The Forbidden (Kelderan Runic Warriors #4) Read online

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  One of the first rules of being a trainer was to always project strength, control, and stability. Showcasing faults wasn't an option.

  But with Kalahn, he wouldn't mind showing her some of his faults.

  Kajala's words from earlier, about Keltor trying to change the laws for his family, came back to him. If there was no legal barrier, would he pursue Kalahn?

  A resounding yes echoed inside his brain.

  "Why did your marking just flash purple?" she asked.

  Purple was the color of happiness.

  Glancing down, he was relieved to see them a dark blue. "It must be the lights inside the room playing tricks on your eyes."

  She leaned forward and touched his arm. The light sensation sent electricity through his body.

  Kalahn searched his gaze. "I know what I saw."

  He tried to think of how to respond, but a few seconds later, he heard her mental voice, Don't lie to me, Ryven.

  Her mental voice was softer and more like her own voice when compared to earlier. He answered, The truth is unwise.

  In that second, he knew if he kept trying to partition his thoughts and ignore the female in front of him, he wouldn't be able to train her properly.

  He should tell her the truth.

  She might want nothing to do with him afterward and demand a new trainer. Part of him hoped for that.

  And yet another part desperately wanted her to wish for the same.

  Tightening her grip on his arm, she spoke aloud. "Considering I will probably reveal a lot about myself in the coming weeks, even if unintentionally, it only seems fair that you share some truth with me willingly. I should know the male who will all but shape my mind."

  He leaned closer. "But you may not care for what I have to say."

  With her eyes half-lidded, she murmured, "Then show me."

  A more honorable male would resist such an invitation. But with Kalahn's proximity and the recent intimacy of her mental connection, he didn't want to fight it anymore. He would just have to trust that her dream portrayed what she wished as well.

  Cupping her cheek, he pulled her face close and kissed her.


  Kalahn's heart beat double time as she waited to see if Ryven would kiss her or not.

  However, when his firm lips pressed against hers, all worry fled her mind. With each nip and nibble, she started to believe it was real and not just another dream.

  And to be honest, having Ryven so close in real life was better than any dream.

  All too soon he broke the kiss and kept his face a few inches away from hers. At the desire in his eyes, it took everything she had not to crawl into his lap and take another kiss from him.

  His voice was husky as he said, "You didn't try to stop me or push me away."

  There were many reasons why she should laugh and pretend she didn't want to kiss him again. But she didn't believe any of them. "Because I've wanted it for a long time, Ryven. Ever since you kissed me years ago, back on Keldera, when you were sent to retrieve me from my latest escape."

  Moving his hand, he lightly traced her jaw. "As I remember it, you kissed me as a distraction."

  "Regardless of who initiated it, I've thought about it often since then."

  Ryven's markings tinged red before moving back to dark blue. "Don't lie to me, Kalahn."

  She shook her head. "I'm not lying. At first, I thought that kiss was a girlish fantasy, one I'd built up in my mind. However, once you kissed me again, it was even better than I remembered it."

  He groaned. "That may be, but if we do it again, it will only lead to more trouble."

  "You say that as if to deter me."

  The corner of his mouth ticked up. "You most assuredly shouldn't do it again."

  For his cheekiness, she closed the distance and kissed him.

  Unlike last time, she took the lead, following his example earlier of worrying his bottom lip. Ryven moaned and opened his mouth.

  She tentatively tasted him, and it sent heat through her body and between her legs. What she wouldn't give for more than a kiss. The image of Ryven kissing his way lower, to her nipples, flashed into her mind.

  With a growl, Ryven stroked her tongue one more time before he pulled away. She leaned forward, but he shook his head. "You're projecting and it's tempting me."

  She should be embarrassed, but instead, she used her mind to reply, Then why did you stop?

  While she expected to feel Ryven's warm, masculine presence brush her mind, he spoke aloud instead. "There are many reasons as to why this is unwise."

  "Is this the part where you go on about duty, loyalty, and other excuses?"

  "It's more than excuses, and you know it."

  Kalahn sighed. Maybe Ryven was like all the others after all. "And yet another male refuses to listen to what I want and believe what I say."

  Ryven searched her gaze and remained silent a few beats before he asked, "Then tell me, why are you so persistent? Is it because I was the first male you ever kissed?"

  "That has nothing to do with it."

  She hesitated. She didn't want him to think she was crazy.

  Ryven murmured, "Tell me."

  This was it—no turning back now. "Well, for one thing, you treat me as a person rather than as a princess. At least, most of the time. Not to mention my antics don't drive you crazy, or make you start yelling."

  "I have thought about scolding you from time to time."

  "Don't joke right now, Ryven. This is hard for me."

  He put up a hand in apology. "Sorry, it's out of habit. But I can't be the only one who accepts you. There has to be more you aren't telling me about why you want me."

  "There is, but it's hard to explain. Although I'll try." She took a deep breath and continued, "When you were inside my mind, there was pain, yes. But it also felt…right. As if your warmth accentuated my own, helping to chase away the negative emotions. Not to mention each mental brush from you feels as if you're touching my skin, leaving fire in its wake. Even now, I crave more of it." She bit her bottom lip before she blurted, "Is that normal, to want someone to be inside your mental space or to only talk telepathically?"

  Brushing her hair behind her ear, he answered, "No. Usually it's uncomfortable and you learn to tolerate it through training."

  Placing a hand on his chest, she reveled in the hard muscles under her fingers. "Will you…"

  She trailed off, but Ryven caressed her jaw again. "Tell me."

  Taking a deep breath, she let it out. "I wonder if it'd feel the same for you if I was inside your mental space."

  Ryven hesitated. He’d never done that with her, meaning he was trying to figure out a way to politely refuse.

  She pushed aside her disappointment. Maybe it would be better to forget she'd ever asked. "You don't have to, if you don't want to. I'm sure I'm being inappropriate again."

  "It's not you, Kalahn." His eyes glanced down to her kiss-bruised lips and it was as if he were kissing her all over again. "I never want you to hold back with me. Besides, I'm curious now. Let's try it."

  Her heart leapt at his words. She tried her best to contain her excitement. "How?"

  He met her gaze once more. "You must've taken a small section of your shields down earlier, to speak with me. You need to do that again and then reach outward, toward me."

  "I'm not sure I understand."

  "Telepathy is almost like another plane of existence. Each person has a unique signal, and if someone goes searching on that plane, you can find a specific person. Well, provided you've met them before and can recognize their unique signature. A telepath's signature is like a face—everyone has one, but they're each slightly different from one another."

  She tried to imagine what he spoke of, but struggled. "What's mine like?"

  He paused and then smiled. "Like an exotic purple flower with thorns, swirling in a fierce rapid." He took her hand and squeezed. "Soon, you'll see mine. I know everything will be overwhelming, but try your best to memorize
my signature. Because I want you to be able to reach out to me whenever you like."

  "Whenever? Are you sure you want to say that?"

  His eyes turned heated. "Yes, whenever."

  Her cheeks flushed. If he was this sexy after one kiss, she could only imagine what would happen if it ever went further.

  "Focus, Kalahn."

  At his commanding tone, she said, "I can't concentrate with you so close."

  He lightly ran a finger along her jaw. "That is something else we'll have to work on."

  Ryven's confidence was addictive. After being paraded in front of one brown nosing politician or another over the last few years, it was refreshing and welcome.

  And probably why her father had tried so hard to keep her away from the warriors. No doubt, he knew she'd be drawn to them. After all, they were the males who could better handle her personality.

  Although she'd gamble everything she owned on the fact that Ryven was unique; she wouldn't be attracted to just any warrior. Their kiss was probably just the first step. The fact they both had telepathy was yet another thing that would probably tear down any sort of boundaries.

  Ryven moved to a chair against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest. "Let's set a challenge, then, seeing as you like them. I won't speak again until you reach out to me mentally."

  Closing his eyes, he feigned sleep.

  It was on the tip of her tongue to ask for more guidance, but she restrained herself. Kalahn had solved problems and new issues before. Between what she'd read and what Ryven had taught her so far, she was confident she could figure out how to find Ryven's signature.

  To help block out everything else, she closed her eyes. There was a small section of her shields that she'd rebuilt to allow a small opening when needed. Since it was currently patched over with multiple layers, Kalahn slowly peeled them away. A faint buzzing filled her head, much like it did every time she created an opening. She'd have to ask Ryven about that later.

  She peeked out of the opening and took her first real look. However, all she saw was darkness, meaning she had to leave her safe place to look for Ryven.

  Taking a deep breath, she imagined gliding through the opening and outside her mental space. Turning slowly, she finally noticed a small light in the same direction as where Ryven sat inside her room. Maybe that was a connection—a person's physical presence also affected their location in the telepathy plane.

  As she approached, the intensity of the light increased and also became more defined. When she was almost there, she finally made out Ryven's signature. A wild, light green Kelderan feline roared atop a mountain peak. The green cat was as big as she was and called a cerrak. While fierce, they were also protective and loyal of others in their social groups.

  It was fitting, but Kalahn wondered why she had a flower when he had a fierce beast.

  Ryven's warm voice answered, You see a flower, but I see much more.

  Free of her shields and so close to Ryven, she found speaking easier. Then tell me already.

  He chuckled. It seems your impatience transcends methods of communication. She thought about turning back, but he added, Enough teasing for now. The flower is surrounded by thorns. I suspect they're to keep others away, because in reality, you're unique but delicate inside. And swirling in the rapids is akin to you struggling to find out where you belong.

  I'm not delicate.

  You can be, although you hide it well with attitude and quips.

  She hated how well he knew her. Kalahn had always resented how much stronger physically her brothers were than her.

  When she didn't respond, he added, No need to become upset. Signatures can change as a person does. So who knows, maybe one day mine will be a supak munching on grass, complete with a flatulence problem.

  A supak was a four-legged Kelderan animal that smelled of old cheese. I hope that's not how you envision yourself when you're older.

  Probably not. But your mental signature reflects who you are. It is, unfortunately, one of many weaknesses telepathy brings to the table. There are ways to distort and hide the image for a brief span of time, but that is further along in your training.

  While interested in details, Kalahn sensed exhaustion setting in from overstretching her mental muscles. It was time to bring things back on topic. I'm here. So will you allow me into your mental space?

  Follow me.

  She couldn't exactly see him, but she sensed his presence moving toward his signature. When he entered via a small entrance hidden in the feline's mouth, she smiled. Of course he would put it there, to test out who was brave enough to approach.

  Well, that and the area inside the feline's mouth was shadowy, making it harder to spot the temporary vulnerability. She'd have to think of a more strategic place to put her own opening.

  Since Ryven would never hurt her, Kalahn followed him without hesitation. The second she was beyond his shields, she was engulfed in his warmth. And maybe she was crazy, because she swore his scent was everywhere, too.

  The space was filled with a soft glow, but nothing else. Are all mental spaces like this?

  I don't know. I've only helped with training and have never violated someone's space once they were established.

  The primal part of Kalahn was glad. Mentally touching someone was intimate, and she wanted to keep Ryven all to herself.

  Not wanting to think too hard about how easily that thought came to her, she asked, So? Is me being here like everyone else? You mentioned something about it being uncomfortable.

  Something swirled around her before he answered. If I speak the truth, I have a feeling it may change things.

  I never put you down as a coward.

  I'm not. His warmth circled around her again. But training you is of the utmost importance. Are you sure you can take another distraction?

  Ryven, just tell me. I've spent my whole life surrounded by people hiding things from me, and I don't need any more of it.

  After a beat, he finally said, You being here is the furthest thing from being uncomfortable. If I'm honest, I want to keep you here forever.

  Her heart rate kicked up. She tried to figure out how to respond, but Ryven spoke before she could string her thoughts together. However, I sense your presence flickering and it won't be long before you snap back into your own space. I need you to retreat and patch your defenses again.

  She wanted to argue, but it was becoming more and more difficult to reply to him. Okay, but we'll discuss this later.

  Reluctantly she exited his space and headed back to her own signature. She couldn't get inside fast enough, and she struggled to apply the necessary number of layers to block out the noise. As soon as there was peace, she forced her eyes open.

  Ryven was next to her bed, his gaze boring into hers.

  Any doubts she had about him putting up barriers between them vanished when he cupped her cheek. Trying to raise her hand, she failed. Her limbs were as heavy as boulders.

  Ryven's soft voice filled the room. "Sleep, Kalahn. I'll be here when you wake up again."

  Her eyelids kept drooping, but she managed to keep them open. However, Ryven began to sing a lullaby created by the Barren. Each verse made it harder to keep her eyes open.

  As he promised safety and love, she slipped away, wondering why he'd selected that song to sing to her.

  Chapter Nine

  Ryven stared at Kalahn's sleeping face and wondered what it'd be like to see it every day.

  Her stepping into his mental space had felt unlike anything he'd experienced before. Almost as if she brought light and warmth into what once again felt like an empty, lonely space without her.

  There was much the Kelderans didn't know about telepathy, but he wondered if certain people were destined to stir such feelings of acceptance and warmth as he'd felt with Kalahn. Or perhaps it was merely an echo of his subconscious.

  However, before he thought too much more on the idea, one of the guards came into the room and said without preambl
e, "There's been an incident, sir. Someone tried to poison Kajala Mayven's guards while she was temporarily inside her quarters. One of the warriors managed to take out the threat, and while injured, he received medical attention in time."

  Kajala had been staying with Kason, so the timing was extremely telling. "And the other?"

  "I'm sorry, sir. The amount of poison he received was fatal."

  Ryven cursed. "And Kajala?"

  "She was on a conference call with some of the colony's developers, which was how she asked for help. She's a little shaken, but unharmed."

  Considering the use of most of Kelderan technology would be almost nonexistent within a few years, the threats would only grow more dire if something wasn't done. Reading the female assassin's thoughts and learning her knowledge was more important than ever before.

  When the warrior didn't salute and leave, Ryven knew there had to be more information. "Since Kason and Xytor are in charge of coordinating increased security and not me, there has to be another reason you're still here."

  "Yes, sir. Prince Kason believes it best that we move the princess to a remote, secure location. The sooner, the better."

  Ryven couldn't agree more. "What of Kajala? Will she be coming with us?"

  "Being so close to her delivery date, she must remain near the colony so that she has access to the medical staff. The prince didn't say where, but only that he has two locations in mind—one for Princess Kalahn and one for her sister."

  Ryven caught the lack of the honorific for Kajala. However, the guard's omission was the least of his worries. "I know he's busy, but I need to speak with Prince Kason as soon as he has the chance. Tell him it's related to the princess's medical condition."

  The cover story was that Kalahn had undergone intensive treatment for a Jasvarian sickness that was only contagious through touch. The mysterious illness would keep most away, which was necessary since sometimes new telepaths picked up latent telepathic thoughts and had trouble focusing.

  Making a fist, the guard thumped it against his chest. "I will deliver your message to the prince straightaway. For the time being, I'd suggest staying in this room. There is extra security arriving as we speak. Ask them for anything else you may need."


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