The Forbidden (Kelderan Runic Warriors #4) Read online

Page 9

  Once Ryven nodded, the guard left.

  Alone with Kalahn, he tried to think of how to handle the situation. Knowing the princess as he did, she'd demand to stay by Kajala's side. However, keeping the targets in separate locations would be best. Not just for their respective medical issues at the moment, but also to lessen the chance of a double blow.

  Just the thought of someone poisoning the guards outside Kajala's doors and then getting inside to her made his stomach drop. He was reluctantly agreeing that giving Kalahn telepathy and training her to do undercover telepathic spy work was a good decision, especially given her strength and affinity for the skill.

  However, he and the others had underestimated the immediate threats to the royal family on Jasvar. Clearly the female assassin was only one of many, just as they had postulated.

  Because of the timing of the attack, Ryven suspected there was a mole somewhere in the higher ranks of the guards. Kajala had mostly been using secret tunnels to navigate between her quarters and Kason's. Only someone on the inside would know that she was supposed to be in her quarters at that specified time.

  As he tried to go through and figure out who it might be, a knock on the door snapped him back to the present. Kason entered and promptly shut the door.

  After a quick check to ensure Kalahn still slept, Ryven stood and motioned for his oldest friend to go into a side chamber. Once they were out of Kalahn's earshot, Kason spoke up. "I don't have a lot of time, so just listen. You and Kalahn will be moved to a remote location that only Taryn and her closest advisors know about, and you will leave as soon as possible. All of the guards I'm sending with you are males I trust with my life. But it will be up to you to protect Kalahn in the ways that matter now."

  In other words, her mind. "She won't go easily without her sister."

  "That's why Merctor will be along shortly to administer a sedative. Kalahn will be moved while unconscious."

  "She's not going to like that," he drawled.

  "It doesn't matter. The threats are much more serious here than we thought. I won't risk any of my family's lives. If that means angering them in the short term, so be it."

  "You do know that once you hide away your two sisters, you will become the main target, right?"

  Kason grunted. "I'm counting on it." Ryven raised his brows and Kason added, "I won't tell you anything else. Not because I don't trust you, but rather anyone could be listening and I don't want anyone to know my plans ahead of time."

  He nodded. "I understand, but promise me you'll look after yourself, too. I have a feeling your bride would be upset if her lord were injured."

  "For that reason, Taryn will be helping me."

  Ryven wanted to voice his concerns outright about a traitor within the warrior ranks, but took Kason's warning about someone listening to heart. Instead, he spoke in a sort of code—shared experiences. "This reminds me of alpha team days."

  The alpha team days referred to a set of warrior training exercises from their teenage years. Kason and Ryven's team excelled until they suddenly started losing every time because the other teams predicted their actions. Not just a few of the teams, but all of them. It was only after a few weeks they figured out one of their fellow team members had sold them out in exchange for vintage weapons to add to the male's collection.

  Kason nodded. "I agree, and I'm looking into it. But I do trust those who are going with you."

  "So when do we leave?"

  "Merctor will be here within the next few minutes. I'm afraid you can't take anything with you beyond what I provide. Given that the traitors are from Keldera, they could have all types of technological spying tools at their disposal."

  "I agree. Will everything be provided or will we have to forage?"

  "Foraging will be necessary, to help keep your exit a low profile. However, there will be a Jasvarian accompanying you who will train you two on how to survive on this world. I'm afraid it's going to be similar to our survival training days, and Kalahn isn't going to like it."

  Kason's dismissal of Kalahn didn't sit well with Ryven. "Kalahn is stronger than you think. And considering I helped teach the survival classes back home, I should pick up everything quickly."

  "Just remember that this is a different planet, with different challenges. Until you have learned everything you can from the Jasvarian, your life will be in the Jasvarian male's hands."

  "Male?" Ryven echoed.

  "Yes, male. You'll meet him at the rendezvous point later." He gripped Ryven's shoulder. "Take care of Kalahn. There's no one else I would trust with her life."

  Guilt threaded his heart at Kason's words. After all, Ryven had thoroughly kissed Kason's sister not that long ago.

  Pushing the guilt aside, he made a fist and thumped it over his heart. "I will protect her until my last breath."

  Kason squeezed his shoulder and released. "I'm glad you stayed, Ryven. It seems life on Jasvar isn't going to be boring and having the best warriors around me will greatly aid in protecting both my family and our fledging colony."

  Ryven winked. "Well, I did beat you in the last sparring session. So I may be the best one on all of Keldera to have on your side right now."

  Kason's lips twitched. "Don't remind me." His friend moved to the door. "Communication will be restricted, but if matters devolve, you know what to do."

  Meaning Ryven would have to reach out to one of the few telepaths among the colonists. "Of course."

  With a nod, he followed Kason out of the side chamber. His friend exited the room and Ryven looked back at Kalahn's sleeping face.

  Even now, all he wanted to do was cup her cheek and wake her with a kiss. But if he ever wanted the chance to do so, he needed to focus on her training. The sooner she was prepared, the sooner they could try to learn more about their adversary and what was coming. Because only then could they neutralize the threats and go about their lives once more.

  Until her training was complete, kissing was off the table.

  But once the threat was vanquished, he wouldn't hold back any longer. Between danger revealing to him how he felt about Kalahn, as well as their shared mental discoveries, he couldn't imagine another female at his side. He'd just have to find a way to win her and then change the laws.


  Several hours later, Ryven was in Jasvarian attire—leather trousers, loose linen shirt, and a wide-brimmed hat. The materials of the clothing weren't uncomfortable, but it reminded him of a Kelderan farmer's garb from several centuries earlier, when clothing had been made by hand.

  Readjusting his hat, he did another cursory sweep of the area. He currently stood in a dense patch of forest, next to a narrow wooden carriage. Inside it was Kalahn's unconscious form and the supplies Kason had mentioned.

  It had taken over an hour to zigzag through various pathways to get to the meeting point. Taryn Demara herself had shown them the way.

  But she'd left them not long ago. The Jasvarian survivalist and their warrior escorts should've arrived already. While he had Kelderan weapons hidden inside the billowing folds of his shirt, he was anxious to get moving.

  Keeping his ears open, it wasn't long before Ryven heard the snap of a twig. A female with pale blue skin and silver hair came out of the brush. While Ryven hadn't interacted much with the female, he knew she was one of Taryn's trusted advisors and friends. "Nova Drakven."

  She grinned. Her Kelderan was broken as she said, "At your service." Moving closer, she whispered, "I share my secret."

  Considering Nova hadn't spoken any Kelderan that he knew of, she must've been studying it. His first instinct was to demand details about what was going on. Nova was a battle strategist for Jasvar, meaning she was too valuable to serve as Kalahn and Ryven's companion.

  A male's voice murmured behind him in perfect Kelderan, "You should be more careful."

  Turning around, Ryven studied the teal skin and black hair of the male. Considering he'd snuck up on him without making a sound, Ryven suspected that the male
was the one who would be showing them how to survive off the land. After all, a noisy hunter would starve. "You're Kelderan."

  "I was Kelderan. Jasvar became my home ten years ago."

  The timeline clued him in on the male's history. "You were one of the scientists who disappeared a decade ago."

  He grunted. "By choice. My name is Orvar. Nova is here to guide us to the secret location. Once there, I'll take her back to this starting point while you settle in."

  He studied the tall male. "For a scientist, you're accustomed to giving orders. What was your role on the former exploration team?"

  Ignoring him, Orvar turned toward Nova and spoke in CEL. Ryven only had a basic grasp and couldn't follow along.

  It seemed Orvar wasn't going to be a friendly addition to him and Kalahn.

  Nova finally met his gaze again. "Come."

  Ryven spoke to Orvar. "Aren't there supposed to be warriors accompanying us?"

  "They will be shown after the fact, via a different route. Every precaution is being taken."

  He nodded. "I understand that." Ryven glanced at the vehicle containing Kalahn. "I hope the way we're going is accessible to this carriage."

  Orvar grunted. "The princess is just a female. You could carry her."

  There was another reason Kalahn had to stay inside the carriage—it was fortified with extra materials to protect her mind.

  Not that Ryven could share that information.

  Nova said something to Orvar. The male then studied Ryven. "She senses concern and worry. Why?"

  His gaze shot to the smiling female. "She's an empath?"

  Orvar answered for her. "Only a low-level one, due to her half-human heritage. Her father is a full-blooded empath with more skill. Nova only senses strong emotions. And no, she can't control it."

  Since humans didn't have blue skin or metallic silver hair, Ryven reasoned those were from her father's side as well. He'd have to look into what species of alien her father was later. "You seem to know a lot about her."

  "I make it my priority to know everyone I encounter, including you."

  Ryven raised his brows. "I sense there's more."

  "Perhaps," Orvar stated. "I'll find out the cause of your concern later, because we need to get going. We don't want to be stuck in the wilderness after dark."

  Questions rushed into his brain about what happened once the sun set, but he ignored them. "You two lead the way and I'll bring up the rear."

  Orvar said something to Nova. The female gave a thumbs-up, and she walked down a barely visible path. The Kelderan male took the reins of the great pack animal and followed her, the carriage rumbling along.

  As he brought up the rear, Ryven now understood the narrowness of the vehicle. The paths Nova took were meant for walking. However, considering the Jasvarians had had the narrow carriage in storage, Ryven surmised that this wasn't the first time someone had needed to disappear into the wilderness.

  Ryven did his best to keep his eyes and ears peeled, even though he didn't know as much about Jasvarian animal and plant life as he'd like. Hopefully Orvar could teach him quickly. Because the longer the male was around, the greater the chance he'd learn of Kalahn's telepathic abilities. Taryn and Kason must trust him or they'd never have sent Orvar to help, but Ryven didn't want to risk anyone else learning about Kalahn's secret that didn't absolutely need to know it.

  After several hours of turning down one path and then another through the endless miles of purple trees, Nova motioned to the side. Orvar interpreted, "Just over there."

  It took a few seconds for Ryven to spot the hidden structure. To the untrained eye, it looked like a clump of dense, blue bushes. But he noted a few wooden supports, as well as patches of ground surrounding it that looked unstable. They had to be booby traps—probably deep pits—to keep invaders away.

  While he'd admired Taryn Demara's ability to lead her people, he realized that even without advanced technology, Jasvarians still thought of effective security systems to protect their own. Maybe if the Kelderans and the Jasvarians worked together, they could make improvements.

  Nova walked in a specific pattern, pointing to which areas to avoid. She stopped in front of the bushes and asked him something. Orvar spoke. "Why aren't you following?"

  "I've memorized the pathway. However, I won't leave Princess Kalahn unprotected."

  Once Orvar conveyed the message, Nova tilted her head. He had a feeling she was reading his emotions.

  He quickly packed away any thought or feeling beyond protection. Nova blinked.

  Good, he must be a mostly blank slate now.

  The female turned away and toggled something inside the foliage. A second later he heard the creaking of a door opening. Nova stated in her accented Kelderan, "Bring Kalahn."

  Orvar spoke up. "I'll watch the carriage while you do so. As it is, I plan on sleeping out here instead of in there."

  Since the Jasvarians mostly lived inside the mountains, it was odd for Orvar to speak as if sleeping inside was torture.

  Opening the side door of the carriage, Ryven checked inside to find Kalahn unconscious on her back, just as he'd placed her hours ago. He carefully lifted her out and held her in his arm, keeping her body close against his chest.

  He wanted to probe her shields to ensure they held, but didn't want to risk intruding on her dreams. Especially not with a low-level empath nearby.

  So he quickly constructed a temporary shelter over Kalahn's mental signature, just so she wouldn't broadcast her emotions to Nova.

  Ryven carefully walked in the same pattern the female had done and approached the mostly concealed door. Ducking inside, he blinked as his eyes adjusted to the low glow emanating from the plants on the wall.

  Nova's metallic silver hair reflected the light, making her almost burn like a star. She motioned with her hand. "This way."

  She took him down a long hallway and through several sets of doors before they entered a tunnel carved out of stone. He prepared himself for another cave-like dwelling at the end of the corridor. However, they soon stepped out into the fading sunlight.

  It took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust, but several structures made from wood and stone slowly came into focus. Only then did he notice they were entirely surrounded by a high rock wall that extended above them; it was almost the length of a Kelderan starship fighter.

  Nova said, "Dead volcano."

  He nodded, and she moved toward the largest structure inside the area. She pointed. "Home." Then she pointed to the far wall. "Bath." And at a smaller structure. "Water." To the several small buildings apart from the rest, she said, "Temporary home."

  He had no idea what she was talking about when she said "temporary home," but he would explore the compound once Kalahn was settled.

  Readjusting his grip on Kalahn, he motioned his head toward the biggest structure. "Home?"

  "Yes. Come."

  He followed the female inside and to one of the rear rooms, which contained a large bed on one side and a wall of hooks fashioned out of wood on the other. Ryven gently laid Kalahn down on the mattress and resisted smoothing the hair away from her face.

  "I keep secret." At Nova's voice, he looked at her and frowned. She winked. "I promise."

  Since he had been careful to keep his feelings guarded, as well as Kalahn's thoughts, he had no idea how Nova could sense anything.

  Because of the language barrier, he couldn't demand answers anyway. So Ryven murmured in CEL, "Thank you."

  She bobbed her head and replied, "I go. Orvar. Now."

  Nova left without another word and he sat next to Kalahn on the bed.

  He quickly removed his temporary barrier and checked Kalahn's mental walls.

  After a quick search and plenty of poking, he was confident they held. However, he wouldn't be able to judge if the sedative had given her some sort of adverse effect or not until she was awake.

  One of the downsides to the DNA splicing process was that it changed a person's reaction to
a variety of things, never working the same way twice for people.

  Gently brushing her cheek, he noticed her cool, dry skin. At the lack of sweat, she couldn't be having too bad of a dream then.

  Tempted as he was to curl up at her side and maybe help keep bad dreams at bay, Orvar shouting from the entrance to the extinct volcano prevented him.

  Ryven lingered one second longer before going to meet the male. He needed to get as much set up and prepared as he could before Kalahn woke up. Her training was second only to her safety.

  Hopefully, in the isolated location, he could speed up her training regime and truly push her to her limits. He wouldn't dare try it in a high-traffic location such as the colony settlement. However, in the wilderness, there was little to possibly harm or attack her on the telepathy plane, especially since Ryven had probed Orvar thoroughly and knew he wasn't a telepath.

  Of course, he had another motivation for completing her training quickly. Ryven could almost still feel her warm, soft body against his chest as he'd carried her. He may delay kissing her again, but he wasn't going to give up on her. He sensed there was a reason her presence inside his mind was a comfort rather than an irritation and he was determined to find out why.

  Chapter Ten

  Kalahn opened her eyes to find an unfamiliar wooden ceiling above her where there had previously been one made out of rock.

  She hadn't had a chance to even sit up before Ryven's voice came into her mind. You're awake. Don't panic. I'm here.

  Looking over, she saw Ryven sitting at a table, leafing through what looked to be an old-fashioned bound book. "Where are we?"

  He replied telepathically. Check your shields and reinforce them first.

  Ryven went back to reading his book.

  Since she'd get answers faster by completing the task, she didn't argue and looked inward. She took her time layering the cracks she found. One was almost the entire height of her mental wall, so she spent extra time reinforcing that section. When done, she opened her small communication passageway and projected out in Ryven's direction. I'm done. Will you answer some questions now? Or am I supposed to merely lay here and admire you reading a book?


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