” Fraser echoed.

  Bloody hell. He’d never used “love” with Lorna before today. Leave it to him to ruin what should be a happy moment for his daughter. “Aye, love. I care for your mother.”

  Narrowing his eyes, Fraser took a step toward Ross. “I thought I told you to stay away from my mum.”

  Lorna jumped in. “Fraser MacKenzie.”

  Ross put up a hand. “I will deal with him.”

  Lorna sighed. “Males. I give up. Come, Holly, let’s tell Gina the news.”

  Ross was vaguely aware of Lorna and the others leaving, but he refused to break his gaze with Fraser. If he didn’t take care of Lorna’s protective son now, it would cause more stress for all, including Holly.

  Once they were alone, Fraser spoke again. “I’m not sure you’re worthy enough for my mother.”

  Raising an eyebrow, Ross asked, “And why not?”

  “Because you’re not my father.”

  “Look, lad. I’m not trying to replace your father. But it’s been nearly thirty years and your mum is lonely. Would you deny her happiness in her later years?”

  “She is happy, human. You just like to take advantage of free cooking and board.”

  With a growl, Ross closed the distance between. “Your mum deserves more respect than that, Fraser. She is one of the most independent women I know, and there’s no bloody way she’d tolerate someone taking advantage of her. Are you saying different?”

  “Of course not,” Fraser muttered.

  “Then what?” When Fraser remained silent, Ross remembered something Gina had said earlier. “You of all men should know that love and attraction aren’t planned.”

  “This isn’t the same. I doubt you’re my mum’s true mate.”

  “Aye, you’re right. I’m not. But that doesn’t keep me from thinking she’s the most beautiful woman on Lochguard. Hell, maybe even in Scotland.”

  Fraser studied him for a few seconds before replying, “And how do I know you’re not spouting fancy words? My mum’s been hurt before when my dad died, and it devastated her. I might’ve been young, but I remember enough. I don’t ever want her to go through that again.”

  “I don’t want to hurt your mother. I’ve had months and months to get to know her. We suit. Not only that, she’s a great kisser.”

  Fraser frowned. “I don’t want to think of you kissing my mum.”

  “Scowl all you like, lad. One day you’ll be my age and understand. Unless you’re suddenly going to stop wanting to kiss my daughter when she hits her sixties.”

  “Of course not. Holly is my true mate, and I love her. I’ll always want her.”

  “Aye, well, just because I’m not your mum’s true mate doesn’t mean I don’t want her with every bit of my being. All I ask is for you to allow your mother to fight her own battles. If she becomes fed up, we both know she’ll toss me out on my arse. If she feels quite the opposite, then you should want your mother to be happy and feel loved.”

  When Fraser didn’t answer straight way, Ross merely waited. This was
the first real conversation he’d had with his son-in-law since meeting him. Truth and candor seemed to be working with the lad better than Ross had hoped.

  Fraser finally spoke up again. “I will give you a chance, but don’t think I won’t be watching you.”

  Ross put out a hand, and Fraser took it. After shaking, he answered, “That I can live with. Now, how about we celebrate your own twins and leave the arguing here in the kitchen? For Holly, if nothing else.”

  At the mention of the twins, Fraser smiled and stood a little taller. “Aye, let’s celebrate.”

  As Ross and his son-in-law exited the kitchen, Ross met Lorna’s gaze. With a nod, he moved to Lorna’s side and wrapped an arm around her.

  Fraser was busy talking to Holly’s abdomen about adventures while Fergus merely shook his head. Faye was snacking on a pilfered scone next to Gina and Kaylee.

  A sense of contentment settled over Ross. Between his daughter, his new family, and Lorna at his side, everything looked to be going well. For so long, Ross and Holly had been on their own. It was a nice change to have a dining room full of people.

  Just as Lorna laid her head on Ross’s shoulder, Finlay Stewart, the leader of Clan Lochguard and Lorna’s nephew, entered the room with his heavily pregnant mate, Arabella. Everyone quieted down at Finn’s presence.

  Finn’s gaze narrowed in on Ross and Lorna. Then he sighed. “Why does my family keep making my job so bloody difficult?”

  Chapter Six

  Lorna clicked her tongue at her nephew. “No one ever said being clan leader would be easy. It’s good to test your limits once in a while.”

  Fraser chimed in. “Lorna and Ross getting together is old news. Guess what, cousin? You’re going to have twin nieces or nephews to play with your triplets. I know technically they’re you’re cousins, but we’re calling you uncle. That way, you can spoil them more.”

  Arabella blinked. “Holly is having twins?”

  Holly smiled. “Yes, we found out earlier today. The replacement ultrasound equipment finally came in, and I was the first patient.”

  Finn put up an arm to stop Arabella from moving. “Hold on a second. Talking about Fraser’s twins can wait.” He waved toward Lorna and Ross. “When did this happen?”

  Arabella shook her head and pushed Finn’s arm away. “It’s been happening for a while, Finn. You need to pay better attention.”

  “But, Ara, I want to focus all of my attention on you.”

  “I hit my third trimester last week, and I feel so much better. You should spend more time on the clan before the babies come,” she answered as she moved to Holly’s side.

  Finn sighed again. “And here I was trying to be the devoted mate.”

  Lorna jumped in. “Stop with the theatrics, Finlay. Ara says she’s feeling better, so there’s no need to hover. She’ll ask for help if she needs it. Isn’t that right, child?”

  Arabella nodded. “I learned my lesson the hard way.”

  Lorna looked back to Finn. “Right, that’s settled. So what’s your concern about Ross and me? He already has permission to stay on Lochguard indefinitely. There’s little else for you to do, except maybe get me a larger dining room table. With all the grand babies, we’re going to need the space.”

  “What about if you wish to mate him, Aunt Lorna? Then what?” Finn asked.

  Lorna’s dragon hummed at the word “mate,” but Lorna ignored her beast. “We’ll deal with that as it comes. Considering that Nikki lass mated her human, I imagine the new director of the Department of Dragon Affairs will want to have other special ceremonies. What better PR than having an older couple?”

  Ross cleared his throat. “Do I get a say in this, love?”

  “In real life, aye. In hypotheticals, no. I’m trying to make a point to Finlay,” Lorna answered.

  Her human chuckled. “It doesn’t have to be a contest, love. Why don’t we talk about all this later, if and when it becomes relevant? We both just found out we’re going to have two new grandkids coming. I think we should celebrate that.”

  Lorna’s dragon spoke up. He’s right. We haven’t even claimed him yet. Let’s do that first and then Ross will convince Finn to help us.

  You’re moving a wee bit fast for my liking, dragon.

  I know what I want, and that’s good enough for me. Hesitating is for the young.

  I would argue, but I want to celebrate Fraser and Holly’s news.

  Pushing her beast to the back of her mind, Lorna looked back to her nephew. “We’ll revisit the situation later, Finlay.”

  Finn grinned as he moved to Ross’s side and gripped his shoulder. “I think I’m going to like having Ross around.”

  Lorna rolled her eyes. “You just say that because you can weasel your way out of answering questions.”

  Finn looked affronted. “And here I was trying to be supportive of my aunt.”

  Arabella’s voice cut in. “Finn, leave it alone. You need to convince your cousin not to corrupt his children. You know the newest MacKenzie twins will corrupt our own babies, and I definitely don’t need three mini-Finns or Frasers running around.”

  “But we’re the most lovable, Ara. Not to mention entertaining,” Finn answered with a wink.

  Fergus grunted. “I say it’s more like a string of never-ending headaches. Don’t worry, Ara. I’ll help keep your triplets as uncorrupted as possible. I’m sure wee Jamie will help keep them all in line, too.”

  Fraser rubbed his hands together. “You just made it a challenge, brother. And I’m out to win.” He gestured to the sleeping baby in Gina’s arms. “That includes corrupting Mac-squared.”

  “Don’t call my son that ridiculous nickname,” Fergus growled.

  Fraser shrugged. “Hey, you and Gina gave him the surname of MacDonald-MacKenzie. It’s your own fault.”

  As Fraser and Fergus continued to argue, Ross whispered into Lorna’s ear, “How much longer until dinner’s ready?”

  “Really? You’re thinking with your stomach right now?”

  His voice dropped an octave, which made her shiver. “No, Lorna. The sooner you feed everyone, the sooner you can kick them out. I want you all to myself.”

  “Oh,” Lorna said as her cheeks flushed with heat.

  “You’d better work on that flush of yours. While I love seeing the color on your cheeks, your children will tease you.”

  Turning her head, Lorna met Ross’s gaze. “You know what? Now that we’ve talked with them, and they know what’s going on, I don’t care. How about we give them a show?”

  Ross wrapped his arms around her waist and murmured, “I like your way of thinking, woman.”

  Impatient, Lorna took Ross’s lips in a kiss and pulled him close. Lorna was vaguely aware of whistles and comments, but she ignored them. Ross had passed the initial test with her children, and she was impatient for what came next.

  Her dragon hummed. Yes, yes. Kick them out now.

  Not yet.

  She was going to say more, but Ross growled and heat spread throughout her body.

  Her beast spoke up again. Send everyone away. I want him.

  Lorna agreed with her dragon. Lorna was going to serve dinner as quickly as possible and send everyone packing. It was time to claim her new male.


  Nearly two hours later, Ross placed the last bit of leftovers into the fridge and shut the door with a flourish.

  He turned around to see Lorna leaning against the counter, watching him. Her pupils flashed to slits and back. He grinned. “Is your dragon burning for ol’ Ross Anderson?”

  She raised her brows. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

  Closing the distance between them, Ross pulled Lorna up against him. The softness of her body made him hard. With Lorna, he wouldn’t need any pills to do the deed.

  He nipped her earlobe and whispered, “I know one way to get the information out of you.” He worried her flesh again before adding, “Of course, it involves you naked on a bed.”

; “Ross,” Lorna said in a breathy whisper.

  “Don’t tell me you’re shy about this, love. Because I’m not.”

  Lorna pulled back to meet his gaze. The heat he saw there eased some of his worry.

  The dragonwoman tilted her head. “Not shy, exactly. But it’s been awhile. I may need you to remind me of a few things.”

  He snorted. “I think you just want me to do all the work.”

  She ran her hand up his chest to behind his neck. The soft strum of her fingers sent a spark down his back and straight to his groin.

  If that wasn’t enough, Lorna leaned forward until her soft breasts squashed against his chest. The hard points of her nipples were too much, and he let out a small groan.

  Smiling, Lorna replied, “Not all the work, but I did just cook a huge meal and all you did was chop veg. I think you have more energy than me.”

  “So is that the tradeoff? You cook, and I give you fantastic sex?”

  “You wouldn’t hear any complaints from me.”

  Ross chuckled. “Aye, well, I’d better start paying off my debt.”

  Before Lorna could reply, he took her lips in a possessive kiss. As he explored the inside of her mouth, he ran a hand under her jumper to her warm skin. He stroked circles slowly against her back until Lorna sighed.

  Breaking the kiss, Ross murmured, “We can save the kitchen counter for later. Right now, I want to see you naked on our bed.”

  “So my bed is now our bed?”

  “Yes.” He nipped her bottom lip. “I can’t have any other dragonmen getting ideas about moving in and stealing you away.”

  Lorna paused, and Ross wondered if he’d pushed too fast. But considering he and Lorna had lived in close proximity for months, he wasn’t exactly a stranger.

  Still, the thought of another man not her late mate in that bed might be too much. Maybe he was daft for suggesting her bed instead of his.

  Then Lorna kissed his jaw. “No one is going to sneak in, you fool. If they tried, I have a homemade deterrent to keep them away.”

  “Oh, aye? Should I be worried?”